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I need a miracle


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The burning skin has now turned to stinging. Does anyone else have this symptom? I’ve had the burning scalp, arms and lower legs ever since I began my taper and then detox. So, almost 10 months of this unimaginable symptom,  but even worse after I went to detox. (6.5 months ago)


I was really hoping to turn a corner at 6 months but as some wise warriors have shared, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment with the monthly markers. Some people are fortunate to heal swiftly. Sadly, that doesn’t appear to be the case for me.


It seems the burning has turned into incredible stinging. It feels like fire ants or bees stinging my head, arms and legs. Sometimes it feels like I’m sitting inside a freezer getting burned by the freezer burn.

This is absolutely exhausting.  My body is so stressed from it all. If I could just get a window, I wouid be so grateful.


I’m even afraid go to the dentist! I’ve never felt that before. But I’m so concerned that it will set me back. I’ve never minded the dentist. Always a good experience, but now I’m avoiding it because of the burning skin and discomfort and now a new symptom  of myoclonic jerks has arrived… just unbelievable.  :~(


I’m praying for mercy and healing everyday.


Had a setback from antibiotics which caused thrush in my mouth, so very painful. I’ve never had such a reaction.  Have had two horrific nose bleeds and two cauterizations one last month and another last week due to large vessel in my nose and deviated septum. I’ve never had bad ones before, like a horror movie.


I asked my ENT if it’s possible that this is due to Benzo withdrawal. She said she didn’t know.

I’ve never had nosebleeds as bad as these past two occasions. So very scary. Had to go to ER each time because they wouldn’t stop.


This withdrawal and burning has been brutal 24/7. It’is bad enough to have to deal with that and then to now have the nosebleeds? It’s just almost too much to bear.

Now, I have PTSD from the horrible nosebleeds with such fear of it happening again.

So frightening because they were so bad.  I’m sleeping practically sitting up, too afraid to lie down, as to prevent a nosebleed, with a humidifier now close by. 


I was doing so much better with the anxiety, and now it’s stronger than ever because of this. What a distressing journey. How cruel it is sometimes.


I know my body is trying to heal, but sometimes it seems that my body is breaking down and fighting my spirit to the pit of despair.


I need a miracle, I really do.   

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I am so sorry for all you're going through. I feel your pain. I have never had nosebleeds but I had a terrible asthmatic type wheezing cough which made it difficult to breathe. It would get so scary at night that's when it would flare up the worst I almost ended up in ER one night it was so bad I felt like I wasn't going to be able to breathe. This whole journey can be so unbelievably unbearable. You think you're getting through one thing and then something else hits you. I sure hope this settles down for you soon. My cough is finally gone away it was with me for 17 long months. I ended up trying a steroid and that just flared up horrific anxiety so I had to stop. But I did have to use a rescue inhaler. Ultimately what helped me was my naturopath gave me some homeopathic remedies and some supplements and it kept it manageable with the inhaler. Right now I'm just really suffering a lot myself the last few months I've been in a horrible wave with barely any Windows not that I ever had a lot of Windows to begin with. I'm just hoping this is the worst before it gets better. Hang in there. We are all healing everyday. And we are going to get through this one step at a time one day at a time one hour at a time one minute at a time if that's what it takes. Hugs!



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Hi BB,

I haven’t posted on the Hopeful blog for awhile because I’ve been feeling way too down and out.  I went looking for threads with someone around 10 months off?  Anyway that’s where I’m at… it’s soooo brutal!!! I hear you guys.  My signature says semi functional but since month about 6 that has reduced to barely functional…just hanging on by a thread actually.

I need a miracle too🤯🤕🙏

Feeling fire

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I am so sorry for all you're going through. I feel your pain. I have never had nosebleeds but I had a terrible asthmatic type wheezing cough which made it difficult to breathe. It would get so scary at night that's when it would flare up the worst I almost ended up in ER one night it was so bad I felt like I wasn't going to be able to breathe. This whole journey can be so unbelievably unbearable. You think you're getting through one thing and then something else hits you. I sure hope this settles down for you soon. My cough is finally gone away it was with me for 17 long months. I ended up trying a steroid and that just flared up horrific anxiety so I had to stop. But I did have to use a rescue inhaler. Ultimately what helped me was my naturopath gave me some homeopathic remedies and some supplements and it kept it manageable with the inhaler. Right now I'm just really suffering a lot myself the last few months I've been in a horrible wave with barely any Windows not that I ever had a lot of Windows to begin with. I'm just hoping this is the worst before it gets better. Hang in there. We are all healing everyday. And we are going to get through this one step at a time one day at a time one hour at a time one minute at a time if that's what it takes. Hugs!




Thank you so much Livelife. You are always so kind to encourage me.

It’s so true it seems that we get past one symptom only to be surprised and set back by another.


I’m so glad that your cough has subsided and that you are feeling relief.

I had pneumonia years ago and had to use an inhaler as well. I could hardly get a good breath which is so distressing.  I know that anxiety can cause the lack of air feeling as well, but when it’s asthma or recovery, it can be so difficult.


I’m so glad that you found some supplements to help. I know quercetin helped me a lot when I was going through the recovery of the pneumonia. Also olive leaf extract and of course vitamin c and sometimes, zinc.


I stopped all my supplements during my taper since the forums advised that they may cause issues.

I actually think my body still suffered some because of not taking the main ones. I wasn’t eating much as I was afraid that foods would cause a reaction. Lost 25lbs during that stage.  I’ve now introduced vit c, probiotics, and some natural supplements from juice plus. I’m eating better now, lots of green leafy vegetables, some fruits, and nuts. No caffeine and very little sugar.

I take Histamix probiotics from Seeking Health which helps the histamine.


I’m so sorry that you’ve had such suffering and I hope we both are granted to well deserved windows soon. I’ve barely had any windows like you. And yes, sometimes it’s just getting through the next hour, day, month. I wish I would have researched the Benzo before I ever took it. I had no idea of the dangers and I trusted my doc.  What a price we have paid.


You have a beautiful spirit, so strong and courageos. I pray that total healing, renewed strength and restoration will soon be yours.

Big Hugs to you!

Bless you!


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Hi BB,

I haven’t posted on the Hopeful blog for awhile because I’ve been feeling way too down and out.  I went looking for threads with someone around 10 months off?  Anyway that’s where I’m at… it’s soooo brutal!!! I hear you guys.  My signature says semi functional but since month about 6 that has reduced to barely functional…just hanging on by a thread actually.

I need a miracle too🤯🤕🙏

Feeling fire


Hi FeelingFire,

Wow, your user name fits me, with all the burning skin feeling I’m enduring. It truly is just brutal.


I wish I had some magic fix for your suffering, but sadly there is not one. Stay strong and know for sure that you will get through this. Ten months, you have conquered! That is amazing. I’m so sorry you’re struggling and I completely understand the hanging on by a fingernail. It’s just so hard with the physical pain. I trade any other symptom than the physical pain that soars through the body so unmercifully.


I’m praying for some relief and hope for you soon.


Hugs and prayers for your miracle.

Bless you. 🙏🌸🦋


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JordanJack i feel your pain. Everyday i am crying on my knees from pain. my partner begs me to stop crying just for one day but i cant endure it. I am honestly not even hanging on at thia point rather a ragdoll being thrashed around and dragged on the floor...I dont know what i am waiting for it seems a miracle as well.
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Hey jordanjack.  I am so sorry you are suffering so much.  This is such a terrible condition for all of us.  I wish so much that I could just take it all away from you.  It is so unfair that we have to endure the relentless pain!


I have the burning skin too.  It happens all the time, especially when I eat anything.  It is like my body is literally set on fire and lava is pouring all over my skin and over each nerve.  For me this started from a steroid setback 7 months ago.  It has gotten better, not a lot better, but better.


Have you noticed any improvement?  Do you get windows?  How long have you been enduring this?  Sorry if I am asking questions that you have already answered somewhere.


We are healing jordanjack.  We will heal from this.  We just have to hang on!



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