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Hope all of you are doing well.So happy that I found this forum. I am looking forward to getting support from you guy regarding my benzo withdrawl symptoms that I have been experiencing for 8 months. I was taking xanax 0.25 for 4 months for sleep issues and then decided to stop taking it cold turkey(bad decision I guess).I believe from benzo withdrawl I have developed this itching sensation all over

my body which only goes away when I take zyrtec! I don't have any other symptoms. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have been seeing an allergist and she has done tons of tests on me to find out why I am itching all over my body and cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with me.

ALL my blood work has been good. 24 hr urine test for methylhistamine was in normal range. My serum tryptase was normal as well. I still have to do 2 more 24 hr urine tests for 5hiaa and prostaglandin. I dont know what's going on with me, is it Mcas ? I am just Concerned! Please let me know if anyone has been through this and what helped. The itching usually starts in my feet then it moves up and sometimes its all over my body. Intense itching is the only symptom I am experiencing. By the way, Zyrtec helps tremendously!! Can you guys please give me advice or tell me if you are experiencing the same symptoms and what helped.

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Hi hk111,


welcome to BenzoBuddies! Ofcourse I think I speak for everyone that we wish you didn't need to be here, like the rest of us.


First off, would be so kind to add a signature stating your history with Benzodiazepines and other medications you might be using? This way we will be able to help you more efficiently.


At BenzoBuddies are knowledge is mostly in Benzodiazepines, but perhaps others can share their experience about other medications you are taking.


Four months total of Benzodiazepines is not concidered a very long use, however withdrawal syptoms may occur. Benzodiazepines effect our central nervous system. The itching you are describing, may not be a typical symptom, but the range of symptoms is broad. Perhaps others will recognize your symptoms; I haven't had itching as far as I remember.


In terms of tests that could show that Benzos are causing them, there aren't any, unfortunately. Possibly your symptoms could be caused by Benzodiazepine withdrawal, but we cannot say for certain. If this is the case, these symptoms should fade in time.


I'm glad to hear you aren't experiencing any other symptoms.





Hope all of you are doing well.So happy that I found this forum. I am looking forward to getting support from you guy regarding my benzo withdrawl symptoms that I have been experiencing for 8 months. I was taking xanax 0.25 for 4 months for sleep issues and then decided to stop taking it cold turkey(bad decision I guess).I believe from benzo withdrawl I have developed this itching sensation all over

my body which only goes away when I take zyrtec! I don't have any other symptoms. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have been seeing an allergist and she has done tons of tests on me to find out why I am itching all over my body and cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with me.

ALL my blood work has been good. 24 hr urine test for methylhistamine was in normal range. My serum tryptase was normal as well. I still have to do 2 more 24 hr urine tests for 5hiaa and prostaglandin. I dont know what's going on with me, is it Mcas ? I am just Concerned! Please let me know if anyone has been through this and what helped. The itching usually starts in my feet then it moves up and sometimes its all over my body. Intense itching is the only symptom I am experiencing. By the way, Zyrtec helps tremendously!! Can you guys please give me advice or tell me if you are experiencing the same symptoms and what helped.

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Hi HK. I had hives for two years that itched terribly. They would be little red oval bumps that would pop up, stay for a few days then relocate somewhere else. They started on my trunk, moved to legs and ankles, then up to back and shoulders. They are gone now and I am so thankful! I couldn’t take Benadryl or anything of the sort so I just used a topical anti itch cream on occasion. Do not be alarmed at the 2 year timeframe. I was on benzos for 10 years so have a lot of healing to do. My theory is the nerve endings are healing and that’s why the wells moved around.


Some people have reported histamine issues upon cessation which could explain why the Zyrtec helps.


Hope it goes away soon for you!

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