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I really don't want to take morphine - please help weigh pros/cons


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I don't think like that....people are "hijacking" a thread. This is all conversation to me but thanks for being considerate.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: The akathisia has increased and has been so excruciating. I tried a "bridge" dose of 4mg morphine again tonight to try to get some relief and it only reduced suffering by 10 percent and then wore off within an hour and a half or so. Basically stopped the movement but didn't make me tired or anything like that.







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Damn it! I am so sorry for you, Rebecca! I hoped so much you would find relief with the morphine!!! Is 4mg a high dose? Is there any alternative in other opioids that might help you with akasthisia?


I told you before in your other thread that I was offered "Biperiden" an anti parkison's med by one of my doctors (who had a knack for addictive substances... what an idiot...) I don't know if that one is sort of a psych med or rather not... I think it's not a classical psych med. It's an anticholinergic used for Parkinson's and somtimes also given to patients who sufffer from AP induced Akathisia... but it's addictive,  too and has some side effects to take care of... I do not know anything about it's withdrawals... but I think I heard of some buddies here on the forum taking it.


I do understand very well that you feel forced to try other medications to help you with this hellish and terrifying condition. I chose that path, too, when I was in the thick of my super super bad Lyrica withdrawal (after 7 weeks use) so I got dependant on the Benzos... for me Benzo withdrawal was much easier than Lyrica withdrawal... So I guess it was worth it ... though the benzos were not of too much help...but maybe helped me survive this bad Lyricawithdrawal, somehow... but I was far, very very far away from feeling good or close to good....last year on the benzos in Lyrica Withdrawal.... I have been sick now with all of these meds for 1 and 1/2 years!


But watch out to not upset your System with trying too much medication...I think mine was upset, too, cause I tried to much.

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I'm just going to chime in here in case my experience helps.


I had a painful tailbone injury during my benzo taper that would not respond to anything. (I have previously taken morphine for back surgery and  it makes me vomit, so no morphine). My doc and I tried several opiates . . . none of which gave me relief. And all 3 we tried had severe s/x. Anyhow I was talking to him one day about pain relief and HE suggested indica marijuana. Several of his pain patients were using it successfully. He signed my app for a MM card (in those days in OR that was the only way you could buy it) I did a little research, identified a strain that might be helpful, and went to the dispensary. It was a miracle. I vaped it . . . and after a few puffs, my pain was gone. Of course, I was non-functional (loopy . . . spacey in my head . . . eventual couch lock), but just the fact that the pain disappeared for several hours was wonderful. I used it for a couple of years . . . learned how to plan for the times I would be non-functional and the times I needed to work etc.


So . . .if you're interested (my pain condition has since gone away) I can suggest strains of indica-only mj. I'm not  advocating for it . . . just letting you know what helped me.


Best to you, Rebecca.



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Thank you, Katz. I tried a CBD gummy with 5% THC and had an acute dystonic episode. So I am concerned about MJ. I wish I could smoke it. I would rather take that over prescription drugs.
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Thank you, Katz. I tried a CBD gummy with 5% THC and had an acute dystonic episode. So I am concerned about MJ. I wish I could smoke it. I would rather take that over prescription drugs.


I don't know if this will help, but just in case, my daughter has a lot of experience using marijuana medically for a special needs child. For us it's life or death, because the special needs child is very fragile. When he was first diagnosed with migrating siezures the doctors did what is the standard in his case: they overmedicated and tried to push a G-tube; a tube inserted into his stomach so he could be more easily fed. These little ones have trouble swallowing. My daughter figured out that the reason most of these babies died early was because they weren't swallowing, and being overmedicated meant they slept most of the time anyway. She went a different route. Her little one is four now. He's alive, alert and swallowing. She has a number of natural remedies she's sussed out. The most well-thought-of expert in the United States interviewed her and was amazed at the four-year-old's abilities. Which actually isn't a whole lot, but a far cry from others with his mutation.


I tell you this just so that you have some background. Right now, most of the strains used are Sativa. Gummies are almost always Sativa and it's excitatory. In California they're having trouble with Sativa strains with a surprising uptick in panic attacks across all So Cal counties, because the strain does not relax; it excites. On the other end of the spectrum, Indica is extremely calming. My daughter uses Indica for her little one's 'bedtime cocktail'. It took some trial and error to find out what would help keep the siezures at bay. It works very, very well and he is ultra-sensitive. He lives with dystonia and seizures, but by the grace of God she's been able to address all of his daily issues via almost 100% natural means.


I don't know if this helps, but I've read so many of your posts and have this longing to hear that somehow you've found things to help. I'm sure you're gun-shy, but in case you want to try Indica, here is a reason to! (I've read its nickname is 'In da couch' because it's so relaxing.)


Take care R29!!

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Thank you, Katz. I tried a CBD gummy with 5% THC and had an acute dystonic episode. So I am concerned about MJ. I wish I could smoke it. I would rather take that over prescription drugs.


I don't know if this will help, but just in case, my daughter has a lot of experience using marijuana medically for a special needs child. For us it's life or death, because the special needs child is very fragile. When he was first diagnosed with migrating siezures the doctors did what is the standard in his case: they overmedicated and tried to push a G-tube; a tube inserted into his stomach so he could be more easily fed. These little ones have trouble swallowing. My daughter figured out that the reason most of these babies died early was because they weren't swallowing, and being overmedicated meant they slept most of the time anyway. She went a different route. Her little one is four now. He's alive, alert and swallowing. She has a number of natural remedies she's sussed out. The most well-thought-of expert in the United States interviewed her and was amazed at the four-year-old's abilities. Which actually isn't a whole lot, but a far cry from others with his mutation.


I tell you this just so that you have some background. Right now, most of the strains used are Sativa. Gummies are almost always Sativa and it's excitatory. In California they're having trouble with Sativa strains with a surprising uptick in panic attacks across all So Cal counties, because the strain does not relax; it excites. On the other end of the spectrum, Indica is extremely calming. My daughter uses Indica for her little one's 'bedtime cocktail'. It took some trial and error to find out what would help keep the siezures at bay. It works very, very well and he is ultra-sensitive. He lives with dystonia and seizures, but by the grace of God she's been able to address all of his daily issues via almost 100% natural means.


I don't know if this helps, but I've read so many of your posts and have this longing to hear that somehow you've found things to help. I'm sure you're gun-shy, but in case you want to try Indica, here is a reason to! (I've read its nickname is 'In da couch' because it's so relaxing.)


Take care R29!!


Thank you for your kindness. The gummy I tried was for sleep so I think it must have had indica in it. It also had CBN.

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I just re-read that you had an acute dystonic episode. I'm so, so sorry! I know how awful that is.


Unfortunately the gummy you had for calming almost certainly had Sativa. Almost all gummies do, even for sleep.


I searched and searched and finally found one brand of gummies with Indica. It's weirdly rare. My daughter had to return several of the sleep aids because they all had Sativa and caused seizures.


Anyway. Just for your back pocket!



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