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Low Dose, Short Term withdrawal.


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I have only just joined the forum, so forgive me if I'm asking questions that have already been answered.


I have just been withdrawn (not chose to withdraw) from taking Diazepam at the decision of my doctor. I only took a maximum of 3 x 2mg per day for a period of 3/4 months. I was told repeatedly that because of the low dosage, and relatively short time in taking it in comparison to some, a quick taper should be easy and have very limited withdrawal symptoms. I know it's not encouraged for long term use, but it certainly helped me back back to close to fully functioning.


However, 9 days since by last dose (1mg) I am in a worse state than I have ever been. Physical symptoms include: weird brain zaps/tingles, eyes sensitive to light, hot and cold, nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty in staying asleep, teeth feel like they are going to fall out, tinnitus. Psychological symptoms include restless, agitation, inability to think clearly or focus on anything, uncontrollable crying for long periods, in a constant haze like feeling etc.


Has anyone else experienced these type of symptoms from so called low doses and does the length of time they were taking for have any impact on how long this withdrawal process takes? I am contemplating going back onto it, as I have gone from being close to fully functional (on a phased return to work, playing sports, socially relatively active) to now being pretty much being incapacitated in the space of those 10 days, even if it's just to get back to a certain level then taper at a more  rate.To throw a spanner in the works, I today started a new antidepressant so have all the fun of those side effects to deal with too at the same time.


Any advice/thoughts would be massively appreciated.

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I was on Temazepam for only 21 days, with 5 of those days being half dose.  I am now in my 12th month post CT and still in recovery.  As I did not really taper, others can provide insight on that.  Acceptance will go along way as to time that it takes for recovery but the majority will most likely say that getting off this poison is definitely worth it.
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Your symptoms have shown up right on time because Valium takes so long to leave the system.  I believe length of use to be a huge factor in recovery length and while we typically see short time users which I consider to be under 3 months recover sooner (less than 6 months) than those who have taken it long term, I've witnessed many like Newbie2Temaz .


You might consider reinstating to recover some functionality but be advised a long taper is no picnic either and I'm not sure what dose will help you get stable, it could be higher than 6 mgs.  What did you feel during your rapid taper, were all of the reductions difficult or were they more difficult towards the end?  I'm just trying to help you figure out what dose you might want to try to go back to.  Valium is a good drug to taper from because it makes it smoother with less interdose withdrawal but this same scenario presents challenges because when trying to go up in dose you'll need to wait a week or two between increases for the drug to reach maximum concentration.


You might also consider sticking this out but only you know how much you can endure so we'll support you whatever you decide. 


I'm sorry to hear you've just started an A/D, its a tricky proposition to start new medications while our central nervous system is so highly sensitized.

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Thanks for the advice, I'm very glad I stumbled upon this forum (albeit gives me massive dread hearing some of the difficulties people have had a long way down the line.) Certainly my doctor and psychiatrist have given me very little information or support in how the timeline may play out.


I actually felt okay during the entire tapering down to 1mg early in the morning. I would even say that I was only on 6mg for no more than a week, before being fairly steady on 4mg for a couple of months. The main problem lied in that my doctor basically said that they weren't going to prescribe any longer, so it rushed the final part of the tapering to a pace I wasn't really comfortable with, particularly as it coincided with changing over from one AD to another in a same 2 week period so any withdrawal side effects from one and starting of another is all jumbled into the mixing pot of my body and head at the minute which is no fun. There were even points where I was forced to miss a dose, as the GP only prescribed 3 x 2mg tablets and he said that's all that were going to be prescribed for a 10 day period, only to be used as needed despite me telling him I was tapering down, so I probably went 3 or maybe 4 days without, as I knew I needed to save it for situations such as a cricket game which I knew would cause high anxiety.

I have a F2F appointment with my GP tomorrow morning (the first one in the entire 6 month period as everything else was done via phone which again isn't always easy to paint the full picture of what is going on)

Whether I should reinstate at 4mg per day whilst the new AD's/old AD's sort themselves out then look to taper at a slower pace to give me a bit more ability to work and function is a potentially option, but again I feel that decision will be made for me by the doctor rather than me having much of a say. But equally not sure if it's just kicking the can down later in the road, and the last 3 or 4 days of intense suffering will be futile and then I will have to endure it again.


Being based over in the UK, doesn't seem like the understanding of the medication is as good as it is over in the States, I reckon if I took in a detailed tapering schedule as some of the users on the forum are adopting I would be laughed at rather than acknowledged.


Will see what tomorrow brings but again thanks for the advice and support!

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Thanks for helping us understand your situation, it pains me to see that a patient led, symptom based taper isn't being offered to you.  As an adult who is not drug seeking, it saddens me to hear you're not being given the respect and dignity you deserve, I'm sorry.


I can see a bit of my reasoning playing out in your thoughts, I quit cold turkey and couldn't bring myself to reinstate because I couldn't give up the pain I'd already endured by going back to the drug knowing I'd have to endure it again.  But its possible you may begin to feel worse as more symptoms hit you so I'm glad you'll be able to meet in person with your doctor to discuss this.  I hope they listen to you however you plan to approach this.


I don't think there is any greater understanding of benzo's in the states since 92 million prescriptions were written in the US last year but doctors are getting more nervous about prescribing them since the opioid settlements, they can probably feel the next wave of blame coming.


I like this document but you're right, you may be laughed at rather than acknowledged.  Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines



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So after discussing with him today, he has suggested to reinstate to 4mg for a 4 week period whilst the new AD'S start to kick in and all the symptoms that go along with those to ease the restlessness/agitation and general anxiety, then after that have a follow up to see how things have played out as to how we go about tapering properly this time rather than the rushed and forced approach last time out.


Obviously want to get off permanently ASAP but I think this is probably the best approach for now until we get to a more stable position with the other medication. Hopefully the suffering of this time round isn't as bad next time out with a more responsible and managed tapering process.



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I'm glad to hear you had a productive discussion with your doctor and glad he acknowledges your discomfort.  Please keep us informed about how you're doing, every approach documented by our members can help someone else facing a similar situation. 
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