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Does anyone know how many days it takes for Valium to build up to a stable dose


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Hello dear benzobuddies,


I recently reinstated to 5mg diazepam after spending 5 years protracted (I wrote why on my blog). It was not my original benzo and I'm not familiar with it. Does anyone know how many days it takes for the drug to build up to a stable dose in the brain?


May we all find peace and healing!



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We can’t say definitively because we all metabolize medications differently, others may have more knowledge but generally it may be 3 weeks to a month.


What are you hoping to feel, are you expecting to feel great, as in no symptoms or are you looking for stable which we define as able to perform daily tasks and symptoms have quit changing drastically, they’ve settled a bit.

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When administering a drug at regular intervals or a constant amount (such as an infusion), the drug achieves a given steady-state concentration after approximately 4 to 5 half-lives without any further accumulation in the body with repeated doses. This state is because the infusion rate and the clearance of the drug will have reached an equilibrium, and thus the net concentration of drug in the body will remain constant. The value of this steady-state concentration is determined by the dosage, dosing interval, and clearance.



Half Life - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf


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Dear Pamster, I am under no illusion that this is going to be plain sailing, as the last time I felt great was almost a decade ago  :)  And no, it's not only ageing, as I'm only 40 years old and shouldn't feel this bad generally. It's just this horrible poison carousel I've been on. You seem to sincerely want to offer help me with this taper, so I will create a new post tomorrow with more details about my current state, if hopefully I'll feel well enough.


Dear Libertas, thanks for answering my question (I particularly appreciate a post with references, makes my little nerdy heart pound  :P), as I'm trying to understand more about the Valium I am on. It was not my original benzo with it's short-half life and all the sensations are new to me. Gratias Tibi, my latin loving friend!


I am forever grateful to both of you for taking time to help and wish you the very best for the year ahead!  Happy New Year!


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