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can I donate a Klonopin taper plan?


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One more reduction and I'm done.  I followed a liquid taper schedule devised by my sister. a retired pharmaceutical chemist. I see people struggling with dry cuts here, and this method seems so much easier, I hate to leave it just sitting in a drawer.  Do experts here ever share plans with members?  If so, would one of them want to look this one over?





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Is that the plan in your profile? Don’t understand it. I’m on X but I have tried to figure a plan with no luck. Weights are just too difficult to work with.
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Hi clearbluesky


Its good of you to share your taper schedule.  So nice of your sister to help and support you,  well done to you for tapering.  I am so glad it’s working for you. There are no "experts" here,  we all try to help each other, and in the end we must each decide what is the best plan for us personally.



Magrita  :thumbsup:



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My profile isn't my taper plan.  The plan is actually a spreadsheet chart of Stage, liquid Discard Volume, Remaining Volume, Percent Complete, Total Day's Dose in mgs.  I'm an artist, I never could come up with something like this.  But my sister is a chemical engineer, she really gets off on this kind of stuff.  If I could include attachments, I could send it to moderators to vett it and maybe they could pass it on, I don't know.  But it was so easy to follow, I can't help but think it could do somebody some good besides me!



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The liquid taper plan doesn't go by weight, but volume.  That is, steadily increasing volume of liquid extraction using a 5 ml plastic syringe.  I went very slow, but it could be used for a daily micro-taper or whatever pace one might choose. 


It just seems easier to dissolve a K tablet and extract volume with a syringe than cut dry with an x-acto and weigh on a scale.  Plus the chart offers a framework for steady consistency.



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Thank you for offering to share your taper plan, clearbluesky.  We’re delighted it worked for you.  Regrettably, there is no guarantee it will work for others.  As magrita has noted, each of us is unique so each of us has to discover through self-experimentation what works for us in terms of taper rate, taper interval, taper method, etc. 
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Well darn.  The spreadsheets ARE adjustable for rate of taper, that is, one can hold or continue at their own pace.  It's just a framework for tracking where you are and what volume you decide to extract next.  Over time I decided what was best for me was to skip a few rows and extract .004 mg about every 10 days.  It helped me keep track of that.  Wish I could get my sister to explain it on here!  She based the format on this video......



In the video she's daily micro-tapering, but one can use the same method to go at a slower pace or hold.



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Hi clearbluesky,


If you would send me the spreadsheet, I'll check it over - I'll send you a PM with an email address.


I developed  my own spreadsheet many years ago. But because most people did/do not have a full version of Excel, I did not release it. (My spreadsheet also had one or two small edge-case quirks which I'd work around by hand). At the time, I had some other software which convert a csv list taken from the output of the spreadsheet to produce a simple HTML table, which I'd then add as an attachment to my post at BB. (The inputs for the spreadsheet would be supplied by the member requesting the taper plan.)


I discontinued providing the tables when I stepped away from providing withdrawal support (more than 10 years ago). But since - as I have explained - my schedule generator was not something which would work reliably without tweaks, I did not release it. Given that more people probably have access to Excel these days, maybe you sister's spreadsheet could be released? I can check it over to see if it seems fully reliable and will provide you with some feedback.

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That would be awesome, I am struggling with developing a taper plan and would welcome the opportunity to see how you charted and tracked your plan
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Well I would LOVE the help!!!  Is there a moderator out there who could help us?




I just saw this post. I’m glad you found it! I think I’ll check it out too.




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