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I'm so sorry you feel so bad. In my case, the intrusive thoughts began to improve along with other mental symptoms at 14 months. Then I only had them in the waves.


Just as your physical symptoms improved, your mental ones will also improve.


I know what you mean about vivid dreams and intrusive thoughts, they are so real that you doubt everything.


Another strange thing about abstinence is torturous memories over and over again, what you did, what they did to you, any event in your previous life magnifies it and repeats it to you a thousand times.


Any kind of distraction helps, although I know it's not easy.


It helped me to repeat to myself that none of this was real, that as soon as I had a window or an improvement, I was going to realize it, I also told me to bear it as much as you can, this is temporary and things like that.


Survive until you get better and do what you can to get through the day.


Wishing that a window will come soon and you can feel better



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