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Crying is so negative to me - upbringing and such


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Over three years of tapering, I found the worst expression of symptoms for me is crying.  You now, the panic attack kind of crying; lots of sobbing, pain, exhaustion, snot, etc.  I was raised where crying was not much tolerated, so for me when I get to the point of crying I literally feel insane.  Yet, apparently withdrawals contain a boat load of tears.  Ugh.  I handle the other side effects such as nauseousness, heart palpitations, vertigo etc so much better than anxiety crying. 


Just my musings today, as I have cut down to .45 of Ativan and have been off/on again crying for a few days now.





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I’m so sorry you have the crying spells too…. Really common in this but it’s so hard. Especially for us females that have our cycles that for some, get really out of whack and make the emotional symptoms even harder. I get super uncontrollable crying some months before my pd and now around ovulation. I try to remind myself this kind of crying won’t be happening after all this is all finished with and brain regulates again….I’m

Hopeful you get a break too. It can be so so draining. I’ve cried more in last 3yrs than in 40th s combined!


Hang in there and awesome job getting down to .35mg!!!! Keep persevering and know you’ll be able to make it to the finish line. Hugs.

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I cried buckets during taper and the next year, real heaving sobs but now at 15 months off I am no longer tearful and I find myself singing through my daily chores. It’s a magical change when it happens.

I thought it would be years before I felt better because of how long I’d been on the pills but not so.

Hang in there, recovery could be sooner than you think.

Hardy x

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