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Has anyone else had this? Muscle related


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The muscles in my entire body - legs, stomach, back, head - are going absolutely bonkers.  I am a little over 8 months off.  This is all started the last couple weeks of my taper but was taken to a completely new level around Month 5/6 and has been raging since. 


The best way I can describe it is just absurd, unimaginable muscle tension.  Like nothing I experienced at anything in my prior 43 years of life.  Like my entire body is just getting squeezed, or like it’s expanding and wants to escape its skin.  Stretching/massage is pointless.  It’s so widespread and beyond the point of probably anything normally seen in medicine.  I wouldn’t call it painful per se, but it is just crazy, crazy tension and it’s incredibly uncomfortable.  And any sort of physical activity exacerbates it so I just have to lay on the couch for the most part.  It particularly sucks when it gets into my head bad because I can’t think.


Anyway, it comes and goes in severity but is probably at its highest peak ever today.  Anyone else have this?  Or should I just chalk this up to another symptom of benzo damage that is impossible to describe to other humans because the vocabulary doesn’t exist?



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Yes, yes and more yes. I wish I had advice and am experiencing this at 6 months off tomorrow and have been since tapering.


If I do any activity it revs it up. Earlier I did the recumbent bike slowly and symptoms exploded after. Sooooo much all over tension, including my head, as I drove to get my daughter from camp. I feel like I'm being squeezed everywhere; in my brain and so much tension all over.


I'm sorry...I really feel for you.

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Pretty typical benzo wd symptom.


That being said, it’s happening after COVID and even the vaccines too.


So could be multi factorial ??


If not that, then benzo for sure.


Look at increasing water and electrolytes etc.

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Pretty typical benzo wd symptom.


That being said, it’s happening after COVID and even the vaccines too.


So could be multi factorial ??


If not that, then benzo for sure.


Look at increasing water and electrolytes etc.


I did get COVID in January but it started before then.  I drink tons of water. 

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Yes, yes and more yes. I wish I had advice and am experiencing this at 6 months off tomorrow and have been since tapering.


If I do any activity it revs it up. Earlier I did the recumbent bike slowly and symptoms exploded after. Sooooo much all over tension, including my head, as I drove to get my daughter from camp. I feel like I'm being squeezed everywhere; in my brain and so much tension all over.


I'm sorry...I really feel for you.


Thanks.  Good to know I’m not alone.  Yesterday, I went to an open house next to the house I grew up in, walked the 100 yards there and back to/from the pool in my condo community, and then went to the grocery store and everything just exploded afterwards.  That’s a lot of activity for me in one day. Y the way.  Some days I can do that with only minor problems but some days my body freaks out and it takes a day or two to get back to where it was.


This is just so bizarre.  I have an appointment with a neurologist next week but I know she won’t be any help and will look at me like I’m crazy.  I’m sure she’ll tell me to ride a bike slowly like you did or something else dumb that will only rev things up.  There is no existing health condition that can make a seemingly healthy person feel like every muscle in his body is exploding after walking a few hundred yards in a three hour time frame. 

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I haven't related to a post as much as this one in a long time.


Along with the extreme tension comes the internal vibrations as well for me. Ugh. Hang in there. We shall get there.

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yes I had and am still having this to a lesser degree . But it started in taper . From 1 mg to .50.  I had horrible muscle rigidity which really freaked out since my mother died from ALS and that was one of her symptoms 🤦‍♀️.  I’m in pain management for horrible back and arthritis issues I have EDS also . Anyway I went in for trigger point injections for my back and neck and usually get some relief. Not with this 🤦‍♀️. And it lasted for a year.  I now have neuropathy issues that I’m told are permanent. I have been off my  kolonopin since Jan 4 th.  I still have some of the bad muscle tension and lay with a heating pad often . I go for trigger point massages that have recently given me relief but for a good 9 months didn’t.  I hope your issues resolve or lessen soon cuz it’s horribly painful . I also supplement with a magnesium complex at bedtime, which helps with sleep and muscle spasms for me anyways .
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At what point do you know if this is benzo related or another condition? Given all my other symptoms that fit the benzo profile to a T, I’m 99.9% sure it’s benzo related. 


I’m going to the neurologist next week just to rule out anything like ALS, MS and stiff person syndrome out.  I have plenty of muscle strength though which is why I don’t think it could possibly be the other conditions. I just don’t want to have to fork over a ton of money for an MRI or whatever.

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At what point do you know if this is benzo related or another condition? Given all my other symptoms that fit the benzo profile to a T, I’m 99.9% sure it’s benzo related. 


I’m going to the neurologist next week just to rule out anything like ALS, MS and stiff person syndrome out.  I have plenty of muscle strength though which is why I don’t think it could possibly be the other conditions. I just don’t want to have to fork over a ton of money for an MRI or whatever.

I went to nuero, I went to infectious disease,  rhematologist,  cardiologist, it was my worst symptom but also pain,  and I also stupidly worked out with it the whole time and it became very painful

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I’m glad it’s going away for you Foxclover. 


Working out right now is a death wish. 


I wouldn’t call my condition painful really.  It’s just ridiculous muscle tension where my the inside of my body feels like it wants to escape.  Or like air bubbles expanding in my muscles.  It’s basically as much discomfort one could handle without something crossing into the realm of pain.  So far it’s only been significantly painful a few times. 

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Yes djej2010 - I’m about 11 months off of Temazepam and still experiencing extreme muscle pain. It’s lessened up over the months, but was really bad the first 4-5 months off. And it actually began very early on into taking Temazepam, before even considering my taper off.


Rigorous exercise, sugar, caffeine and alcohol are the 4 main triggers for me. Those things increase the tension, which also comes with more intrusive thoughts; which then worsens the tension more. I’ve found by abstaining from those things, getting natural light, hydrating, eating Whole Foods, and coping with therapy to be helpful. I mistakenly had a beer Saturday and a latte and since then I’ve had bad muscle rigidity, paranoia and intrusive thoughts.


You’re not alone! Do what you can but don’t go too hard on physical activity. Hopeful that it will continue getting better for both of us and this living hell makes us stronger on the other side of healing!

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Thanks.  I actually got a good break yesterday but it came back somewhat after I walked to the pool in my little community here.  That’s only like 50-60 yards away. And the tension is raging this morning.  This is so stupid. 


What’s weird is yesterday, after 4-5 days of nonstop extreme tension, over the course of 15 minutes or so, it felt like someone gave me a Xanax/Percocet combo, but it was au naturale.  It was like this cool calm came over me and my muscles relaxed and anxiety fizzled away.  Has anyone else had this?  This has happened to a number of times before after a few days of nonstop anxiety or muscle tension.  It’s like my brain/body has had enough so it finally turns on the GABA.  I guess it’s trying to figure stuff out.

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Djej200 and foxclover



Do you also feel like your muscles are made of concrete?

It is terrible


I have a bulls back now .

So huge are the muscles

All is stiff even my fore arms and fingers 24.7

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And for me it never lets go. Not even 1 minute beside 2 moments in the past


Also my mouth is all the time open


My arms and hands feel like concrete cannot use them,


I don’t want to be triggering but it’s like this since March 2022 and if it’s not improving I have to seriously consider euthanasia


The pain is NEVER letting go.

Not with laying down

Cant do anything beside enduring a torture hell

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My body feels like it’s about to explode today.  I took my daughter to the mall yesterday, which was sort of harrowing experience in and of itself, but the muscle tension erupted afterwards from that walking.  I’m still dying 24 hours later. 


I’m seeing a neurologist about this tomorrow.  May give in to taking a non-GABA muscle relaxer for when this gets really unbearable. 

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I so hear you Djej2010. I just vacuumed and sat down but all of the sudden...the inner tension starts to feel like I'm going to explode out of my body. Crazy stuff BUT we are both still considered "early" off by many so let's hope soon we feel some lessening.
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Muscle tension and pain/burning has been my most persistent and debilitating symptom.  I am now 33 months off and still having serious muscle pain mostly in my lower back and RHS of my body.  There are some days when it is not as bad but the severe pain always returns.


Wishing us all relief.

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Is also dystonia for you?

I am suffering so bad with the muscles I am bedridden from it.

Even standing up walking to my kitchen makes my back arch and my complete body locking up.

I see you have this 33 months now is it also making you disabled

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Did your muscles feel like concrete?



Do you feel pulling everywhere too?

I am thinking about getting Botox for the muscles .


But ofcourse I am also afraid of Botox


We have to keep on going

But how can we

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I have been to doctors but have not been diagnosed with dystonia.  Although I do have some severe muscle pain at times, many times I can experience  a very bad burning sensation in the same body areas as the muscle pain.  Hard to describe the sensation, but it does not make my muscles contract and it is very painful and constant.  Other days that burning sensation is virtually gone. 


The pain/burning is virtually always on my RHS (this has been the case for nearly all of my withdrawal).  I have read posts from other members saying that their pain can also be on one side of their body so I am convinced that this is part of the recovery.


I also thought of Botox but I think that it would take so much because so much of my body is affected. I doubt any doctor would inject my lower back, side, buttocks etc all at once.  I am not even sure it would work.


I force myself to get up and walk virtually every day.  Can be very hard and painful but I got to keep myself moving.  I used to go swimming (gentle swimming - more like floating rather than swimming) which helped a lot initially and then it didn't help as much so I stopped.  I am trying to ride a bike now too which can be OK some days but other days it is awful.  This past few days my walking has been a lot better so I guess I am in a window.  Not sure how long it will last though.


Hope you feel some relief soon.



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The best way I can describe it is just absurd, unimaginable muscle tension.  Like nothing I experienced at anything in my prior 43 years of life.  Like my entire body is just getting squeezed, or like it’s expanding and wants to escape its skin.  Stretching/massage is pointless.  It’s so widespread and beyond the point of probably anything normally seen in medicine.  I wouldn’t call it painful per se, but it is just crazy, crazy tension and it’s incredibly uncomfortable.  And any sort of physical activity exacerbates it so I just have to lay on the couch for the most part.  It particularly sucks when it gets into my head bad because I can’t think.



I'm just 2 weeks past 3 months of last klonopin.  I have the same thing but it is so painful and burns.

Can't take much more of this. It seems to be worse in the evening. 

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The best way I can describe it is just absurd, unimaginable muscle tension.  Like nothing I experienced at anything in my prior 43 years of life.  Like my entire body is just getting squeezed, or like it’s expanding and wants to escape its skin.  Stretching/massage is pointless.  It’s so widespread and beyond the point of probably anything normally seen in medicine.  I wouldn’t call it painful per se, but it is just crazy, crazy tension and it’s incredibly uncomfortable.  And any sort of physical activity exacerbates it so I just have to lay on the couch for the most part.  It particularly sucks when it gets into my head bad because I can’t think.



I'm just 2 weeks past 3 months of last klonopin.  I have the same thing but it is so painful and burns.

Can't take much more of this. It seems to be worse in the evening.


I’m sorry to hear that.  This isn’t fun. 


Knock on wood but thankfully the pain hasn’t been terrible yet.  Mostly mild to moderate.  More like significant soreness and sometimes a slight burning.  Not spasm type pain. 


I know for a fact all these muscle problems are largely responsible for my severe fatigue. 


I do get severe head pain that is freaking awful and largely immune to Advil and Tylenol.  Pretty sure that’s muscle related and it’s quite unbearable.

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My heart goes out to all of us.  I have the muscle weakness, rigidity and pain.  Also my joints flare up.

I too, am now immune to OTC pain relievers like Advil and Tylenol.


As of late, I've been getting abdominal twisting and aching, and neck pain, rib cage pain that comes with numb patches and pins/needles and twitching.  What fun.

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