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I'm thinking that I have been in this routine for a long time. I know what I am doing everyday.This chat room has been my social life for a long time now. What are we going to do when we are well. When we come home everyday. I was given neurontin and was told it was not addictive. People come off of it in a day and they are fine. I must say that when I came off the 1800 miligrams in one month it was worse ...WORSE  then a benzo withdrawal . I remember going to the river front where I live , walking and holding my head screaming and begging for someone to end this insane feeling. So when this is all over and it will be. I think about the future and how I can do something to make people more aware of this mess. Perscription drugs are dangerous.I really believe that most doctors don't have the knowledge about them. I really don't feel they have the right to give them out.sounds crazy but it's true. It is like handing someone posion to me. Look at us. Look what we are going through.We hold on by a thread. minute by minute to the point where we feel we cannot take anymore. I look to be well and to truly try and find a way to stop this from happening to our children and the future. i'm so upset that so many people are suffering from this. It's all about money.So many people have lost so much behind this. I am losing my home. Missing my children and grandchildren's lives. Who has the right to take this from me. Because I trusted a doctor that said. Oh ,you need this to balance your chemistry. It will make you better. SOOOOO not true...They have taken years from my life. Savings i saved for years to try and support myself because I couldn't work. Oh. I'm so angry.....What does the future bring?? So much tragedy because of these drugs...
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I have no idea what the future will bring but I am hopeful that it will be as bright as others who have come before us say it will be.


There is something truly wrong with this world when you can't even trust your doctor. Your DOCTOR. Someone who has spent a good chunk of their life being taught how to "heal" us. What a sham.


My aversion to doctors began long before I was put on the psych drugs, but having been put though all of this just because I told my doctor that I would like to be able to better handle social situations put the icing on the cake. Now I am in a position where I need to get back on my cholesterol and maybe blood pressure medications and I can't even bring myself to find a new doctor (my old one had to go on medical leave...wonder if she was popping the C herself....) let alone make an appointment and go in and have them throw a bunch of pills at me.


When this is all said and done this drug will have taken away five years of my life. If the same doctor were to slip with the scalpel and partially paralyze me for five years I would at least get a settlement to partially make up for the years I missed, but they can prescribe these pills with impunity. Then they laugh or scoff at the idea that you are in WD a month after you stopped taking the drug.





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There is something truly wrong with this world when you can't even trust your doctor. Your DOCTOR. Someone who has spent a good chunk of their life being taught how to "heal" us. What a sham.


I couldn't agree more!


What does the future bring?


Well, Marlene..


I think it will bring a greater appreciation for life. The smallest things we took for granted.. will no longer be taken for granted.


There's thousands upon thousands of success stories out there. I have read nearly everyone of them, and what I have learned was we do heal.

I know sometimes that is hard to believe. We just have to take it day by day. I have had windows, and they bring hope. There's no question about it! We heal and we will help others in our shoes at that time. Sadly, there will be an entire new generation after this one, coming off a Benzo.


Ya know, in the 60's and 70's, there were many people who came off Valium, and what happened to those women and men that was on, "Mother's little helper"? They healed. Then comes another generation, then another! It's sad, but there is hope..  :thumbsup:


We will get through this and become stronger! :mybuddy:





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Hi Marlene.. Yes, you poured your heart out, how everyone is feeling, our lifes have been destroyed and robbed from all of us, our families.  The injustice of what the drug companies and doctors have done to all is discusting... do they even care; $ is always the robber of everything.  Though, those people, with the drug companies and doctors, who don't understand or don't care, will eventually be in a position health wise, they will be given these drugs and they will say "its ok" because they believe in them.  God help all of them.  All I know, every bbs will get thru this, getting off this poison, going thru the hell of it all and will heal.  Why... everyone before who did it.. that's why they stay on this site to get all thru it.  You will also!  Hang in there.. your life of greatness to do something great beyond benzos is there.  Pattylu
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I really needed to read this thread this morning.. Marlene thank you for starting it and thanks to all who wrote the encouraging comments.

I too am very angry and so sad at what these doctors/drug companies have caused us to go through.  It is really unbelievable.....I too want to do something to help others and expose this when I am well.  But Big Pharma is so powerful, I don't think we stand a chance, but it will make us feel some satisfaction to try.  yes, we have lost our lives temporarily - a long, long temporary - but we have to remember that it is temporary.

God help me, I am hoping it is.....I get assailed with so many many doubts that I will ever recover.  I am 65 years old and don't feel like I have alot of time left and so this is really eating at me as I am missing out on so much.  God Bless us all!!!!

Love and Courage from Hoping2BFree

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Yes...the loss is so overwhelming and it's hard for my brain to process the concept of healing at this point.  I am hoping it will be like labor pain...the agony will fade away.  We have lost families, friends, freedom, dignity, the inability to complete the most rudementary tasks...many of us have given up on our faith...it's like being in a concentration camp just waitng to be released.  I too am 65 years old and have suffered many tragedies in my long life (which brought me to these drugs in the first place) but I have NEVER ever experienced anything like this never ending, Hellish Nightmare.  My only hope is that if I ever get through this I will appreciate the things I always took for granted.  Even so, it's a horrendous price to pay.  I also hope my anger will fade...it consumes me on days I can't even shower or brush my teeth...or go for a ride...or run into a store to buy a stupid loaf of bread.


Yes, tragedy beyond description.





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I'm thinking that I have been in this routine for a long time. I know what I am doing everyday.This chat room has been my social life for a long time now. What are we going to do when we are well. When we come home everyday. I was given neurontin and was told it was not addictive. People come off of it in a day and they are fine. I must say that when I came off the 1800 miligrams in one month it was worse ...WORSE  then a benzo withdrawal . I remember going to the river front where I live , walking and holding my head screaming and begging for someone to end this insane feeling. So when this is all over and it will be. I think about the future and how I can do something to make people more aware of this mess. Perscription drugs are dangerous.I really believe that most doctors don't have the knowledge about them. I really don't feel they have the right to give them out.sounds crazy but it's true. It is like handing someone posion to me. Look at us. Look what we are going through.We hold on by a thread. minute by minute to the point where we feel we cannot take anymore. I look to be well and to truly try and find a way to stop this from happening to our children and the future. i'm so upset that so many people are suffering from this. It's all about money.So many people have lost so much behind this. I am losing my home. Missing my children and grandchildren's lives. Who has the right to take this from me. Because I trusted a doctor that said. Oh ,you need this to balance your chemistry. It will make you better. SOOOOO not true...They have taken years from my life. Savings i saved for years to try and support myself because I couldn't work. Oh. I'm so angry.....What does the future bring?? So much tragedy because of these drugs...

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I had absolutely no idea when I joined this forum, that it would take so long to recover from two lousy weeks of benzos. I mean 'Realy?'

As for doctors, well what do you expect from someone who can only commit 10 minutes to you at a time and charges a heck of a lot for those 10 minutes?

This whole odyssey has been a real eye opener for me in so many ways. Even though it has been awful beyond belief (and I've had it easy compared to many here) I am now able to count more good things that have come of it, than bad.

I've talked to my doctor about this, and I hope she heard me. I think she did, but kinda doesn't quite believe me or reserves judgment.

This may sound silly, but I want to get a couple t-shirts that say benzo-free on them or something like that.

Or 'Just say no... to prescription drugs'

Ha-ha. But really, I'm serious! I've been thinking about this for a while.


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This may sound silly, but I want to get a couple t-shirts that say benzo-free on them or something like that.

Or 'Just say no... to prescription drugs'

Ha-ha. But really, I'm serious! I've been thinking about this for a while.



Tanya, LOVE the t-shirt idea 'Just say no...to prescription drugs' HA!  When can I get one?


I have lost at least 10 years.  I couldn't understand why I lost all my interests and drive while I was taking the benzo.  And what does the Psychiatrist do when you tell him?  Give you other psychotropic drugs and/or up the benzo dosage and make it worse.  I had to close my business, went through years of unnecessary medical testing, misdiagnosis' and surgeries;  was treated like I was a hypochondriac because I had so many tolerance w/d symptoms.  And now the unmeasurable suffering and debilitation from benzo withdrawal for 4 months so far and maybe 11 or more to go?.  Yes, I too am mad as hell.  When I get well enough to do it I am going to scream loud and hard and not stop until my representatives in government at least acknowledge this is a problem.

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I'll buy one of those t-shirts!


Just 2 days ago I was driving with my daughter and I looked over at her and said "Promise me you will never take a benzo or anti-depressant ever"..she said, " I won't mommy"...I'm never going to let my kids forget what these psych drugs did to me and them...if they get depressed or have anxiety I will do everything in power to get them alternative help....there are so many other options for those 2 problems, I wish I would have known then what I know now.

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you are just awesome. My youngest daughter is getting married in nine days

nite wedding. i'm praying. I cannot walk for more than a minute without feeling like i have to sit down or lay down....Does that happen to you??this is hell

i'm off benzos for eight months and neurontin for four months,

Neurontin put me over the edge..i was on 1800 miligrams and came off in two weeks. My DHEA is high. Whatever that means. I have shortness of breath all the time, heart racing and always feel like i'm gonna pass out...Is this normal?


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Marlene - I bet you will do just fine.  My son got married on April 16 and I never thought I could do it.  I hadn't slept for the two nights before and wasn't able to eat all day of the wedding.  But once I got there, I was distracted enough and did just fine.  Good luck to you and try to enjoy yourself.....


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you are just awesome. My youngest daughter is getting married in nine days

nite wedding. i'm praying. I cannot walk for more than a minute without feeling like i have to sit down or lay down....Does that happen to you??this is hell

i'm off benzos for eight months and neurontin for four months,

Neurontin put me over the edge..i was on 1800 miligrams and came off in two weeks. My DHEA is high. Whatever that means. I have shortness of breath all the time, heart racing and always feel like i'm gonna pass out...Is this normal?



I think you are really getting a double whammy from the benzo and Neurontin..dont they both work on the GABA receptor? Even though you've been off benzos 8 months, your brain might be more at the 4 month mark because of the Neurontin.


I am dealing with 2 things...insomnia and anxiety...these of course have off branches of nausea, dizziness, chronic diarrhea, weird sensations.  I have a hard time getting a good breath, like my lungs just get hard and won't accept a full cleansing breath.


Here is what I am trying to do...I am taking it day by day knowing that one day could be good and the next day could terrible, the next one moderately awful. It actually more cycles all those things throughout the day.


If I could just start sleeping I think I would feel at least 90% healed...but who knows..insomnia makes everything feel so much worse.



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I think what we lose will come back 10-fold, even our hair   ;)


Marlene, I think you're doing really well considering all you're doing and have been through in the last few months. I agree that the Neurontin may have done a double whammy on you, but now you are well on your way since you got that behind you too.


You've come so far  :clap:



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