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Let's Talk Benzo Belly! - GIVE ME YOUR BEST IDEAS


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Hey awesome community of people trying to help each other out  ;D. So I'm on my second taper (you can read my blog below, but long story short I successfully tapered off of benzos after 2 years, and then fell off the wagon recently due to some SSRI mismanagement on my part), and I'm dealing with the dreaded Benzo Belly symptoms again. So I'm asking everybody, what did you do for Benzo Belly? Did you take probiotics? Which ones? How much? Diet modifications? Ehat worked what didn't? Did anyone ever get anything to work??? I'd love for people to chime in here. My 3 big symptoms both now and during my previous taper were and are:


1) Gas and Bloating

2) Nausea which always accompanies the gas and bloating

3) Stomach pain... again from the gas and bloating


Yes I've modified my diet greatly. No sugar, no dairy, no gluten... blah blah blah.

Currently taking these probiotics spaced throughout the day:


120 billion of these (2 pills) - Physicians Choice Probiotic 60 - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079H53D2B

25 billion of these (1 pill) - NOW Probiotic 10 (cheap) - https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Probiotic-10-Billion-100-Capsules/dp/B00L1GHMN0

5 billion of these (1 pill) - Flora Revive (soil based with Saccharomyces boulardii) - https://www.amazon.com/Probiotic-Probiotic-Complete-Health-Carolyn/dp/B088HF8BXT


Ginger, Peppermint, and Fennel supplements kind of help... I dunno... none of em really get rid of the bloating. Peppermint tea does help with cramping sometimes. Whose got ideas that have worked??? I'll take em all! Thanks for all you do benzo buddies community, I know I couldn't do this without this group.

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Heating pad most day and night helps me some. Not a miracle cure but does help nausea and pain for me. I use a drop of digize essential oil diluted with fractions coconut oil and rub that on my tummy some nights and that’s helped reflex a lot. Maybe space it out so not using every night.


Otherwise doing what you’re doing /have done 👍.


Hope things improve for you soon!!!

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I had to have an enema after a week without bowel movements.  But then have been using restoralax religiously. Water is amazing as well as green tea. 
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Hey awesome community of people trying to help each other out  ;D. So I'm on my second taper (you can read my blog below, but long story short I successfully tapered off of benzos after 2 years, and then fell off the wagon recently due to some SSRI mismanagement on my part), and I'm dealing with the dreaded Benzo Belly symptoms again. So I'm asking everybody, what did you do for Benzo Belly? Did you take probiotics? Which ones? How much? Diet modifications? Ehat worked what didn't? Did anyone ever get anything to work??? I'd love for people to chime in here. My 3 big symptoms both now and during my previous taper were and are:


1) Gas and Bloating

2) Nausea which always accompanies the gas and bloating

3) Stomach pain... again from the gas and bloating


Yes I've modified my diet greatly. No sugar, no dairy, no gluten... blah blah blah.

Currently taking these probiotics spaced throughout the day:


120 billion of these (2 pills) - Physicians Choice Probiotic 60 - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079H53D2B

25 billion of these (1 pill) - NOW Probiotic 10 (cheap) - https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Probiotic-10-Billion-100-Capsules/dp/B00L1GHMN0

5 billion of these (1 pill) - Flora Revive (soil based with Saccharomyces boulardii) - https://www.amazon.com/Probiotic-Probiotic-Complete-Health-Carolyn/dp/B088HF8BXT


Ginger, Peppermint, and Fennel supplements kind of help... I dunno... none of em really get rid of the bloating. Peppermint tea does help with cramping sometimes. Whose got ideas that have worked??? I'll take em all! Thanks for all you do benzo buddies community, I know I couldn't do this without this group.


Hi agenthall


As histamine is often an issue in benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery, I would be very careful with the probiotics you choose. Most pharmacy shelf probiotics contain multiple strains, and it’s very difficult to find one that doesn’t contain histamine producing strains. I have SIBO, and have struggled with pre-existing histamine intolerance, so I just take a single strain - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG 10Billion cfu. Do a search for non-histamine producing probiotic strains.


Also, foods which are most problematic when it comes to gas and bloating are onion, garlic, and things like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.


I stick to potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, organic spelt wholegrain sourdough bread, rolled oats (fermented in a teaspoon of Greek yogurt over 8 hrs or more then rinsed), blueberries (which are histamine reducing) and a little dragonfruit.


It may also help you to do a search and print out a chart of foods listing low to high histamine.


You have mast cells throughout your entire body, and when we’re going through benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery, especially recovery, mast cells often become destabilised and are easily triggered, releasing histamine. These mast cells are also throughout your gut, so the histamine related gas and bloating isn’t just as a result of foods, as the body creates its own histamine which is released when mast cells are destabilised and easily triggered. As you continue to recover, your mast cells should stabilise again and resolve any histamine sensitivity, but by watching your high histamine food intake and which probiotics you take, you at least won’t be adding to the overload of histamine in your body.

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I use a drop of digize essential oil diluted with fractions coconut oil and rub that on my tummy some nights and that’s helped reflex a lot. Maybe space it out so not using every night.


Interesting boges, you actually put the essential oil directly on your stomach... I had never really thought of that. Does it help with gas and bloating or just reflux? Interesting thought.



As histamine is often an issue in benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery, I would be very careful with the probiotics you choose. Most pharmacy shelf probiotics contain multiple strains, and it’s very difficult to find one that doesn’t contain histamine producing strains. I have SIBO, and have struggled with pre-existing histamine intolerance, so I just take a single strain - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG 10Billion cfu. Do a search for non-histamine producing probiotic strains.


Also, foods which are most problematic when it comes to gas and bloating are onion, garlic, and things like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.


I stick to potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, organic spelt wholegrain sourdough bread, rolled oats (fermented in a teaspoon of Greek yogurt over 8 hrs or more then rinsed), blueberries (which are histamine reducing) and a little dragonfruit.


It may also help you to do a search and print out a chart of foods listing low to high histamine.


You have mast cells throughout your entire body, and when we’re going through benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery, especially recovery, mast cells often become destabilised and are easily triggered, releasing histamine. These mast cells are also throughout your gut, so the histamine related gas and bloating isn’t just as a result of foods, as the body creates its own histamine which is released when mast cells are destabilised and easily triggered. As you continue to recover, your mast cells should stabilise again and resolve any histamine sensitivity, but by watching your high histamine food intake and which probiotics you take, you at least won’t be adding to the overload of histamine in your body.


Winter, THIS IS EXACTLEY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. I actually do have bad allergies, and have read about histamine intolerance in the past. I actually eat an avocado every day for lunch, and my benzo belly is usually worst right before dinner in late afternoon (when I also take a probiotic as well)... hmm.... this is sounding really interesting to me. I have ordered https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096SVYM3L in the past from amazon but was still taking my other probiotics with it and didn't see much improvement. I'm wondering if changing the probiotics and trying some more more DAO (as well as a lower histamine diet), might help the benzo belly stuff.


Do you have any links to forum posts on Benzo's and histamines or any further information you might be able to give me on the subject??? I ordered these probiotics in the meantime to try: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L8MMCZV. Any other thoughts or resources on histamine intolerance you can recommend would be appreciated.


Just curious, what tipped you off that this might be the case in your own situation?



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I use a drop of digize essential oil diluted with fractions coconut oil and rub that on my tummy some nights and that’s helped reflex a lot. Maybe space it out so not using every night.


Interesting boges, you actually put the essential oil directly on your stomach... I had never really thought of that. Does it help with gas and bloating or just reflux? Interesting thought.



As histamine is often an issue in benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery, I would be very careful with the probiotics you choose. Most pharmacy shelf probiotics contain multiple strains, and it’s very difficult to find one that doesn’t contain histamine producing strains. I have SIBO, and have struggled with pre-existing histamine intolerance, so I just take a single strain - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG 10Billion cfu. Do a search for non-histamine producing probiotic strains.


Also, foods which are most problematic when it comes to gas and bloating are onion, garlic, and things like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.


I stick to potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, organic spelt wholegrain sourdough bread, rolled oats (fermented in a teaspoon of Greek yogurt over 8 hrs or more then rinsed), blueberries (which are histamine reducing) and a little dragonfruit.


It may also help you to do a search and print out a chart of foods listing low to high histamine.


You have mast cells throughout your entire body, and when we’re going through benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery, especially recovery, mast cells often become destabilised and are easily triggered, releasing histamine. These mast cells are also throughout your gut, so the histamine related gas and bloating isn’t just as a result of foods, as the body creates its own histamine which is released when mast cells are destabilised and easily triggered. As you continue to recover, your mast cells should stabilise again and resolve any histamine sensitivity, but by watching your high histamine food intake and which probiotics you take, you at least won’t be adding to the overload of histamine in your body.


Winter, THIS IS EXACTLEY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. I actually do have bad allergies, and have read about histamine intolerance in the past. I actually eat an avocado every day for lunch, and my benzo belly is usually worst right before dinner in late afternoon (when I also take a probiotic as well)... hmm.... this is sounding really interesting to me. I have ordered https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096SVYM3L in the past from amazon but was still taking my other probiotics with it and didn't see much improvement. I'm wondering if changing the probiotics and trying some more more DAO (as well as a lower histamine diet), might help the benzo belly stuff.


Do you have any links to forum posts on Benzo's and histamines or any further information you might be able to give me on the subject??? I ordered these probiotics in the meantime to try: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L8MMCZV. Any other thoughts or resources on histamine intolerance you can recommend would be appreciated.


Just curious, what tipped you off that this might be the case in your own situation?


Hi agenthall


I get the distinct feeling there’s quite a long post brewing, so I’ll just allow it to distill, and then I’ll reply later tonight (Australian time).

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I get the distinct feeling there’s quite a long post brewing, so I’ll just allow it to distill, and then I’ll reply later tonight (Australian time).


just bumping this thread. Winter, I'm literally waiting with bated breath for your thoughts!

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Hi agenthall


Sorry for the delay… I got caught out and about without my tablets after last posting and ended up missing two doses. When I destabilise, I get extreme lethargy and fatigue and end up bedridden, unable to lift my head off the pillow.


I’ll just take the pressure off myself and address your questions one at at a time in separate posts, so just know I’ll keep adding as I have more add.


First of all - I was actually going to mention DAO and histamine blockers, but didn’t want to overload you with too much. All these supplements also add to expenses which many of us simply don’t have the means to meet. I haven’t been using DAO or histamine blockers during my taper because I didn’t feel they were necessary as the benzodiazepines are a mast cell stabiliser, even when tapering, but I feel that’s only true if you taper slowly and remain reasonably stabile in your taper. Early on when I was suffering through a C/T and then directly switched to Valium they probably would’ve helped. My intention (if needed) is to add these supplements once I jump, as obviously, there will be no benzodiazepine to stabilise the mast cells and the stress of withdrawal on my CNS may mean they become necessary to ease my overall symptom load.


In regard to the probiotics - just do a google search of histamine producing probiotic strains and write down the ones you want to avoid. This way you can refer to it when reading the various strains included on any probiotic bottle or package.


There’s also a problem with the way people use probiotics - firstly, not all probiotic strains have been studied properly, and all probiotic strains serve different purposes or have different actions within the body. If you have taken a course or are taking a course of antibiotics for some specific reason, then it makes sense to take a probiotic to fill up the spaces left where the gut bacteria is being killed off. Maybe it is of little consequence which probiotics you take to fill up these spaces whilst on a antibiotic treatment because they are serving just that purpose, avoiding other nasties from taking up that ground, but when you are treating specific symptoms, you want to take a probiotic that targets your specific issues, and these probiotics must have had a certain amount of study done on them to know that they do support in treating a specific issue. So many are unstudied and thrown into bottles to make up the numbers and consumers are unaware that some of these strains are offering no benefit at all.


You can visit Jason Hawrelak’s (world leading researcher in probiotics) ‘Probiotic Advisor’, do a quick study of which probiotic strains are study backed and target your specific needs and write down all the information you can as you go through it, keeping in mind that you only get 24hrs free of charge to do your search after which you will then have to pay to join.


If you want to find more on histamine intolerance, there’s an endless supply of information out there on the net, including lists of foods rating from low to high. You won’t have any trouble finding them. But because we’re not just talking about histamine intolerance on its own, but also potentially destabilising mast cells, your best one stop for information on both would probably be the US site MastCell360.


I’ll add more as I think of it.  :thumbsup:





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Hi agenthall


Sorry for the delay… I got caught out and about without my tablets after last posting and ended up missing two doses. When I destabilise, I get extreme lethargy and fatigue and end up bedridden, unable to lift my head off the pillow.


I’ll just take the pressure off myself and address your questions one at at a time in separate posts, so just know I’ll keep adding as I have more add.


Winter this is gold! pure gold. First things first, GET WELL AND GET STABLE AGAIN! Sending blessings and prayers your way and hoping this wave isn't too bad (I can't imagine missing doses amidst a taper... eek, stay strong!).


I'm going to dive in to some of the resources you mentioned and then I'll bump this post in a week or two with some questions and keep the conversation going. Hopefully people will find this useful.


Going to dive into mast cells and figure out what the hell those are (especially since I have allergy prick testing scheduled for next month), probably a good thing to know going into that! I have found that the DAO does seem to be limiting some of the benzo belly symptoms. I'm just a bit burpy, not super bloaty and burpy... that's an improvement, but I'll know if thats for real after the next klonopin cut, and I try the new probiotics coming today too. Thanks again. Stay well!

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  • 4 weeks later...

:thumbsup: Here’s a post on the success stories board which may interest you.



Just wanted to update this post and say thank you to winter. I've been experimenting over the past two weeks and had some success with:


1) switching to a low histamine diet

2) changing probiotics to a histamine free brand (this one in particular from Lifted: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L8MMCZV)

3) taking a half to quarter pill of NaturDAO supplement before meals: (https://www.amazon.com/NATURDAO-Vegetable-Deficiency-Histamine-Intolerance/dp/B08R5ZVG4L)


My benzo belly has been reduced on days when my allergies are not bad. Don't get bad gas or bloating at all. If I cheat on diet or my allergies are really bad it does seem to set the benzo belly symptoms off again and I get them all back (gas, bloating, and even sometimes the dreaded d word). I've learned a lot about mast cell activation and benzo's and histamine intolerance and there's clearly a link. Check out this article (https://drleeds.com/are-benzos-drugs-that-cause-histamine-intolerance-and-withdrawal-allergies/).


But by no means am I cured, so I'm adding two more things the list here that I'm trying:

1) L-Glutamine

2) Zinc

3) Bone Broth and supplemental collagen in it


Starting low and slow on these to help heal my gut lining. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences with this? @Winters sun any more thoughts?

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So happy that I stumbled upon this thread! It’s exactly what I needed!  My GI issues are my worst hurdle so far. I’m going to try most of what WintersSun posted!


Thank you, thank you!!! 🤩

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So happy that I stumbled upon this thread! It’s exactly what I needed!  My GI issues are my worst hurdle so far. I’m going to try most of what WintersSun posted!


Thank you, thank you!!! 🤩


You’re welcome, Lori.


I hope some of this information helps. Just don’t be overly strict or let it take over your life or your bank account.

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:thumbsup: Here’s a post on the success stories board which may interest you.



Just wanted to update this post and say thank you to winter. I've been experimenting over the past two weeks and had some success with:


1) switching to a low histamine diet

2) changing probiotics to a histamine free brand (this one in particular from Lifted: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L8MMCZV)

3) taking a half to quarter pill of NaturDAO supplement before meals: (https://www.amazon.com/NATURDAO-Vegetable-Deficiency-Histamine-Intolerance/dp/B08R5ZVG4L)


My benzo belly has been reduced on days when my allergies are not bad. Don't get bad gas or bloating at all. If I cheat on diet or my allergies are really bad it does seem to set the benzo belly symptoms off again and I get them all back (gas, bloating, and even sometimes the dreaded d word). I've learned a lot about mast cell activation and benzo's and histamine intolerance and there's clearly a link. Check out this article (https://drleeds.com/are-benzos-drugs-that-cause-histamine-intolerance-and-withdrawal-allergies/).


But by no means am I cured, so I'm adding two more things the list here that I'm trying:

1) L-Glutamine

2) Zinc

3) Bone Broth and supplemental collagen in it


Starting low and slow on these to help heal my gut lining. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences with this? @Winters sun any more thoughts?


You’re welcome, agenthall


I take L-Glutamine every day  :thumbsup:


Be careful with the bone broth, as it’s very high histamine and very rich in glycine, of which the glycine can be converted into glutamate in the body.

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I just recently FINALLY got rid of the benzo belly. This is how I did it......


by letting time pass.


It took 3 1/2 years for it to FINALLY go away. For me benzo belly started within a year of taking the drug. I had gained 50 lbs within a year without increasing food intake or anything. As time progressed I always felt full like I had just had Thanksgiving dinner and I felt stuffed even though I had not eaten for hours.


My face was bloated too. I was bloated everywhere to some extent and my stomach looked pregnant for about 8 years total. Had some constipation too and just did not/could not pass a lot of gas.


Well, this past November the benzo belly & bloat FINALLY went away. It pretty much started to diminish out of nowhere. I lost 10 lbs without trying at all over a span of maybe 3 weeks. My face is no longer bloated and puffy along with other parts of my body. Even my arms, neck, back, rib cage "trunk area" all no longer bloated. Hallelujah! Besides the abdominal area, my face is the most notably no longer bloated.


I have eaten clean throughout 90% of this journey once I realized that eating clean was necessary to not suffer as much. What I'm saying is I didn't change my diet any more than I already had. It just went away.


I did not take anything to battle the benzo belly because I am sensitive to any of that stuff. Vitamins supplements anything. If I take these things I get intensified withdrawal symptoms and no thank you. I don't take any medications and have not for 3 1/2 years.


If I was nauseated or felt stomach upset I used peppermint candies that are just peppermint oil & sugar basically or plain carbonated  water to burp. Which is just water & carbonation only. All those other additives that other companies put in are just bad.


I think it's like everything else in this journey. It just takes time. I've been on this forum for almost 3 years and I've watched people try to force their withdrawal healing with supplements & other meds and many, not all, but many end up suffering more than they need to as a result of taking things while their brains and central nervous systems are still fragile. Just be cautious of what you put into you body.


I've even noticed in the videos of a couple benzo coaches that if you look at their older videos from years back compared to now, they look totally less bloated. Especially their faces. Once you are psychotropic med free it takes time, a long time, but like the other symptoms it goes away.


It's such a HUGE relief to have that benzo bloat gone. I feel so much more comfortable and clothes fit better. Plus is gives me real time realization that we do heal, & that even the stubborn, lingering symptoms will start to disappear too.


It's just like everyone says. It takes a long long time for some of the symptoms to go, but they eventually do go. Some symptoms take longer than others.


It's the biggest gift of all to see proof of this happening within yourself as you heal more and more. You finally start to believe what you've been told was going to happen all along by those who have healed before you.


It will go away in time. In the meantime have some rest assured relief that this symptom will not be forever.



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I take L-Glutamine every day  :thumbsup:

Be careful with the bone broth, as it’s very high histamine and very rich in glycine, of which the glycine can be converted into glutamate in the body.


Thanks Winter, noted on the bone broth, so far so good, but I will monitor :thumbsup:. How much l-glutamine are you taking if you don't mind me asking? I'm slowly upping my dose (at 1500mg currently, 500mg 3x a day between meals). I notice most "gut healing products" recommend 5000mg in a serving. didn't want to rock the boat with higher doses yet though.


I just recently FINALLY got rid of the benzo belly. This is how I did it......


by letting time pass.


It took 3 1/2 years for it to FINALLY go away.


Fortitude, thanks for the thoughts. Totally get it. So this is my 2nd taper. I successfully tapered off klonopin after a 2 year journey ending this past summer. All my benzo belly went completely away when I was off the klonopin as you alluded to. I literally had zero stomach issues for about 4-5 months even towards the end of my taper. It was awesome! I still ate VERY healthy though because I had good habits built in from 2 years of dealing with benzos. Now in my 2nd battle with klonopin/lexapro, I'm realizing that FOR ME (and I emphasize FOR ME, maybe not for others), my allergies are a key component of whats causing me so many of my "symptoms". I ALSO personally believe that mast cell activation and histamine sensitivity may have something MORE to do with my anxiety as well outside of the klonopin itself (a lot of things are becoming clearer with the more research and consultation I've been doing... we shall see though). So this thread has turned into more of a discussion on histamines and mast cell activation than "benzo belly" persay, I guess.


Of course, you are right, in the end, we all just need to get off the benzos and let our body's heal. But I learned so much from my first taper, and my 2nd taper has been so much easier due to supplementation that I learned from the first (magnesium/vitamin D/omega 3's have totally rid me of all my body aches/spasms and sleep issues from my first taper, what a win!!!). Was hoping to learn a bit more this 2nd time around. Anyway, that's the reason behind this journey and thread. For others following and dealing with benzo belly, fortitude is of course correct, these symptoms will go away when you're clear of the benzos, could happen faster for some and slower for others, but yes, there is relief at the end of the tunnel for sure.

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Sorry agenthall


I was just making oatmeal and put some L glutamine in and it reminded me of your question…


1 Tablespoon  :thumbsup:



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Sorry agenthall


I was just making oatmeal and put some L glutamine in and it reminded me of your question…


1 Tablespoon  :thumbsup:


Thanks Winter, I'm gonna guess that's about 4-5grams right? I'm taking about 5000mg so that seems equivalent... I think  :)

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Just to be clear, I only take 1 level tablespoon per day, which is equal to 2 dessertspoons or 4 teaspoons. Apparently 1 teaspoon is approx 5g.
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Just to be clear, I only take 1 level tablespoon per day, which is equal to 2 dessertspoons or 4 teaspoons. Apparently 1 teaspoon is approx 5g.


Ahh. yeah I don't think I'm quite taking enough for a therapeutic effect yet. I just read this article and it outlined higher doses like you're taking:



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just making oatmeal and put some L glutamine in and it reminded me of your question…

1 Tablespoon  :thumbsup:


Winter would you be willing to share your recipe for rolled oats? I desperately need something like cereal or oatmeal at night but everything is seeming to set me off by morning time if I don't take a ton of DAO. You mentioned you had some kind of rolled oats recipe that you thought was helpful?


Learning a ton about mast cell disorders and have read multiple books. Best solution I've found consistently is DAO for sure, but man is it expensive, and some days there's just too much histamine to overcome even on my limited diet. I'm losing weight again, so I need to get some more nutrition in me to stabilize that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi agenthall


I’ve been away for several weeks, sorry for the late reply


If you’re having issues with histamine, then I would probably avoid fermenting rolled oats as I do. Yes, I have histamine issues also, but then there’s the sibo, and I’m suffering one to help the other. Fermenting the oats makes its nutrients more bio available and limits the time the bacteria overgrowth has to feed on the carbs, but if I didn’t have sibo, I wouldn’t be fermenting the rolled oats with histamine issues. The best foods I tolerate, causing the least amount of reactions, are plain fresh olive oil pan fried chicken breasts or thighs, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots and beans. My gut seems to process those things better than anything else, especially carbs, but the fermented oats with dragon fruit and blueberries aren’t too bad and help with variety and calorie intake. I always use L-Glutamine to help repair intestinal permeability, or at least keep it under control, and Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum to feed butyrate producing bacteria to lower any inflammation. If you have any other questions, I am around again.  :thumbsup:

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Hi Winter,


Have you heard of Smidge probiotic?




It is what I tried that set me into a wave.  I tried to introduce it by only taking it every other day...by second dose, I was in acute symptoms.  This was not inexpensive.  It was to be for sensitive stomachs.  However, it was to last a long time...like 1000 doses.


My stomach gets distended now and again.  I awaken with constant burping...sometimes straight for a couple hours.  Not every day, though.  And, diarrhea has been present since the beginning directly upon awakening.  It's been like this for years and started when I was in tolerance.


I know there are many products out there.  It just seemed as though this one was so recommended, but I never checked the strains.  Didn't even know to.




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