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Jumped off Klonopin early, let’s talk about it


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After over a year of tapering and all sorts of withdrawls, I had my good days, okay days, bad days and the days where I’d wonder if this is hell on earth. Unfortunately the lower I went on Klonopin dosage the more hell on earth I felt.


Originally dry tapering with 5% cuts off of 1mg (.95 .90 .85etc) I made it down to .30 in which I had to go .01 at a time after that making it to .23mg. At this point it was just severe brain fog, loss of appetite for weeks and debilitation where I figured I couldn’t make sense of how I am or was going to continue. Then I finally threw the ball in life’s court and said I’m done.


After a very helpful venting/therapy session with a friend I decided I’m done with all of this and went to bed without medication. The first night is surprisingly easy because of the long half life of the drug in comparison to the nights following.


Sleep is terrible which basically makes life extremely hard but I’m battling this crap out of my system. Taking magnesium for the anxiety/ nerves at night as needed, it’s helping but man you don’t realIze how powerful these drugs are until you see that the crumb you still take every night is literally holding your nervous system together.


I’m determined to win this 5+ year battle of dependency, addiction, tolerance withdrawl and tapering. It’s anything but easy but with enough strength it’s possible. Hopefully my body regulates itself soon.

Hard to believe I used to take 2+ mg a day of this crap.

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That’s exciting that you jumped! Please keep us up to date on how your post jump goes. Wishing you nothing but the best!
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I actually quit .25 milligrams of Klonopin cold turkey and ended up having a severe protracted withdrawal. But the first symptom I had was insomnia as in the first three weeks off the drug I barely slept at all. One thing I would recommend is do not drink alcohol right now under any circumstances. I think my withdrawal went way longer than it needed to because I drank multiple times in the first three months off the medications. Wait a few years till after you feel healed to try alcohol again.
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That’s actually exactly what I’ve been doing because the 2 times I had alcohol during my taper I felt like it threw everything way off. So I totally agree to no alcohol. I appreciate the input thank you.
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Kudos and congrats to you for letting Klonopin go from your life!  It sounds like you had gotten to the point many of us had - where it wasn't working for you any longer and was actually working against you.  I wish you continued healing and the joys of a benzo-free life.    :thumbsup:
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