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Getting off Zopiclone


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I went through a breakdown and withdrawal from benzos and A/Ds 12 years ago and thought fondly that would be the last time I ever had dealings with them.  How wrong I was.  After many years of excellent drug free health, I had another breakdown which began mysteriously with a stomach upset last December.  I went back onto mirtazapine, the A/D I had been on years ago but my anxiety continued to ratchet up and my sleep to tank (always a problem for me).  After a huge crisis, I ended up an in-patient in a mental hospital.  There I was upped to 45 mg mirtazapine and 40 mg propanolol x 2 per day.  To sleep, I was given zopiclone and soon took it every night - I've been doing that for about six weeks now.  I also have diazepam to take as needed - I have horrible gut problems (seems to be IBS  - I am having a consultation with a specialist this week) and take diazepam usually at 2 mg per day when the gut is most painful.  I can give much more detail on all this if needed.  I'd first like to begin to get off the Z drug.  I did an Ashton taper 12 years ago when I moved from temazpam to diazepam.  In those days, the GP pretty much let me get on with it and didn't ask too many questions.  Now, they seem more keen to be in charge and have told me that Zopiclone is easy to get off and doesn't bring too many withdrawal symptoms - I'm suspicious!  What is the best way?  Is the cross to diazepam still the recommended way?  I am taking 7.5 mg Zopiclone each night. 

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Hello Bluewave,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies, we are glad you are here!  We can support you as you taper from zopiclone and mirtazipine as well.  We typically suggest a slow taper from benzos and Z-drugs but it is my understanding that because of their relative short half-life, the taper doesn't need to be as long with Z-drugs (I hope some members with Z-drug experience can share with you on this).  I like your idea of getting off the zopiclone first but you should anticipate some insomnia.  I would like to mention that propranolol can disrupt sleep - I had that problem with it and I was on less than you are.


I've put some links below to get you started - the second one is a Z-drug support group that is active and the third one is a mirtazipine support group that is also active.  Let us know if you need help or have questions.


Again, welcome,




Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)






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Hi blue. I have wd from all the drugs u are on. U can do this. Happy to help of u have any questions xx I also had horrific gut problems…I’m on the other side of most of it now…stay strong 💪🏾
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Great - thanks.  I'm still confused as to whether it is better to taper direct or go via diazepam.  I have a lot of anxiety so this may be a key factor.  The horrible gut symptoms started before I began to take any drug, though they are mysteriously like the onese I had twelve years ago, which began after taking temazepam and faded away once I crossed to diazepam.  That's why it's so confusing this time - where does the gut problem end and the anxiety begin!


Also taking magnesium, which I did before but notice a warning in one of the strap lines. 



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I suggest you do some reading and research here before you decide whether to switch to diazepam so you can make an informed decision.  Most of our members taper directly from the drug they are taking but not all do and some do well with diazepam.


If you haven't already, I suggest you see your doctor regarding the gut symptoms and do it before starting your taper.


Below is Ashton's zopiclone reduction schedule link:




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In my experience, zopiclone certainly wasn’t east to get off, but I was on it much longer than you. I switched to diazepam and that definitely didn’t help.


I was on 15mg. The first tablet I cut into quarters and reduced every 2 weeks. The 2nd tablet I reduced by eights every 2 weeks. I brought Valium in once I was down to 1 tablet.

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I'm seeing a gastroenterologist on Tuesday and hope he has something for me.  I think I may have worked out what is going on but I will have to see what he thinks.  I think that my horrible gut problems are because my body is in full adrenaline hyperarousal and this means that my muscles, both striated and smooth (in the gut) are spasming.  I get globus sensation in the throat and a sort of acid reflux (but there's no excess acid) because of the spasming.  I cannot this time blame this on the drugs as it started months before I took anything at all.  The symptoms are similar to last time and I think that they calmed down then when I crossed from temazepam to diazepam as the latter gave me round the clock muscle relaxation.  Smaller doses of diazepam during the day now can ease the pain - I know this is not wise but it really hurts.  Hence, it may make sense for me to make the switch again this time - if the GP will let me.


Thanks for the link to the Ashton manual.  I read it avidly last time and can still remember quotes from it.  I also still have the CITA "Back to life" booklet, which also advocates the switch to diazepam.


I'll see what the specialist says on Tuesday before making any decisions.  I also have my father's funeral this week.


Thanks all for your input.

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