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Ativan to Valium Crossover


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Hi everyone,

I have been tapering Ativan for the last 18 months, and the last few months have been awful, as I had to hold a lot to stay somewhat functionnal. I am doing a cut and hold taper, splitting and weigthing the tiny Ativan pills, but it is impossible for me to make smaller cut than 0.01mg, as I have reached the limitations of my Gemini Scale. I am at a small dose (0.14mg A), but the 0.01mg cuts are now too big and the withdrawal symptoms are too hard to cope. I am at a crossroad, as I don't know what to do.

My GP proposed me to switch to Valium. I know it could be a possibility, but it seems to bring challenges for some people.

I know I could switch to a liquid taper, but it seems very complicated to me, as there is no liquid Ativan available in my country (Canada). And I've seen a lot of people here strugling when making the switch to liquid. So I don't really know what's the best option for me.

I've heard Valium can be depressing, and I am afraid of that, because depression is my main withdrawal symptom. But on the other hand, at this low dose of Valium, maybe I won't have too much symptoms from the Valium?

So, as you can see, I want to weight out all my options and would like to have some input from people here.

Thanks a lot for your help.


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Marie, I switched from Ativan to Valium and it was a godsend for me. I did not find Valium depressing . .  I found it a little fatiguing at first, but that passes. Can you get liquid pharmacy valium in Canada? If you can, then further reductions using valium ought to be a breeze. Look, the equivalence of .14 mg of Ativan is only 1.4 mgs of valium. You will be able to make tiny cuts with your liquid valium and tapering ought to be pretty straightforward. I made .01 mg cuts daily with my liquid valium from 1 mg all the way to zero and it wasn't difficult at all.


If it were me in your situation, I'd make the switch. But do it gradually -- don't just substitute one for the other. Heather Ashton has a crossover schedule that might help you. I crossed over at a much higher dose of Ativan, but you can do some math and see what your equivalent figures might be.




Best to you,



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Thank you OregonKatz, much appreciated.

I will ask my pharmacist if liquid Valium is available. My GP didn’t offer me the choice, but I have to say that I don’t think she prescribes Valium very often in her day to day practice.

I am still hesitating for the switch, as I am not stable yet from my previous cut two weeks ago. I asked her to give me a little bit more time before doing the switch.

Were you very sensitive to medication? Because I am.

And why do you say it was a godsend for you? Were you having trouble with Ativan?

Thank you so much for your help!

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I am very sensitive to medication, Marie. So I hesitated before using liquid valium. But cutting pills was no longer an option for me. btw you can  make your own liquid valium from tablets, a tiny bit of alcohol to dissolve the tablet, and water if the pharma liquid is not available. Many buddies do this.


Ativan was a terrible drug for me -- I ended up taking it 4 x a day just to get rid of the inter-dosage side effects. I never wanted to be on the drug -- it was prescribed for me in hospital and I got "hooked" pretty quickly.


I found valium to be smooth, not at all depressing, and a godsend in that  didn't have interdose wds on it as I did on Ativan. It really made it possible for me to get rid of benzos. I took tablets all the way down to 1 mg, then used liquid to make tiny daily reductions, as I said.


Best of luck to you.




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Just another question, did your transition from Ativan to Valium was difficult? I am so afraid as I am not very stable.

Thank you!

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No, Marie the transition was pretty okay. Getting rid of that short-acting benzo was easier than I thought, because the long-acting one (valium) took up the slack. Ativan gave me terrible interdose w/ds . . . getting relief from the valium even when I was half crossed over was wonderful. I think you'll do fine. You are on a smaller dose of Ativan than I was, but I recall that it took me several weeks to cross over, and things just got better and better.





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