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Strange feeling of vision fading and narrowing and feeling of fainting?


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Hello all.  I was at a farmers market yesterday and had a very strange sensation of my vision fading to black and a feeling that I was passing out.  My husband noticed that I seemed spaced out.  I have been having some severe neck pain and head pressure, but was still able to function.  I called my GP immediately and he had me check my BP and had me use my Kardia to see if I was having any heart issues such as Afib….had this in the past which I had a cardio ablation for.  Both tests normal.  He was not sure what to think, but said it could have come from dehydration or turning my head too quickly?  Have had numerous MRI’s to rule out the really serious things!


Has anyone ever had this awful symptom or experience?


Pretty scary!!!



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I have had this before, for me it is a combo of blood pressure, moving and getting up too fast. It's scary and happens quick but if you lay down on a cold surface it helps. It should pass with time, water, laying down, heat and I took a tylenol.

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Oh my gosh, Kanoba, I did not know you had experienced this awful symptom!  It is really scary to experience and my husband found it very scary to witness!


We came home within five minutes of it happening and I took my BP and checked for any heart blips, and all was fine.  The only other thing I can think of is these two things that happened right before the incident:


When I went to pay for my food I dropped some cash and bent over to retrieve it.  I felt a little light headed then.


Secondly, my neck was really tight and sore, but while eating outside I had looked up to see some birds nesting in a flower vine.  It was at that point that the strange narrowing of my vision and out of body experience occurred!  I wonder if the tightness of my neck caused a slight disconnect from my neck to my brain?


Thank you for weighing in my dear buddy friend.  How is your head pressure at the present time?  When do you leave for your trip to Oregon?


Biggest hugs,



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I get this every single day!


I’ll write more later, as I’m having a bad day, but allergies, pollen, smoke, heat, dehydration, low blood sugar, high blood sugar the list goes on.


All of these irritants I find can make my neck tight, which leads to Cutting off a nerve/blood supply issue too.


So many things it could be GG


Make sure you are taking enough electrolytes with your water etc.


When you stand up is your HR high?




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Oh GG, how awful for you & frightening for you &  Hubby, I have never had anything like that, the closest I've come is dizziness which is still affecting my balance.  I hope that this has passed & that you are feeling much better.  Hugs, Spazzie & Emmie
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I have alot,  and it's didn't than light headed, it would be like I was about to go blind and pass out. Very scary
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Hi all,


I get the feeling of not enough oxygen getting to my brain, like I’m about to pass out, followed by the palpitations, increased heart rate, increased BP, chest tightness, hot/cold sensations all over my body, etc…


I am 2.5 years out from jump, and it’s been happening more in the last 6 months… didn’t really experience this in the first 2 years… it occurs almost daily, not sure why…


Had all the heart tests u can imagine… CT/MRI of brain, chest & abdomen…all perfect.


I am assuming it’s all withdrawal related… still very scary though…



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