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How long do I hold?


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Last week I had some very intense symptoms, which have now mostly subsided after I updosed, thank god. I have been on that amount for 8 days. I still haven't found a psychiatrist to refill my meds, my current one is forcing me off. I have a meeting with my primary care person on tuesday but my therapist says she is pretty conservative with medication. So I am still on the lookout to find someone who will be compassionate to a slow taper, or a taper at all. This is making me anxious as I have been tapering quickly to no longer have to deal with psychiatry or pharmaceuticals at all. I know I should keep tapering slowly but I would like more opinions or suggestions. Thank you!
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Hi Breeze4!

I was in the same dose and I had to updose too. Mine was a long taper (1 year) but it was after reinstatment so its no the same thing.

Symptoms for me started after crossing 0.170 but I kept pushing. They were mostly high anxiety with chest pressure and insomnia. Then at 0.120 they became really bad and although I hold it for almost a month they were continiued too bad. So I decided to switch back to pills and updose to .375 mg. I tried .250 but didn't work either. So to keep my job and be able to sleep that was the number and seems to work so far. Still not out of the woods bur better. I feel different after the updose. I guess I have to wait till get stable. In my case it was the PD that told me to updose. 

Sorry you can't find a doctor to keep you trying the slow taper. At this doses you have to do it really slow and stable to continue the taper. This is crusial!!!

What was the value you updosed to if I may ask?

Are your symptoms mental or physical?



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