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Dealing with irrational fear


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Hi. Any tips on dealing with fear? I rarely leave home ( my partner goes out to do the chores). I'm overwhelmed even by things that happened 40 years ago. WD 's emotionally crippling me. Thanks.
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Can relate, chemical stuff plays a role on it, when i say chemical stuff i mean the central nervous system reactions, i couldn't peak up the phone at all, couldn't answer the door, Felt overwhelmed with brain stuff(elecrtricity-like) while talking on the phone, and agoraphobia plus there is aswell the whole particular stuff that hits you psychologically , i dont link this with the agoraphobic responses,  Im Still kind of agoraphobic, not fully but Just dont feel well enough... Cant wait for such a thing tô fade like others symptoms  , hold on It Will get better
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Fear is a huge withdrawal symptom, I was afraid of things I'd never given a second thought to so I actively started to push back on it, I even talked to it out loud.  I'd say this isn't me, this isn't real and when I recover, it will leave and it did.  I hope you can find a way to fight yours, I know it's all consuming but it fighting for the life you hope to have when you recover is worth it.


It would help us understand your situation better if you put your medication history in your signature, that way we can see at a glance where you are in your journey. These are the instructions, if you need help just put your information here and a team member can input it for you.  Add your history/signature 

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I can relate very well to this. I didn’t even want my husband to leave me at home by myself. The fear I have makes no since to me. I just have fear in the pit of my stomach and I have no reason for it. It’s like it is a chemical reaction from tapering the meds.I also know how you feel by just existing. I have felt this way for the last 3 years tapering. I am so ready to feel like me again and enjoy life instead of pushing through.
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I'm on clomazapam. I'm trying to hold on, but really, I'm just existing.


I hear you.  This is liked being locked in a prison you just can't escape. It's so hard to do with very little support.  I'm so tired of this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Read What is causing this fear.Pamster gave me a good link to read. It is written by Parker.It helps you to understand more why you are having irrational fear. I would put the link down here but don’t know how.It is really a great thing to read!
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I just put this post on another thread:


I had the fear thing also.  Getting completely off benzos was the cure for me.  I now know that I was in a constant state of withdrawl because even when I took my dose, it had mostly quit working for me.  Once I was off benzos and had just a little bit of time under my belt, I began to notice that I could do things without shaking in my boots - like driving on the freeway and going in crowded public places.  My world had become very small but now that I am off for almost two years, I can go anywhere I want to without the terrible angst I used to have.

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Read What is causing this fear.Pamster gave me a good link to read. It is written by Parker.It helps you to understand more why you are having irrational fear. I would put the link down here but don’t know how.It is really a great thing to read!


What is happening in your brain

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i only too well this fear...it comes out to me in nausea.  Really bad, like I feel like I am dying, nausea.  I've looked it up.  You can't die from nausea.  You just feel like you are going to.  Can't eat, can hardly sleep.  Haven't even begun my taper but my "other" doctor tried to make me do a very fast and incomplete taper off 2 mg. lorazepam and with Valium and gabapentin (the worst drug you could ever get to help with ANYTHING-don't take that stuff, so I know and feel for you completely.  I am having to start all over.  Will not start my taper  now until I don't feel the irrational fear and nausea again.  This is a very long process.  I stayed up half the night and cleaned the house, waxed the floors, did anything to stay occupied in the clearness of my head but I know the fogginess, the unrelenting fear, it's in your stomach, in your head, in your mind, you feel like you're going crazy but you're not.  You're normal.  We were given these drugs by a doctor that did not give us the proper information of what these medications do to our regularly, God-given good brain synapsis system, our neurotransmitters in our brains have been tricked by these drugs and you have to keep the faith and the hope that it will improve.  Push yourself as much as possible to be the way you know you truly are.  Be sure in your mind that you have neurotransmitters that are misfiring because of these drugs NOT because you asked this to happen to you.  No ONE asked for this.  NO ONE.  Keep your faith close to you in your mind and heart.  If you have to lye down all day do it.  If you can't move, believe you will in the future.  Drink fluids, stay hydrated.  Stay away from supplements.  And most importantly, stay the course.  There is one thing in life that is constant and that is CHANGE.  The fear, the nausea, the mind games your mind is playing tricks on you WILL change.  I will pray for you....
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