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Switching From Ativan to Valium and Need Advice.


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Hello everyone,

I recently tapered off of .5mg of Ativan X2 a day to nothing over a month and a half time period (I tried to follow something similar to the Ashton manual). I was 4 days clean and the WDs were absolutely devastating! I could list the endless amount of WDs that I was experiencing, but you all know what I am talking about. After the internal torture and hell I called my doctor (the same one who prescribed me Ativan for 10 months).  He suggested that we switch over the 5mg of Valium X2 a day and 25mg of Seroquel and that we follow a tapering method through the less potent Valium. I have been on these for 3 days and feel very average. I have browsed BB for the past 2 months but haven't posted, but feel like I am ready to be part of an internet community that has helped so many people to heal. I am sure a lot of you have made a similar switch from a potent benzo like ativan or xanax, to valium. In your guys experience was it a fairly seemless transition, or were there WD symptoms that were still present? I am torn on how to recover. Also out of curiosity have any of you checked yourself into a Benzo rehab center? I have been really close, but my wife feels like she couldn't let me check myself in and that she couldn't live peacefully knowing I was suffering a a "psych facility", and my doctor tends to think it would be more damaging than good because my amazing support system would be absent. I would appreciate any replies, my amazing support system doesn't understand how I can spend so much time on the internet, but in a weird way I find relief in knowing that I am not the only one suffering from Benzo WD hell, and find comfort that people are going through this or have beaten it and can offer advice. 


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Wow, that was a pretty rapid taper, I'm sorry it hit you so hard but you were wise to reinstate so quickly and re-evaluate.  

First, listen to your wife and doctor, I walked out of detox the same day I walked in, benzo's aren't the same as other drugs or alcohol.  The facilities can get you safely off the drug in record time but you're then sent home to suffer through recovery.  The best we've found is a symptom based taper, let your body tell you when its ready to reduce again.  Good record keeping and attention to symptoms and their severity are key and with your strong support system, you're in the best place right at home. 

I would think twice about Seroquel, its tricky adding new medications when our central nervous system is so sensitive, then of course there are side effects and having to taper off another drug to consider.  If you can find a comfortable taper method and speed, you may be able to forgo adjunct medications which can help one but hurt another. 

Have you noticed any sedation with the Valium?

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Thank you for your reply. I really need some support right now, and at this point it’s nice to hear from anybody. I honestly feel mild relief with the Valium compared to the few days I was off Ativan. The symptoms that have subsided are mild intrusive thoughts that have come down from extreme suicidal ideation a slight reduce in anxiety, but not much. It’s been really hard. As far as the seroquel goes I have 4 more 25mg pills left to help me sleep and then I’m out so I’m hoping that’s not much of an issue. Thanks for the response pamster I really need it!!

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It will take you a while to feel the full effects of the Valium and recover from the rapid Ativan cuts. Like @[Pa...] said, detox facilities here don't have a good reputation when it comes to helping us. Your best bet would be to take it easy, recover from what has happened and do this by yourself. It's a very traumatic experience you've had but you're going to be okay, it just takes time. 

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  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hope you’re doing well friend!


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