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2 years ( Father’s Day milestone) YAY 😃


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Hello everyone! I’m happy to announce that today is Father’s Day and my 2 year milestone.  ;):thumbsup:


Although I’m not completely healed yet I’ve made notable progress. My main three symptoms that are still hanging around are 1) boatiness 2) pulling sensation and 3) ataxia episodes of being unbalanced. These three have improved over the past two months….meaning they are milder and definitely shorter in duration. Now I can push through them with limitations as before all I could do was stay in bed. One of my close buddies on here sent me an awesome YouTube link of someone else recovering from benzo. In the video, she said there’s a saying often used as follows:

“ Seeing is believing.” She said in this recovery we all should flip that around to “ I believe it so I WILL see it.” That was such an impact to me! Because in this recovery, we have such a roller coaster ride of symptoms, it’s more often than not that we start letting our belief in our healing fade. This is especially true after we hit such milestones as 2, 3, 4 years. We mentally set a highly hopeful timeframe based on this or that but when that time comes and we are not healed then we are much discouraged. She said not setting yourself up to be disappointed is best. Just simply believe in your healing and celebrate seeing it unfold no matter how long it takes. So, I’m going to continue watching my healing unfold as I’m a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly….those gorgeous wings that will set me free is worth the wait! 🦋 I’m looking forward to seeing bigger strides in this next segment of this process. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with hoping we will heal by X amount of time…. I certainly hope mine is very very near. I do believe it’s in the making so I WILL SEE IT. And you will too!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Ur amazing girl. We should all take a leaf out of ur book, u have handled all of this with so much grace. Come on universe it’s lady’s turn to heal now❤️


Putting it out there for my sister x

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That is fantastic.  Congrats LadyDen.  You have come a long way!  Lets keep healing until we are even better than before!!
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You've come so far LadyDen and the whole time you've kept a positive attitude and lifted others up through your pain.  You've had personal life challenges while going through this but your strength has shown through.  I love this quote and know it needs to be stated over and over again because I was guilty of putting unrealistic expectations on my recovery, artificial timelines that had no relation to my personal journey.


Good for you for reminding us that we're all individuals and what makes us unique also determines our fate. 

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A major milestone here for the loveliest and sweetest and smartest LadyDen!  You devote so much of your time to encouraging and supporting many of your fellow buddies, I know there will be a groundswell of hip hip hoorays for you to mark your momentous occasion of Two Years post taper!!!!!!


I will start….Hip Hip Hooray for LadyDen🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉





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Lady,Happy for your 2 years off, and even happier that you have helped so much on the boards and your unrelenting quest to do the best you can...even on the worst of days. A true Warrior and Friend always. Love the quote too “I believe it so I WILL see it.” Stay Strong. 💖Peace and Healing.💦
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Bless you sweetie  :hug: here's to more healing coming your way ASAP  :thumbsup:




                                                  Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Way to go, Lady!  Two years is quite a milestone.    You have been such an inspiration and an encouragement to others on this forum.  I pray your complete healing is right around the corner!!! 
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Ok you all have me crying!!! Happy tears of course.  :thumbsup:

I appreciate you all so much you have no idea! You all became my family and you hold a special place in my heart forever! Some of you I established a closer bond with- you know who you are.  I really do believe in our healing so we will see it happen. I’m cheering us on. We got this!

Once again thank you all for congratulating me. I feel so loved! And I feel SEEN, appreciated and much more. You all are awesome and deserve your healing! I love you very much.


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That’s fantastic, Lady!  How good it must feel to see progress and to be so positive!  That positivity has certainly helped so many of us.  More good things to come for you! :smitten: :smitten:
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Congratulations, LadyDen!🎉 You are such an inspiration to so many. I second GG’s hip hip hooray!


Hugs, Sandy

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Congratulations on your two year Milestone. Definitely sounds like you're making wonderful progress. So happy to hear. Before you know it you'll be completely healed. Always appreciate your positivity. Hugs!



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Thank you, Live!  :mybuddy::hug::highfive:



There’s nothing I want more than all of us fill up that success story board!  :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Gosh, lady, I'm sorry I missed this. Congratulations on 2 years off and the progress you've made. You are an inspiration!
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Thank you, Garden! You’re so sweet. I also wish you much healing as you are also a strong warrior. I really appreciate your support. What a beautiful person you are!  :hug:


I’m excited for my continued healing to completion.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yours is happening too.

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