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Dr. David Healy - Raising Awareness of Inappropriate or Harmful Deprescribing Practices ×

On a benzo daily since 2009


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Information about me:

1-Prescribing doctor no longer with my dr's office. The new dr who took my prior drs place wanted to take me off my meds without any conversation of taper. Wanted to change me to another anxiety drug for anxiety. Suggested Buspirone and told me that I could not longer get my current medication b/c of risk of dimentia. I refused the suggestion of the new drug and will be seeing a new dr later on this month.

2-Prescribed Xanax (.5) since 2009

3-Have taken this drug since 2009, 3 times a day.

4-3 times a day is my current dose.

5-Not started a taper.

6-Worried of the coming changes b/c I am seeing and hearing how hard it is to come off a benzo. It really scares me that a patient can be dropped from a medication they have been on so long without a blink, especially with possible withdrawal symptoms that may happen to patients.


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Hello Misunderstood2023,


You were wise to refuse the Buspirone, it’s in a different class of medications and cannot be substituted for a benzodiazepine without facing major withdrawal symptoms.  Benzo’s are getting noticed by the medical community, they’re starting to see the danger of these drugs for long term use but instead of helping their patients gently taper off of them, they’re forcing rapid tapers and sometimes cold turkeys, this isn’t in the best interest of their patients.


We can help you taper from the Xanax, we suggest reducing by about 5-10% every couple of weeks or what seems to work better is using your symptoms to guide you, this can hopefully keep you functional.


Xanax can be challenging to taper from but we have many members who have made it work so I have hope for you.


I’ll provide some links to help you get started but please let us know what you need from us.



Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


Ashton Manual symptom list

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Thank you for the reply and the links. I plan to read through the links you sent.  I am already looking through other posts on the forums by others.


I refused the new med, Buspirone, b/c I did not want to go from one problem to another. Plus, I am very, very cautious about any drugs that have "movement disorders" or Tardive dyskinesia as a side effect. I had one drug given to me many, many years ago that gave me acute TD. Luckily, it went away like the doctor said. That drug I could just abruptly stop; it was a mental health drug. I mentioned this experience to my doctor; she did not seem to be concerned saying "well I don't know what amount or mg you were on so........" I told her that I would not be going on any other medication. The push for patients to go on SSRIs is high and doctors act like these don't give problems either.


I know from the resistance I am looking at tapering. I have been following recent lawsuits in the news over Adderall and Xanex, so I wonder if this is the issue too.


In 2017, I tried to cold turkey Xanex.  I had nightmares and would wake up choking. I would have a rush of panic attacks to the point where I was not thinking clearly. I did not realize, even back then, that I could not just stop the meds. I don't ever remember have a convo with any dr about these meds and how hard it was to come off of them. The labeled me with GAD and this drug seemed to work for me. I have never had to raise my amount through the years and have taken it 3 times a day. I can say that I am a shy person, and I don't like to be the center of attention. I have alot of anxiety being around a lot of people. Honestly, I think that I have had anxiety my whole life.


Again, it just worries me about going off the drug. I remember before I had the drug that I could not keep a job. I was taking off a lot of time, and I even lost jobs due to my anxiety and b/c I could not sleep at night. Thus, I could not get up and function. I remember that pre-medicated state, and it scares me. I don't want to lose my current job that I have been at for as long as I have have been on the medication. These are just my worries. Thank you for listening.

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I can see you’re facing a difficult task and not only that, the loss of this medication could possibly disrupt your life in many more ways, I’m so sorry. 


Typically when people show up here, the drug has turned on them meaning they’re reached tolerance and the drug is no longer working for them, which means its working against them.  You’re still benefiting from it so this is not a choice you’re making.


Since you tried to quit cold turkey you know the pain this drug can inflict when we try to discontinue it, tapering can help but this will still be challenging.


I hope you can find a doctor willing to keep you on the Xanax but if you can’t, we’ll help you taper, I just wish this was your choice, being forced to do this isn’t a good way to begin.

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