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Signing off -- too ill to type or engage anymore


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I wanted to let everyone know that I have become too ill from the akathisia to type or engage on this forum. Not sure what is ahead for me. I have buddies on here who can update everyone on my condition. I do not want to just be a number here who disappears and nobody knows where they have gone. Please tell my story if it needs to be told and I am unable to tell it. Lots of love to all of you.
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So sorry you are suffering to this extent Rebecca. If only there was a way to time travel, you could look ahead and see yourself living your best life in the future, we just don’t know when.

Your best life will be well worth hanging on for. Improvement could happen any time.

Hardy x

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I wish you the very best Rebecca! YOU ARE SO STRONG!!! I admire you! I hope you get better soon! You deserved it so much! We are always there for you! Remember every withdrawal will end somewhen! And here's many buddies (me included) who made it through the horror and terror of akasthisia! So will you! Sometimes it ends from one day to another... or at least becomes intermittend before it disappears forever! You will make it Rebecca! You are one of the strongest buddies I met on the forum! Please take good care of you!
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Hi Rebecca


You’re not expected to always feel up to typing or engaging on the forum. Just try not to lose yourself (hope) in this ‘now’ moment as if it were each and every ‘now’ moment to come. I know you must be feeling so terribly defeated right now to write such a post, but it is only representative of the very moment you wrote it in, not how you will necessarily feel tomorrow or the next day. Your level of suffering is always in a constant state of flux, some days worse than others, even though those slight shifts can be very difficult to detect and track. Hope may wane or seem to disappear altogether at times, but there’s always a flicker, it’s never completely extinguished, time just gives that impression… what is gone in one moment, rises again in the next. Just keep taking it one moment at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, until you turn that inevitable corner in to the light. It could very well be around the next corner, and you DO NOT want to miss that!


Everyone here is behind you 100%, and although none of us can know your particular experience, many of us understand that there are those periods where we feel so worn down or broken that we are just completely unable to participate…, not just on the forum, but in life in general. But, ‘what you do’ has absolutely nothing to do with ‘who you are’ as a soulful being. It’s difficult enough not being able to participate in life, without going and falling into that ridiculous trap of feeling worthless because of it. It’s all just an illusion, a societal conditioned mental structure.


You will recover, and you will appreciate life so much more than you ever did before.


The light will return, Rebecca, and possibly much sooner than your present fear will allow you to imagine.  :hug:

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