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How to fight through severe symptoms and gain social life back


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My symptoms


burning body

brain feels on fire




hypersensitivity to everything


akathisia/inner restlessness


I can't hide anymore from my friends, family general public.


I NEED TO  TRY TO FAKE IT...I seriously cant live like this longer than another couple weeks. I need help tips advice how i can i pretend tovbe okay with such severe symptoms? Was anyone able to do it? did anyone try and fail...I need to put myself to the test soon. I have so many things i have to be present for in the near future i just cant hide anymore..


How does one take their life back with such severe symptoms and fake it? I know i wont enjoy anything i do but i atleast need to fake it and be present because this is no way to live. im not even able to drag myself to the grocery store  or visit my mom who lives 5 minutes away cuz i feel so f****d. i need a miracle at this point


Edit: Removed profanity.

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You've answered your own question, and that's to fake it.  I was able to do that for small periods of time, its exhausting but possible.  It would probably be a good idea to prioritize what's most important for you to be present for because taking on too much could increase your stress which could then increase your symptoms. 
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You've answered your own question, and that's to fake it.  I was able to do that for small periods of time, its exhausting but possible.  It would probably be a good idea to prioritize what's most important for you to be present for because taking on too much could increase your stress which could then increase your symptoms.


Thanks for replying Everything is already too much to be honest. I am a wreck like i can barely bathe myself i am one those cases. But i am atleast going to give an effort to do stuff and its either going to go kind of bad or extremely terribly bad. these symptoms are serioaly like out of a scary movie or nightmare.


All the severe cases that share the same symptoms end up disabled and their last posts are always of them crying for help

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People stop coming to the forum for all sorts of reasons, try not to assume the worst even though your brain is focusing on the negative. 


I didn't have much of a social life while I was recovering but I forced myself to attend what I had to and even though it was difficult it felt good to follow through on some of my more pressing obligations.  A sense of accomplishment helps our self esteem which really takes a hit during this process.

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People stop coming to the forum for all sorts of reasons, try not to assume the worst even though your brain is focusing on the negative. 


I didn't have much of a social life while I was recovering but I forced myself to attend what I had to and even though it was difficult it felt good to follow through on some of my more pressing obligations.  A sense of accomplishment helps our self esteem which really takes a hit during this process.

I just try to find a user with similar symptoms and see their last posts if they posted a sucess story. Its hard to find any that do. Not that im focusing on the negative. .i read plenty of success stories but they are all mild cases who were able to still work and participate in life from the start...I am not even at a point where i could work i have set my bar so low as just going to the grocery store would be a huge accomplishment at this point

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I suggest you start by setting small achievable goals. Earlier in the year I contracted long covid and the symptoms are very similar to benzo withdrawal. So I'm going through "double withdrawal". I couldn’t do much. Even washing my hair was exhausting. I started pacing myself and doing small achievable things. Gradually increasing my activities. So taking a shower each day, then washing my hair,  then cooking a meal.


Last week I attended a work lunch (I recently started working from home again) and I felt horrible the entire lunch. The DP, headaches, brain fog were killing me. I just sat there wondering if these people could see how sick I am inside. I just wanted to leave. But you know what I didn't. I stuck it out and I faked it because that's part of my recovery. I made it through 2 hours of lunch and afterwards I went home and my body crashed. But I did it. And so can you.


Don't start off by setting lofty goals of everything you need to achieve. Go the grocery store and only buy one item. Next time you increase it. Go to your mother's and maybe just drop something off. Next time stay longer. Psychologically it helps with the anxiety and it sets you up to fake it better for longer.


The fact that you realize you need to do this and want to do something about it is already credit to you.

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I suggest you start by setting small achievable goals. Earlier in the year I contracted long covid and the symptoms are very similar to benzo withdrawal. So I'm going through "double withdrawal". I couldn’t do much. Even washing my hair was exhausting. I started pacing myself and doing small achievable things. Gradually increasing my activities. So taking a shower each day, then washing my hair,  then cooking a meal.


Last week I attended a work lunch (I recently started working from home again) and I felt horrible the entire lunch. The DP, headaches, brain fog were killing me. I just sat there wondering if these people could see how sick I am inside. I just wanted to leave. But you know what I didn't. I stuck it out and I faked it because that's part of my recovery. I made it through 2 hours of lunch and afterwards I went home and my body crashed. But I did it. And so can you.


Don't start off by setting lofty goals of everything you need to achieve. Go the grocery store and only buy one item. Next time you increase it. Go to your mother's and maybe just drop something off. Next time stay longer. Psychologically it helps with the anxiety and it sets you up to fake it better for longer.


The fact that you realize you need to do this and want to do something about it is already credit to you.

Its not even that i want to I have no choice. I am about to lose absolutely everything so i either lose everything without trying or lose everything with trying or somehow fake it well enough  untill i see some healing..but yah im in survival mode right now and im barely hanging on.

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I think it's important for you to force yourself to go out. At some point during my taper when I was in a long wave and became a hermit, I decided to go out even if it killed me. I looked at it as a way of saving myself. I just kept saying out loud, louder than the symptoms, "I'm gonna do this even if it kills me!"


And it didn't kill me, and no one said anything to me like "what's wrong with YOU?" It helped that I went somewhere where no one knows me. So I could decide when it was time to go and no one questioned me.


When I got back I felt relieved that I had taken care of myself. I don't mean that the symptoms were any better, but mentally relieved. I don't know, but I believe that every time we see about our well-being, our brain gets a hit of something healing. It's getting the message that the person in charge of this outfit is a good person who will do what needs to be done.


I think that helps a little of the mental anxiety-- the one that keeps worrying that we'll never get our lives back.


Also, I took a break from the forum because I was doing so well. I'm back here because of very unique issue related to taking a steroid medication that has caused a setback (don't ever take them-- read the last page of my progress log.) So I can tell you, I didn't lose everything. I just did one main thing a day to tend to.


Sometimes that was to reach out to a friend and ask how they are doing, or look one person in the eye and say hello while I'm out. If all we can do is to show up somewhere, then that's all we can do. But showing up means a lot to people.


I don't know what your relationship with your mom is like, but maybe just go to her house and say something like, I can't stay but I want you to know I miss you. Or whatever would sound natural coming from you. And then maybe the next time you could step into the front door for a few seconds. Or just give her a hug when you're ready. I'm a mom of grown kids, and trust me, I don't care if they aren't well-groomed. I just want to see them.



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Where is your progress log?  Wondering if it was an injection or an inhaler or what steroid screwed you up.  ?
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I think this link will take you there. Scroll down to the last two replies. I have a lower back injury and I was given oral Prednisone. It made me feel worse than how I felt during acute. I'm taking gabapentin now and doing a lot better. Despite its name it doesn't work on GABA receptors-- sorry, I can't remember now where I read that info.


Anyway, all I know is a wedding would overwhelm me even on my best day. Mercy!



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