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From benzos to pregabalin


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I recently tapered off of six months of lorazepam (1mg daily) and zopiclone (7.5 mg daily). I was prescribed pregabalin to help me taper from the benzos. Although this was successful, I am now faced with the challenge of tapering from 225 mg daily of pregabalin. This forum was of great help while tapering from the benzos. I am grateful to those of you who share your challenges on the forum. I certainly wish everyone in the forum the best on their journey.
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Hello Vaughn1001, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


Congratulations on being Lorazepam and Zopiclone free, those are two tough ones, how are you feeling, have you recovered?  If you're still dealing with symptoms it might be best to hold off until you're feeling better.


We have a number of members dealing with Pregabalin but so hopefully you can get some feedback, I don't have experience but I'll provide a couple of links to get you started.  You can also use the search function although it's not great, these are better.  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=251991.0


We're glad you found us and I hope we can help you.




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Hi Pamster and thanks for the welcome!  I have been free from lorazepam for about three months. I finally finished my zopiclone taper two months ago. My doctor tapered me off of lorazepam with gabapentin. It seemed to help keep the worst withdrawal effects at bay. I was then put on pregabalin to help taper off of zopiclone. The pregabalin did help reduce withdrawal symptoms including anxiety and insomnia. For anyone reading this, I am not necessarily recommending this route as pregabalin has its own withdrawal issues that I am now getting ready to face. It is difficult to know if I am still facing benzo withdrawal symptoms as they are masked by the pregabalin.
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At 3 months off I have to assume you're still recovering from your tapers, I would be hesitant to start another one so soon but as I said, I don't have experience.  There is a lot of good information on this thread in support groups and one or two members who will respond if you post a question, I know others have discussed Pregabalin there as well. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=84267.0



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