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Agoraphobia trauma


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Hey guys, i don’t remember if my my last dose was July 12 or June, so I’m either 11-12 months off my last dose. I’ve been really struggling with agoraphobia and some mental issues that come along with that. I feel like I’ve made no progress. I’m scared to drive places alone, scared to go out in the world, scared to leave my home. When I’m out, everything just feels… different and wrong. I feel like I’m trapped in a weird mental state when outside my home. I don’t know how to describe it, it just feels like something is off. I feel like my mind isn’t clear and I can’t see well and the world isn’t real.


I also feel like I have a lot of PTSD and trauma from my anxiety. I just feel a constant state of dread whenever I leave the house.


Why do I still feel this way? I feel like I’ll never recover from the trauma and the torture I endured, and I feel permanently scarred from my experiences

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Gosh, it sounds hard, and I kinda get it, being housebound because of a chronic illness and hardly leaving the house.

When you said the world doesn't feel real, I get that feeling too when I go somewhere.  Colors seem fake.


I've heard of people with agoraphobia taking very small steps and setting small goals each day. 

But maybe it will just come in time; hopefully someone with more experience will comment.


I'm happy for you for being off benzos for almost a year.  :balloon:

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It is a rather unpleasant symptom because it limits you. I remember having to go to the supermarket to buy food and it was quite a challenge. Besides, I thought everyone was realizing. Even hearing my own voice if I had to interact with someone sounded weird.


As the months go by and you recover, it will be a symptom that will appear in moments of stress but it will not be 24/7.


Give it time, it improves and when it does you will see yourself having conversations and enjoying yourself.

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