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How do we know it's wd and not something else?


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I don't understand how I can be ok last week but hit 3 days ago with worsening symptoms. I updosed under doc orders last Wed. Felt great the past 5 days then suddenly hit again with worse tinnitus symptoms ever. I swear I am losing my hearing.  I can't even talk on my cell phone it bothers me too much. How can I be getting worse symptoms when I haven't made a cut? Please help me understand.
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I know your brain is in fear mode right now, this is what this process does to us but what else is erratic like this?  What other disease or condition comes and goes without any rhyme or reason? 


Once withdrawal symptoms start, even while still taking the drug it's difficult to pull out of it, this is why some members say going back up in dose hasn't helped them.  Your central nervous system has had a shock, your initial taper was very fast and I don't know what it will take to get you settled down.  I'm so sorry you're suffering.

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I wrote a big long post but not sure what happened to it.

So what you are saying I guess is once the withdrawal train starts it's hard to stop? Does this withdrawal "count" towards the overall withdrawal even though I am taking a smaller dose? I cut 75% of my original dose but it's taken me since last Oct. I'm not sure why the symptoms are worse now than ever...if been stuck since March.


I really admire you for answering these same questions over and over. Those of us going through this are scared and confused.

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One of the hardest things I found about benzo withdrawal is the 'not knowing'. Not knowing why your symptoms are suddenly worse, not knowing why you have a new symptom, not knowing if it's benzo's or something else, not knowing when you'll stabilize. It's hard living with the uncertainty when you're in pain.


Some people say their symptoms get worse when they get to the lower numbers, other say it gets better. Why? We don't know. The one thing we do know is that people eventually get better and recover from this. Thank goodness for that right! I started tapering from 1mg during April last year and I'm still going. I had to take it really slow because of long Covid this year and haven't noticed any symptoms. I'm sure you'll stabilize and be on your way soon. It's really good that you're holding now and giving your brain enough time to recover. It's going to be okay, you'll get through this! :smitten:

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I often wonder after having severe anxiety, tinnitus, body aches and DPDR is it possibly no longer PAWS but after so much worry for 18 months I have developed a severe anxiety disorder?

It has been 18 months off.


Seems like the symptoms for both are similar...some good days and some bad days.

Also anxiety and PAWS both make your central nervous system so so sensitive that any unexpected noise makes me jump.


Many days huge anxiety all day and by 8-9pm feel so much better.

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Tinnitus and hyperacusis are my worst symptoms.  I expect some anxiety eventually as I think it’s worth remembering I got prescribed this stuff for anxiety in the first place.
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Hi!  I have no expert medical advice to offer, but your mention of tinnitus reminded me that many people have complained of tinnitus as a symptom of long covid, AND, oddly enough, also a short term side effect of covid vaccinations and boosters.  Your situation may be unrelated, but just a thought.


best to you!



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I did have covid, the original strain in

jan. 2021and was pretty sick but didn't get bad tinnitus I started tapering in Oct 2021 so not sure if they are connected.


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