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Klonopin / Clonazepam - 20 Years


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I never realized it was anxiety that plagued me in my teens and college.  My mother was/is a sociopath and my life outside of home was full of financial challenges. 


They thought I had ADD.  But the stimulant drugs were awful.  Then one year I was given a Xanax, wow .. THAT was what normal people must feel like.  It changed my life for the better at the time. 


Fast forward 20ish years, tried all the antidepressants common and outdated (Quetiapine was the only one semi-helpful).  I was on Clonazepam 1mg 3X per day.  By my own choice, I’m ready to get off this garbage and I think life is in a place I can at least try and handle. My new lowered by the psychiatrist dose dropped quick but on it for the last 3 months is 1/2 the original at 0.5 3X per day Clonazepam. 


So, new dose.  Holding steady. The tinnitus off the charts and hyperacusis (background sounds are roaring loud) is scaring me badly.  I even went to the hospital for a CT scan.  Pubic sounds are intolerable, I can’t believe I have not had a panic attack or some kind of seizure. 


This may be bad, but now I’m letting all 3 pills melt under my tongue 1X per day.  It worked yesterday night for the loud sounds and I felt so much hope the loud hearing was not permanent. 


Not sure what to do?  I read about the Ashton model.  Maybe I print it out and bring to my psychiatrist (meeting Tuesday) and see if he can grasp the dosage needs for Valium?


Hyperacusus.  Please please please share some success stories.  I’m new and the forum won’t let me search yet.  I’m freaking out, scared I won’t ever be able to even work again! 

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Hello RickyLaFleur,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies, we are glad you are here!  I am so sorry you are suffering - that was quite a reduction in dose you took!  We suggest a slow taper with reductions in the 5-10% range every two weeks or so based on the Ashton Manual.  I'm glad you are going to discuss it with your doctor and taking some printed information with you is a good idea.  I was on the same dose of clonazepam you were for 21 years and coming off it was hard but at two years off I feel so much better.  I had tinnitus and hyperacusus also but those are pretty much back to baseline.


I've put some links below to get you started.  The third link is a support group for tinnitus.  Let us know if you have questions or need help.  You can start posting when ready.


Again, welcome,




Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)



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Thank you for the reply!


I was able to get into the doctor today instead.  Long story short, he says it’s “just stress”.  You have been at this lowered dose for 3 months and it’s unlikely it’s why.  Meanwhile, anyone here can tell you that withdrawal can just happen at any time really.  Doesn’t have to be so soon.  Psychiatrist wants to have me back on 300mg Quetiapine slow release form ALSO.  He said “yeah yeah I know of the Ashton model” and brushed the idea right aside. 


Why don’t these doctors understand we want off this?  Money from visits?  I mean I will be there for probably a year tapering anyway so?  I’m hearing all sounds so loud from the hyperacusis, I can’t work, I own a business and instead I’m going to try and take a nap. 


Not to go against the doctors orders but I may have to do this with the colonzepam alone, just taking smaller and smaller pieces.  I certainly am not exited to mess with my chemistry more by adding Quetiapine. 


My reasons for being on anything are anxiety and PTSD.  What a mess. I found some earplugs that will cut sound down but not all the way.  This could be a widget to help me ride this out. 


I feel the urge to just ask him for my full dose next time.  It just may not be the time to get me off this stuff.  I gotta function. But you know I want off and am going to keep trying.  Why can this psychiatrist just listen to the Ashton model?  Unreal. 

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Do you all think the Quetiapine will be a very bad idea?  Or is it ok in the beginning (at least) of this?
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Would your doctor be more receptive to this document, its short and sweet and well sourced.  Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines


If you feel now is the time to get off of the Klonopin and want to taper with our help, I'd ask the doctor for your full dose then proceed on your own, this is what most of our members do.  Not many in the medical profession understand how long it takes the brain to repair the damage done by this drug, they think its out of your system and the rest is your original condition, NOT TRUE!  You may even need to go back up in dose a little to get some stability then do your taper.  You have lots of options. 


I don't know anything about Quetiapine but many members do fine on medications they're currently on when going through this, adding new ones can be tricky because our central nervous system is so sensitive we don't react like we normally would.  You can do a forum search here or start a thread asking other members if they have experience. Other Medications   

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I can't share my opinion regarding the post with your Doctor however with the Quetiapine (Seroquel) it is an anti psychotic medication not an anti-depressant. I cannot offer medical advice however was incorrectly prescribed that for years and for me personally it did not really help at all.


Medications serve a purpose and perhaps short term it could help at least with mild sedation or sleep though I can't say. An associate was put on Seroquel for Panic Attacks and they would fall asleep at work and stuff, which could be dangerous for many reasons. That was instant release though..


My input (not advice) would be to see how you react to it and if it is beneficial. Also, I suggest to discuss the plan and exactly what it is meant to do to help your WD and I would also recommend asking about the side effects of the medication.


I don't think it is uncommon for Quetiapine to be prescribed at rehab short term. Coming off that medication is unpleasant though short term I couldn't tell you and it has nothing on BWS.


Keep up the good work.

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Thank you for the continued advice all!  I am taking it all seriously and it means a lot to me.  If anyone else has more advice, I’m all ears!  Thank you tremendously.


I’m thinking in about 2 weeks to go back to my psychiatrist and have a hard talk with him.  Lay it down either he is on board or I will find someone to take this serious situation … seriously. 

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I think that is a good idea for sure  :thumbsup:

You know how you are feeling not the Psychiatrist. The links Pamster posted should be informative and if you have any questions regarding Quetiapine let me know.


Best of luck!

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Went for bloodwork today just as my general practitioner wanted.  I was able to talk with him about the Aston method.  He was much more understanding than my psychiatrist.  Not ready to help me with it just yet … but I am opening his mind. It’s not easy to find a doctor to help.


So … I am going to hold a bit.  I am sure my taper was too fast and I’m stuck at my lowered prescription of clonazepam 0.5 x 3 per day. 


**Trick to slow them down, stretch them out, decrease time in between …. I am now diluting them in a marked bottle of water.  I take a few big sips every few hours.  I’m hoping this can game the uptake and elimination from my system.  Rather than the dose hitting, it will stretch out longer and lighter.  Hopefully just enough to make this bearable.


**Water bottle trick got me until 1:30 pm today until the hyperacuis kicked in.  That’s an improvement!!  Going to keep trying it.

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It sounds like you've made good progress on several fronts Ricky.  :thumbsup:  Difficulty getting one's doctor on board with a slow taper is the reason many members do their own taper (as long as they have enough benzos).  About the water bottle - be sure to shake or stir it very each time before you take your dose. 
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Thank you!  Yes I do a good bottle shake before I take my sips.


I have pushed the hyperacusis back each day to around 12pm or 2pm.


Ironically, life being a family affair and having a wife, she wants me to try the prescribed slow release Quetiapine 300mg.  Two days on it and now I wake up with the hyparacusis.  Could be related. We agreed I will try it for two weeks and then I can go back to the psychiatrist and have either results or failure. 


My general practitioner appointment is tomorrow to review my blood work.  They have not called or anything special.  They took about 2 quarts it felt like lol! 


Who knows.  I’m accepting it a bit more now. I also found earplugs that you can’t see (clear) and cuts back a lot of sound.  WEIRD but if I wear just one side, the sounds are still sharp but way more manageable.  Not sure what that means …..

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Yes the one earplug (it’s a type that is silicone with a center hole allowing some sound) seems to really help.  I was in the store today and it helped me function.


If I were to guess, tapering off is waking up my senses and it’s overload.  With one earplug I get a reduction (I also can’t tell where a sound is coming from as in if a phone were ringing in another room, I would not be able to tell) so sensory is limited and I can slowly allow more over time.  Hoping the receptors realize how to handle normal sounds. 


I just say, overall I’m not anxious.  It’s just the hearing. But, I am on what does sound like a big dose of quetiapine. That may help with anxiety but again who knows maybe it stared this audio issue in my ear. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if anyone is following my journey with the hyperacusis and tinnitus.


I had a stretch of half day relief (by the end of the day it would start) by putting my clonazepam (was down to 0.5 3X per day) but diluting each pill in a bottle of water.  I would drink it slowly over time to not have a hit all at once.  I’m running low and have my next psychiatrist appointment earliest date next week.  So, I by rationing need to be a 0.5 1x and crack them in half at 0.25 2x for mid day and evening, all with the water bottle method.  I’m still on Quetiapine (man I can’t even spell these freakin drugs.)


Considering I was originally at 1.0 x3 a day (total 3mg) now I’m on 1mg total, that’s a 66% reduction if I’m doing the math right.  All over maybe 3 months.  With the new reduction I’m having evening hyperacusis and tinnitus again.


** Could be onto something here!!!  I have been balancing my ear pressure with the same techniques used by scuba divers.  I pop my ears clear.  I also (read online) am using a dropper of coconut oil IN my ear and drain it out to hydrate the “eardrum” or whatever.  It HAS possibly been working. 


Lastly, I bought a lipoflavinoid plus vitamin specifically for tinnitus.  The reviews says it works for a lot of people.  I’m not sure because I’m doing a few things.  BUT, I think I’m onto something with the inner ear pressure. 


I promise to touch base as time goes on.  I’m gonna get off this garbage I estimate in two months. 

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You've been getting creative and it sounds like you've had some success, good for you! I'd love to see you jump into this support group thread with the techniques you've been using to help with your tinnitus and hyperacusis, I hope you are onto something.  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=96554.0


I hope you'll be okay until you meet with the doctor, that's a pretty rapid taper.

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Thank you!  I will look to find the support group area and mention some things I have tried.  Very appreciated!!
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