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Pain! Pain! Pain!


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Ok guys, my pain has shot up to unbearable level.  I am literally wailing with back and hip pain!

I started seeing a myofascial release therapist .  I’ve had two long sessions and pain is worse than ever.  She is trying to reassure me that the treatment maybe more painful before it starts to get better but this just doesn’t fell right.


My anxiety has risen as well and now I wake up with terror of having the pain which starts very ear,y in the morning.  Today has been the worst. Now I’m freaked out I won’t be able to sleep at all.


All my tricks of pain patches, BioFreeze, tens, heat, cold…nothings making a dent.

I think up until now my cocktail that I take at bedtime helps me get to sleep.  That is when I take my largest dose of Ativan. Also melatonin, magnesium and L-theanine.  Oh yeah and a Benadryl.


I am literally banging my head on the floor! I know the anxiety/ panic attacks don’t help and causes a viscous cycle but I am at my wits end.


I’ve jumped through all the hoops of doctors, MRIs, X-rays, PT, chiropractic, acupuncture etc. Chiropractic helps a little but doesn’t get the worst of the pain.  Same with acupuncture.  The thing is, I can feel the muscle and connective tissue is extremely tight on that side…..


Sorry for the rant .

I just had to get this off my chest.  Any suggestions?    :idiot::-[

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I really believe that you are over doing it with the MRT. I would just hold off and give your body time to recover from this. It may get worse before it gets better, but it will settle down. I've been there.



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Thanks so much Dana


I agree.  I did make the decision tonight to hold off after a discussion with my husband..  I have this gut feeling when I see this therapist that something isn’t quite right with the long sessions and frequency.  A close friend said I should follow my gut.  Very expensive too!  Thinking she might be taking advantage of me.

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No not recently.  It just started as mild pain about 3 years ago.  I started my taper anyway with no idea it would get this bad.  Although I did have an injury years ago that might be rearing it’s ugly. head


Not sure….

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Sorry , Becks.  Yes I know part of the problem is exactly that. I’ve talked to many on here about these crazy pain issues we have. I actually went to the ER a couple of weeks ago because I was so crazy with pain.  I’d been down that road a couple of times in 2020.  I know all they will do is put a bandaid on it but I was pretty desperate.


They gave me morphine which helped but of course only for a few hours and the next day had a horrific headache…..

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I just have to say that just by posting this and getting it out there has helped me calm down a bit.

Thanks to anyone who read it.  :)

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2cats, have I talked to you about indica mj for pain? I broke my tailbone in 2013 and had to seek relief from that terrible pain. I tried opiates but they make me ill and woozy . . . so my surgeon signed my application for a medical mj card. Don't know where you live or if mj is even legal there. I'll tell you more if you want. I won't bother you about it though, if you don't want to try it/can't  get it or whatever.


Anyhow . . . best  to you.



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Hi Katz. Yes I remember you mentioning it before.  I can get it where I live with a prescription from doc . My Primary Care Doc is pretty progressive so I think he would prescribe or even one of the pain docs I saw.


I am allergic to Percocet and Vicodin and Tramadol but really wouldn’t want to go down that road anyway. 


Thanks for mentioning it again .  Send me a PM if you want and tell me some details.

I do take ibuprofen and Tylenol ( together) and sometimes I get a bit of relief but don’t want to think about they are doing to my stomach and liver…..

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Looks like a fast taper since you’re doing it on Ativan milligrams not Valium which is 1 lorazepam to 10 diazepam. 


Apologies if you already knew this but diazepam allows for a longer, slower taper as it stays in your system a bit longer.


In retrospect I went pretty fast too at times and HOLY COW yeah all the crazy and painful symptoms.

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Sorry you’ve had painful episodes as well  :(


I’ve reduced from 1.25 mg to .85 mg in 19 mos.  I guess I didn’t really think that was a rapid taper but everyone’s different so maybe it is.  I’ve had several times where I’ve held for a while.  I’ve never really felt “stable “ .


Yeah, I chose not to switch over to Valium.  There have been buddies who have successfully tapered directly from Ativan and I didn’t want to go through the switchover.


It’s definitely a crazy ride!

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Are you still dry tapering?


Apologies if I misread anything.  I too am slightly unconventional in my taper as I bite my pills instead of using a pill cutter and this has really worked fine for me, and you’ve been successful at reducing so that’s great. 


Valium is just as horrible of a drug as Ativan. The only real advantage to switching (besides that it stays longer in your body) is you have a bigger pill to work with.  2mg is the smallest they come in.  I think it would be easier and smoother, I personally would run out of surface area on those tiny ones and liquid taper for me is way too complicated but I’ll see how I am when I’m down to working with crumbs.  When I think about it, your crumbs are way smaller. Ten times so. 😂ok I’m tryin g to be helpful but don’t know if I just sound insane and rambling.

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Yes,  Lisa you are right.  I dry cut my pills with a razor blade and weigh on a jeweler’s scale.  I got tapering advice from a buddy here who is a whiz at the math. Yes I am dealing with very tiny “crumbs” on my last morning dose.  I have been holding for a few weeks now but will cut that dose one more time before stopping it. 

I am following one suggestion from Dr. Ashton about saving my evening dose to taper last although I did taper it a bit early on.  I did consider switching to Valium early on but made the decision to stick with Ativan.  Others have successfully tapered Ativan by dry cutting and weighing.


Thanks for your thoughts about it.  I hope the rest of your taper goes smoothly. :thumbsup:

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I have had 2 spine surgeries and have assorted other complications, and pain and muscle spasms are my main symptoms.  It’s extremely hard.

I can make a very simple suggestion that helps me and was suggested by an excellent doctor I met along the way.

I soak my feet in the bathtub with several cups (3+) of epson salts , and since I have a jetted tub, I run the jets for the 20 minute cycle. Water as hot as I can tolerate.

This always helps me, at least somewhat. 

I know it sounds too simple, but the doctor told me that your body can absorb the magnesium through your feet, and it helps relax your muscles. It really is my go to when I just can’t take the pain. It’s also cheap!


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Nigella/2cats, I also used Epsom salts and found the treatment to be very relaxing for spasming muscles. But I took a hot bath and put my whole bod in it! Aaaaah.





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Nigella & Katz


Thanks for the Epsom salts suggestion.  I’ll have to settle for doing the foot soak in a washtub since, alas, I do not have a bathtub.  :( I could get one of those foot spas with the jets!


I actually had a friend mention that a while ago but had forgotten . 


Hopefully in the future we will put in a tub.  I never really cared if we had one but since all this crazy pain I really wish I could soak in one!  ;)  I could make a spa day of it! Candles and music and cucumbers on my eyes! ;D

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I’m glad that despite the pain this method IS working for you.  That’s great. I agree with everyone recommending Epsom salts!  Next best thing to wading into the ocean, for sure!  Also sunlight helps me sooo much with the nerve pain and muscle aches and cramps. 


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