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New symptom in my brain hard to explain.


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I've been feeling these momentary sensations in my brain, like soft tingling sensations in my brain, head pressure is typically pressure like two hours prior, jaw pain, pressure and or drooping sensation is pretty common as well.


When this soft tingling sensation happens my eyes go weird, like small micro digital or visual snow changes.


Can anyone else relate? I'm finding my symptoms more and more harder to find

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All your symptoms are from your brain healing. I've had or still have them all, so I know it's difficult but you need to accept them for just that. Your brain is healing, and just as a broken arm might itch, you're going to experience weird sensations.


Acceptance is key here, I still struggle at times to accept the situation. But endlessly searching for people with the same symptoms doesn't really achieve anything, except stress you out. You are healing and it hurts. Have you read or listened to Claire Weekes? I found it helpful

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It appears a lot of your healing involves brain cells that affect your vision… do not stress, because even if they change and morph, they are all indication that the brain is healing… that’s why u also have the brain tingling symptoms…


I didn’t experience too many vision issues, except for few times of white lines when trying to sleep, but only in the first few months…


But your answer that this is really withdrawal and healing is because u r experiencing weird head sensations… u know u never had these prior to benzos…


The more symptoms occurring daily, the more healing.., just don’t give them so much importance… it just so happens that your symptoms are more focused on head and vision sensations now… mine are focused on tinnitus and heart palpitations with dizziness… just say to yourself: I am healing, nothing is wrong with me.



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Hi Mustangsaydie06,


I've noticed you starting a lot of threads describing your symptoms and even though you get replies I don't see you coming back to acknowledge them or discuss what other members have said, do you need help finding your replies?  You can select Show new replies to your posts located in the upper left of your window next to your profile. 


If I don't see you respond to this thread I'll send you a PM so we can hopefully help you interact with other members to lessen your fear.



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It appears a lot of your healing involves brain cells that affect your vision… do not stress, because even if they change and morph, they are all indication that the brain is healing… that’s why u also have the brain tingling symptoms…


I didn’t experience too many vision issues, except for few times of white lines when trying to sleep, but only in the first few months…


But your answer that this is really withdrawal and healing is because u r experiencing weird head sensations… u know u never had these prior to benzos…


The more symptoms occurring daily, the more healing.., just don’t give them so much importance… it just so happens that your symptoms are more focused on head and vision sensations now… mine are focused on tinnitus and heart palpitations with dizziness… just say to yourself: I am healing, nothing is wrong with me.




I appreciate you replying back, I've never heard of this concept of symptoms representing healing, when I was in Med school we were taught the opposite which makes more sense to me, symptoms indicates a problem... Think of it like your body screaming for help. Only certain recovery processes such as primary recovery process such as a broken leg causes symptom s such as pain however, said pain resolves the further out the patient progresses... This process however, makes no medical sense nothing about this process makes sense. I've even stopped using terminologies such as "Benzo withdrawal" because its no wonder licensed doctors don't believe us, in Med school the terminology "Withdrawal" retains to one model with a certain dialogue of criterias which this process doesn't fit any of them.

Instead to help the doctors I see, I'll say a title like " Benzo induced Nervous system iatrogenic injury". It's clear cut, it's more so easier to understand as no doctor is willing to bend and twist the original withdrawal model we've been taught for a case no one can explain, measure consistently and is anecdotal. Then there's obviously the FDA and Big Pharma which is a whole other problem no one wants to deal with.


This process is just over whelming and very unpredictable, no rules at all to follow I've never heard of anything which your day 90 is as bad as your day 1,nor have I been taught about multiple symptoms which evolve, morph and pop up.


It now kind makes some sense I guess... GabaA neurotransmitters are targeted along with Glutamate which certain activities can lead to a Glutamate storm, and GABA contributes to 78% of the Nervous system, once the Nervous system both the CNS and PNS are effected so are nearby systems including The vestibular system

Musculatory system

integumentary system,autonomic nervous system lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, and reproductive systems which is why symptoms are so wildly spread out all over the place depending on the are effected at the time.


That makes sense, what doesn't make sense why some areas take the spot light while other systems take a back seat waiting for a turn to being worked on, then there's Grey matter in the brain (CNS)... To my knowledge, recovery can't be possible because Grey matter has no know mechanism currently nor does white matter to put its self back together and neuroplasticity only covers receptors and neurons yet people recover after years... This whole thing makes no sense to me


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  • 1 month later...
I am also having horrifuc withdrawls and struggling to know how to cope.  I have almost the same number of symptoms as mustang.  Can anybody give me help.  I am at .8mg Ativan.  Stupidly reinststed and now need to get off
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