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Started new taper Valium 5mg, 17 years of prn/nightly use


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Hello Buddies,

  I began following this forum a little over a year ago. I’ve been on diazepam 5mg as needed since 2006. I typically only took it at night, and not every night.  I suffer from PTSD with generalized anxiety with panic attacks and agoraphobia. My use increased in 2019 after the illness and death of my husband of 33 years. I used sometimes 10mg at night, sometimes 5mg and sometimes 2.5mg during this time period of about a year. I had many life changes: job changes, moves, financial devastation. I was doing a little better in 2020, after moving in with my daughter and son-in-law, then Covid hit. We are all health care workers, so much stress again. Eventually, I got a better job, rented my own place and now have a wonderful life partner.  I joined this forum last year and attempted a slow taper, but was not slow enough. I started having blood pressure problems (I have a long history of hypertension that was controlled with the same medication and dose since 1997), increased anxiety and dizziness. I resumed taking the diazepam most nights at 5mg. I seen my doctor and my blood pressure medication was increased and is finally well controlled again. I started another taper 3 weeks ago. This time I’m going much slower and I’m thinking it will take me a couple of years or so instead of just months as I originally planned. I will let my body direct my plan and adjust as I can. I’m currently taking 5mg five nights a week and 3.75 mg twice a week. I plan to hold for 4-8 weeks this time. Thank you for all of the wisdom and support. God bless us all on our journey to freedom and peace without benzos.


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You’ve had a great many challenges recently but it looks like things have settled and you’re ready to do this.  I’m very sorry about your husband but happy to know you’ve found someone who makes you happy.


I have a question about your taper plan, we typically see members take the same amount every day, it there a reason why you’re reducing to 3.75 twice a week?  I believe you can get away with this because you’re on Valium but someone on a shorter acting drug would most likely face symptoms because their blood serum levels wouldn’t be constant.  I just want to make sure that when you get lower in dose, you don’t keep eliminating these two doses, its better to keep a steady level of the drug in your system. 

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I only have 5mg tabs. I cut them in halves and in quarters. They crumble if I try to divide them further. My plan is to stick with current regimen for 4-8 weeks and then change to 5mg four times a week & 3.75mg three times a week. I’m planning to not decrease further with each cut for 4-8 weeks ( or longer if my body dictates). When I get to 3.75mg per day, I’ll try to stay for at least 8 weeks and then go to 3.75 six days & 2.5 for 1 day per week for 4-8 weeks & so on. When I’m stable with the 2.5mg per day, I’m hoping to ask my doctor for 2mg tablets to continue with easier lower dose taper. I’m up for suggestions for how else I may be able to taper with what I have. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words!
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I have been tapering from 5mg tablets as well. Using scale and knife a messuring each dose into capsules. I would recomend to think about buying a scale. To be more precise especially with small doses. I am down to 0,72 mg daily (in two doses). I wouldn ´t be able to cut tablets properly without weighting them. Small doses are more problematic to taper and after your long Valium history it will be long journey… so the scale is worth the investition.

Fingers crossed. Katerina

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