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Anyone have allergy to all medication after withdrawl


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Seem to have a number of allergic reactions to all differnt medications....chemical products, makeup ,,, everything

Anyone else ?

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Yup.  That describes me completely.  I can’t even have bread with yeast because of the trace alcohol in it.  I cant have tylenol.  I can’t have most vitamins.  I cant have anything at all with vanilla extract even if it is ‘cooked out.’


I also can’t use many skin creams, retinol, some shampoos.


Hoping this will all go away in time.  I have read that many folks recover from this.  Just hoping it is sooner than later.

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Really unbelievable, I have had two procedures and have gotten hives and bad reaction from medication that I was never allergic to , don’t know what to take and am scared to even go to dentist .


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Not all but many. I can still take Zyrtec, Advil/Tylenol. 


Anything pscycho/neuroactive is off limits though.  Bad reaction to everything I’ve tried.

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Yes. I'm having paradoxical reaction to medications big time, I was experiencing this during my long taper and it is amplified now since I jumped 46 days ago.  I WISH there were something I could take that would relieve the physical pain and help the insomnia and anxiety...but there is nothing that works.


I have always been reactive to chemicals and certain foods.  Since jumping off diazepam 46 days ago, I can smell most everything very acutely and it makes me sick, my eyes burn from synthetic fragrances and chemical odors, and my taste is highly sensitized, salt is overbearing and I taste it in everything. Same can happen with sugar/sweet/spicy.

My skin is also very sensitive to hives and itches.  Floaters come and go and can be triggered by chemicals in the air.

I just bought a new car before I jumped and I can hardly stand riding in it due to the new car smell (rubber and carpet fumes).

This is all so intense and uncomfortable, and there is no escape.  I feel like I am assaulted by everything, my senses are out of control.

Everything smells...even can smell dust and dirt in the air.  Crazy.


Also, as of late, I cannot eat anything without having it repeat on me.  Damn it!

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Didn’t finish my first post.  Yes, I have bad reactions to many medications, vitamins and supplements.  Like I said, it’s typically the neuroactive ones that get me. 


Bad reaction vitamin/supplement list:





Vitamin B vitamins

Vitamin D

Fish Oil




I can take vitamin C.  I can take osmotic laxatives live docusate and Miralax.  I can take Zyrtec and Allegra. 


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Sorry that everyone is going thru this but I suspect it had something to do with my tapper . I have been off ativan for 2 years and it’s still affecting me in some way .

I wonder what it does to your body when you come off , if there is a chemical change that does something to your auto immune system making you sensitive to drugs , chemicals , smells , everything

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It just cause it to go spastic I guess since the nerve signals and hormone production is all disregulated.  That is an oversimplified and over generalized statement, I know. 


I wish we all were staying at a healing retreat center and could meet in a group setting several times a day while we were having nourishing meals prepared for us and healing treatments available to receive.


Wouldn't a healing residential center be awesome for  folks getting through a medication induced brain injury?  I would spend all of my savings right now if there was something available...that is how desperate I am to be in a supportive In-person "rehab/retreat" center for this, rather than be alone.


We would not have to prove ourselves to anyone who doesn't get this, or convince them..we all would know one another's struggle and would be able to be there during the healing.  That would be so healing in and of itself.

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