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Taper Rate Questions


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Currently I am tapering Liquid Valium at 10% every 2 weeks.  It's going OK, I do have symptoms, but doesn't everyone?  I am still functional (can hide it well) but want to be successful going forward and don't want to move to quickly. 


I was just wondering how many of you tapered 10% or stuck to 5% every 2 weeks or longer?  I am not on a non- flexible schedule and will taper based on my symptoms, but would like to remain at 10% every 2 weeks for as long as I can.

I was just wondering what everyone's experiences were.  I know we are all different, but just thought I would ask.

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If it's working, it's working. Most of us here have symptoms. As long as you can manage it. You sound pretty on the ball to me and I think as long as you keep monitoring your symptoms and you're not fixated on a schedule you should be fine. If your symptoms spike, then you can hold and reduce your rate.  I could not sustain 10% at the higher K levels, but I stayed at it for as long as I could. I'd hate to see you prolong this journey out of fear for what "might happen" if you're doing fine now. 
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Currently I am tapering Liquid Valium at 10% every 2 weeks.  It's going OK, I do have symptoms, but doesn't everyone?  I am still functional (can hide it well) but want to be successful going forward and don't want to move to quickly. 


I was just wondering how many of you tapered 10% or stuck to 5% every 2 weeks or longer?  I am not on a non- flexible schedule and will taper based on my symptoms, but would like to remain at 10% every 2 weeks for as long as I can.

I was just wondering what everyone's experiences were.  I know we are all different, but just thought I would ask.

Cooper your doing great with your taper. The 10% is a guideline and some go faster and some go slower. Listen to your body. Set your own pace based on how you feel. You won’t know until you try. I started conservative then increased based on how I felt. Held longer if sxs ramped up too high. It’s like when you crossed over you were able to cut more Valium because of the sedation and weathered thru that very well.


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Thank you both for responding!  Jelly Baby- definitely fall off the ball many times a day and ride the "struggle bus" LOL!  We all do, but keep pushing along for that light at the end of the tunnel!

Thank you Joeb- you are always so encouraging to me!  I really appreciate you both!  I could not do this without the support from this group.



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Cooper, I wanted to ask how the crossover to Valium went for you?  Did it create anxiety or depression?  Are you sleeping and did it help?  I am currently tapering Xanax and am at 1.95 mg per day.  I dose 4 times a day and need to work on the timing.. I take the largest dose at bedtime to help with sleep and take Trazodone.  Sleep is not great.  As I have gotten lower I’m noticing racing heartbeat and headache before my scheduled dose time which I guess are I/D withdrawals.  Any advice appreciated.  Not a lot of People tapering Xanax that I can find. I’m functioning and desperately want to stay that way… Thanks!
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Hello wantstosleep


I should change my moniker to yours as that’s what got me started with this stuff.

In your current dosing you state that you take the largest dose of your current 1.95 at bed time.

If you are inclined, what then would the amounts of your total 24 hr schedule look like?


New here and just started spacing out my 2.0 X nightly consumption to 24 hrs, instead of my night time ritual of .5, sleep for a bit then another .5 etc, which found me at the junction of interdose withdraw rd and 2 years of this Ave all because I just wanted to sleep.

Has the Trazodone helped?


Trying to decide on a Valium crossover or not.



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Sleep got me in this hellscape as well..  my dosing is a little wacky and I probably need to adjust but I don’t know exactly how to do it.  I have tapered down from 2.5 to the 1.95 since October.  I am using compounded liquid alprazolam .35 at 9 am, .35 at 3 pm, .35 around 8 pm and .90 around 11.  I started the taper with the day doses (they were  .50 x 3) and 1 mg at bedtime upon the advice of the psych I have since fired.  I have started having I/D withdrawal (mostly rapid heartbeat, increased tinnitus, burning mouth and headache) between the 9 and 3 dose and between the 3 and 8 dose.  Some days worse than others.. usually depends on how I sleep the night before.  Trazodone is probably the only reason I sleep at all to be truthful.  I started at 50 mg and am now at 75mg.  I just pray it keeps working.  It’s pretty easy to take for me.. side effects went away after a week or so.  So it might be worth a try for you.  I honestly feel like the Xanax is doing bad things to me.  I sometimes feel worse after I take it. I had hopes of tapering directly but I’m not sure it’s sustainable.  I just want off. Now! I am sure you feel the same way.  Let me know what’s going on with you.  There doesn’t seem to be many of us tapering Xanax on the forum. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Hscape  is exactly it.

Got started with .5 and ah,,,,, for about an hour and then one more.

2 years later here I am at I/D withdrawls and 2.0 daily intake.

Was doin .5 snooze . Over and over through the night. Crappy idea.

Had rather a freehand. My prescriber said no more and pooped out an insufficient script of V.

In the past 3 yrs Moved 2 states for work and went through Covid.

Then one day about a month and a half ago the weather snapped cold and the fatigue set in

withdrawls during the day. I feel either sweaty or cold, sometimes both. Getting that warm and fuzzy is what these things do while removing your natural ability to do that.

Had the burning mouth for a while, thought it was my BP meds.

Since finding this board I’ve spaced out my dosing throughout the day in 4ea .5 increments.

It seems to stave off the worst of withdrawls, but my function level is questionable.

And any kind of sleep is whack.

All seems unsustainable.

Gonna talk with some doc tomorrow who presents himself as an Ashton prescriber.

Seems a bit sketch honestly. Gotta do something.

Noticed upon visiting relatives in a warm friendly climate I felt much better.

Where I am is ghetto ville. Hypersensitive to cold.

Sorry if this is disjointed.


Just can’t find warm and fuzzy

Appreciate your interest,,,, I really do.

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Sleep got me in this hellscape as well..  my dosing is a little wacky and I probably need to adjust but I don’t know exactly how to do it.  I have tapered down from 2.5 to the 1.95 since October.  I am using compounded liquid alprazolam .35 at 9 am, .35 at 3 pm, .35 around 8 pm and .90 around 11.  I started the taper with the day doses (they were  .50 x 3) and 1 mg at bedtime upon the advice of the psych I have since fired.  I have started having I/D withdrawal (mostly rapid heartbeat, increased tinnitus, burning mouth and headache) between the 9 and 3 dose and between the 3 and 8 dose.  Some days worse than others.. usually depends on how I sleep the night before.  Trazodone is probably the only reason I sleep at all to be truthful.  I started at 50 mg and am now at 75mg.  I just pray it keeps working.  It’s pretty easy to take for me.. side effects went away after a week or so.  So it might be worth a try for you.  I honestly feel like the Xanax is doing bad things to me.  I sometimes feel worse after I take it. I had hopes of tapering directly but I’m not sure it’s sustainable.  I just want off. Now! I am sure you feel the same way.  Let me know what’s going on with you.  There doesn’t seem to be many of us tapering Xanax on the forum. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


So, what were/ are the Trazodone side effects, if you don’t mind? I’m definetly lookin at trying to get some. Along with a taper more inline with yours, weighted towards the evening dose.

My last doc got me to try  on Zoloft for 5 days. Just a headache he said, “push through” he said.

.In the midst of I/D withdrawls from X.

Holycrap. 5 days worth of Entire metabolism shut down and switch to instant all night insomnia.

2 mgs X wouldn’t touch.

Plus a plethora of other “side effects” like poisoning.


A .5 reduction since Oct is is worth a pat on the back.

I’m the LEAST LEAST LEAST qualified to say but perhaps a step back to 2.0 and hold?

But hey, like you, I stare at each and every pill I take and sometimes spit them out only to take it anyway.


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Good luck with the doc.. I will like to hear the results I’d you don’t mind sharing.  Trazodone side effects for me were grogginess in the am, headache and dry mouth.  A little stuffy nose.  I too get the burning mouth with I/D withdrawals.  Where are you??  I’m in NC.  And thanks for the Pat on the back.  It feels like a big accomplishment.. just not fast enough.
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Cooper, I wanted to ask how the crossover to Valium went for you?  Did it create anxiety or depression?  Are you sleeping and did it help?  I am currently tapering Xanax and am at 1.95 mg per day.  I dose 4 times a day and need to work on the timing.. I take the largest dose at bedtime to help with sleep and take Trazodone.  Sleep is not great.  As I have gotten lower I’m noticing racing heartbeat and headache before my scheduled dose time which I guess are I/D withdrawals.  Any advice appreciated.  Not a lot of People tapering Xanax that I can find. I’m functioning and desperately want to stay that way… Thanks!




The crossover went extremely smoothly, actually much better than being on just Xanax for me. I was taking Xanax XR.  I did have some depression in the beginning, but it lifted quickly.  I am sleeping and yes I sleep much better on Valium then I ever did on Xanax.  That's just me though, I am always tired!  LOL 

Advise, just keep on keeping on! 

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You are most welcome to a pat  on the back!


My seas are choppy and hard to navigate. As if I been snoozing in my cabin and woke to a boat in rough seas where the crew has done abandoned the boat.

Glad to hear about your crossover to  the V working better for you. Sleeping better sounds wonderful

SoCal here.

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