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Turmeric for Muscle Pain


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Hey buddies,  For what it's worth.... At the recommendation of my rheumatologist, I've been on Turmeric for several years for pain associated with my ME/CFS.  When I finished my xanax taper 18 days ago I decided to do away with some of the supplements I was taking,  including Turmeric.  Within a few days I started experiencing a new type of deep muscle/tendon ache that was bad enough to wake me up at night.  Since the pain felt quite different than I usually have I began to wonder if it was due to coming off Xanax (for the first time in 23 years).  I tried Alieve which helped a bit but not completely.  Then I decided to go back on the turmeric (1,000 mg) and by the end of the next day I was back to normal.


Sooo... not sure if it was a coincidence, but thought I'd pass it onto you.  Turmeric is sure a lot safer and better for us than pain meds!

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I have arthritis in my big toes.  Since I started taking turmeric, my pain is gone and I consistently walk 2 miles daily.  I use to take it in capsule form but now I take it in my morning healthy smoothies in powder form since I have been in benzo recovery.  A little bit goes a long way.  Turmeric has been a godsend for me.
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I've been taking turmeric for about a year for my bad (osteoarthritic) knees. It really seems to help. This is from the Mayo Clinic's newswire:


Although turmeric is a common spice in many home pantries, many people are not familiar with its purported health effects. Relieving arthritis pain is one of many such purported health effects.


It's the curcumin in the turmeric that give it its anti-inflammatory properties. Apparently doses from 500 mgs to 1000 mgs are okay. I take 1000 mgs.  No adverse effects. I can't see that it wouldn't be effective for muscle/joint pain also. It seems like it helps areas of inflammation like tendons, knees and toes. 







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Tinkered, I take 1,000 mg - For years I took Youthery brand - it has the added pepperine which makes it more bioavailabile.  Then I discovered the Kirkland brand from Costco is essentially the same product only it costs a lot less.  Like Katz said, it’s the curcumin in it that’s the active ingredient.

So glad to hear it’s helping you too Newbie.


If you Google Pub Med for turmeric or curcumin you’ll find dozens of studies.  I believe there’s really something to it for my rheumatologist to suggest it. Plus India and Asia have used it medicinally for centuries.

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Thank you. Looking into it. Maybe it will help my migraines as well as benzo muscle ache.  I’ve been putting ginger in my oatmeal every morning to help with upset tummy. All natural is the way to go.
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I was taking curcumin half heartedly but these success stories are prompting me to try it again. Thanks for starting this thread! My muscle and tendon/ligament pain is excruciating some days.
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