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is it normal to feel depressed after stopping?


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I have been off Clonazepam for approximately 3 weeks.... first two weeks were absolute hell. Panick attacks, constant nervous, anxious stomach...OMG. I have Ativan that I was taking fro those really bad times, 1 mg tablets.  I talked to the doctor and tapered the dose, no cold turkey. I wanted to stop because I want to have a baby and have heard of all the horrible brith defects that have been associated with this drug. I suffer from depression as well and currently take 150mg of Wellbutrin XL. The doctor recently said I could swtich to Cymbalta to see how that works but I'm so scared to switch right now because of the withdrawl already, I don't want a double whammy effect.


I feel hopeless, not sucicidal. I hate this feeling - Can anyone give me tips on coping or how long this will last?  :(

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Hi restless,

yes, depression is quite common during wd and post wd. My opinion would be not to switch quite yet on your a/d's. At least until you feel more stable. I"m not familiar with cymbalta, is it an ssri? I was on 150mg wellbutrin sr and I don't think it did much for my depression. But it lifted when I was done with the klono. It actually lifted during my taper, but since you didn't taper it,(I don't think), this would definitely cause everything you are experiencing now.

Just hang in there for now. You may even be able to go off the wellbutrin eventually.

What you are feeling is normal. half of our regular members right now are experiencing depression. You are not alone.  ;)

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Hi restless!


Yes, what you are experiencing is classic benzo withdrawal.  3 weeks is not very long to be off.  I know it probably feels like a lifetime of hell...but it takes awhile for your body to get back to normal.  You have been through and are going through a great trauma...it's only natural to be affected by it.  Hang in there and try to stay as positive as you can....there IS a light at the end of the tunnel!!





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Thank you for your comments... it's really nice to know that you are not alone. I have been on meds since I was 16 - 28 now... How do you even know that you can come off? I would be terrified to try.... It just seems like a way of life now. Cymbalta is a SNRI... I just dont know, I have tried so many SSRI's feels like there is none left. I was on  prozac and felt pretty good... I know it's a silly question because they all work differently for everyone but is there one A/D out there that seems to work the best for the average person?? :'(
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I think A/D's work differently on different people.  The only one I could remotely tolerate was Prozac.  They put me on Effexor in the hospital and it turned me into someone who literally wanted to kill someone.  Told the doc that and she was happy that "I was getting in touch with my feelings".  God I hate psychiatrists!!  LOL  Little did she know...she's the first one I wanted to start with!!!  :2funny:



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I know it's a silly question because they all work differently for everyone but is there one A/D out there that seems to work the best for the average person?? :'(


Not that I know of. I was on paxil, then lexapro for about 5 years. I wasn't on it for depression, so I can't say if it works well for that. But it did help me with my GAD, and obsessiveness. But now that I am off everything, I"m really feeling ok. I have learned a lot this past year on how to cope, and why I was the way I was. Do you see see a therapist? I imagine you have, with your history. Are you familiar with cognitive behavioral therapy? It may be helpful for you.

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I know that all Benzo's can/are additive but is there anything you can take during withdrawl that is NOT addictive??  I have a 1 mg of Ativan and when I feel terrible that is the only thing that helps, I'm just afraid that I will become addicted to that too! I was only given the Ativan for a major episode which I never used that often. Now, after off the Cloanzepam I feel so stressed. The Ativan really helps... :(
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Hi Restless,


I know some of us take Calms Forte by Hylands. It has a sedative effect. I also heard if you take it too much it loses it's effectiveness. It is found under sleep aids and can be found at drug stores otc. How long of a taper did you do on the Cloanzepam? I know that the Ativan helps, but yes it is a benzo drug and you can become addicted to that also.


Some others should be by since the server is back up.


Hang in there!  :)

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Hi Theresa2,


Thanks for the info. I took 1 mg for 7 months.... brought dose to half for 2 weeks, half of half for 1 week then stopped. Too fast?


I was reading about the Substituation with Valium, would that be something for me now after 3 weeks of being off completley? It seems scary, what if you get addicted to the valium, seems like you would be going aroung in circles? ???

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Hi Theresa2,


Thanks for the info. I took 1 mg for 7 months.... brought dose to half for 2 weeks, half of half for 1 week then stopped. Too fast?



Yes, that was a bit too fast, and explains why you feel so crappy. To reinstate now would not be a good idea. Many times, reinstatement doesn't help as the body seems to be tolerent at that point. Also, you are doing yourself a disservice by taking the occasional ativan. I know it makes you feel better, but it's somewhat like a recoving alcoholic taking a drink. You aren't giving your body and brain a chance to recover cuz you keep teasing it in a way.


I would really just try to hang in there at this point and you will heal. You'll have good days and bad days. But slowly you'll have more good than bad.

Try some non drug relaxation methods. Go check out some of our other threads on healing. I'll get you a couple of links

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I'm so sorry you are suffering.  I vividly remember those days...the fear, the panic, desperately searching for something to make it better.  Unfortunately, I do not know of anything to immediately "help" other than support, prayer and pure grit and determination.  Ativan may feel like it is helping for that immediate moment...but you are only prolonging the inevitable.  Perhaps making withdrawal even worse.  Ativan is a very potent, fast acting benzo.  It enters the system very quickly and leaves quickly throwing you back into withdrawal perhaps in worse shape than you were before taking it.


I know it seems unbearable...I truly didn't think I could bear another day.  But, you will get through this...and once you are free from the poison...begin to heal both physically and emotionally.  When I was going through it I really thought I would never be normal again.  I feared being a basketcase for the rest of my life.  I am doing great now.  No lingering affects from my nightmare except maybe a few emotional scars here and there.  But that is to be expected.  Benzo withdrawal was absolutely the greatest trauma of my life thus far...and I've had some doozies!!  LOL  I hope somehow knowing that I was so bad I checked myself into a psych hospital and am now doing very very very well gives you some kind of assurance that you too will get through this.  It's tough, it's hard, it sucks...but you can do it!!


Hang in there sweetie. 





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Hi Restless1,

I'm new to this forum also.  I too was taking clonazepam but was also on cymbalta.  I went cold turkey on both and thoght I was going to lose my mind.  It was the worse thing I have ever been through.  Major, MAJOR withdrawal symptoms, so bad I couldn't get out of the house for 3 weeks.  I thought that the cymbalta caused it but after finding this site just a week ago I think it was and still is the Clonazepam.  I am still left with a lot of symptoms and struggle each day.  I think I would be a lot farther along by now but I was prescibed another benzo drug for when the anxiety is more than I can handle.  After finding out a week ago that it was the benzo that CAUSED the anxiety in the first place, I knew not to take anymore.  I had only been taking maybe 1mg two or three times a week but any amount at all is just teasing your system.  Yesterday was the first day in over 3 months that I have had any relief lasting more than a coupld of hours. 

You might want to research cymbalta before deciding to start another AD.  There are a lot of forums just like this one on cymbalta withdrawel.  I was only on it for 7 weeks and it took me another 7 to get over the withdrawels from it.  This is a great place for support and I am so glad to have found it.

Hang in there and Just know your not alone.




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