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I’m back, have been off the group for a while. Made a huge step this week


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My last post was a while ago. I had gone from using 0.5 Xanax sometimes a couple times a week. Daily I was taking 0.25 mg, for the past 10 years. Never went any higher from that dosage.

Stopping the extra 0.5 mg was easy without any noticeable withdrawal. I was stuck on the mental aspect though, and could not get past taking 0.25 every morning. I have been working with a therapist for a year doing EMDR therapy. For me, it’s like a form of Hypnosis to disengage from things that no longer serve you.

He told me to just cut the 0.25 mg dose in half and start with that. For a couple weeks I pondered all the things that “might happen“. Anxiety, withdrawal, and was too afraid to do it.… But somehow I took the leap and did it yesterday. I got through the entire day without any noticeable withdrawal, and felt just fine. This is so huge for me, my therapist feels at this point all that is left is the mental aspect.

I’m excited to have gotten to this point, never thought I would! I credit so much to my therapist, as well as my Sensei at the Karate Dojo, who has taught me so much about mental discipline.

Any pointers would be wonderful, ready to put years of dependency behind me.



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That was a huge leap of faith, congratulations, its tough to get past that mental hurdle but you did it!  How do you feel today?
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