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Head Symptom Question


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My head pressure is relentless at 6+ months off. Question-when I move positions or stand up it squeezes even harder. BP is normal. Does that happen to anyone else? It's freaking me out to get up to use the bathroom during the night and it's already bad but intensifies greatly.
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Hang in there! I'm seeing some windows with the head stuff. It gets better for a while and then it hits again. But this is a change. It never used to get better at all. Any change is a good thing I feel.  :smitten:
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Thank you both and I'll check that out. HI JELLY BABY! Such a pain...isn't it? Sooooo glad you are seeing windows with it. It's not bad for me right now so that's good but it's been intense. I have the POTS like symptoms too so if I stand up the pressure intensifies by a TON and it doesn't even seem related to BP for me. WTH knows.
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