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How many symptoms have you had currently


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What's your status? Taper or cold turkey? And how many symptoms currently have you had.


A big issue im finding with influencers is they're often reference how they had all these symptoms way too much to count, then give you the most commonly reported symptoms ranging from anxiety, blurred vision, brain fog, intrusive thoughts and brain fog... Then they leave it at that which... It makes you crave more does it, as sufferers experiencing our sets of symptoms you come to videos and articles, blogs and support groups in hopes that you can feel connected with others, symptoms is something we all share yet finding a list more then just 15 symptoms seems difficult or someone will say "I've had all the symptoms you listed". Besides the common symptoms how many have you had currently? And if possible can you list some?

Currently I'm up to 138,most are posted in my "Symptoms so far, this is ridiculous" post on Benzo buddies... Like this really is ridiculous I keep cycling through symptoms and or old ones will pop back up getting more and more intense. I'll go 6 months without certain sets of symptoms, think back to those symptoms and bam it'll pop back up a day later... Does this end?

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I was a rapid taper and jumped march 2020. Def had over 100 symptoms literally. I stopped counting after that. I have them written down. At some point you realize to stop focusing not he symptoms and start focusing on healing and inching your way back to a "normal" life:)
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I don't really track the symptoms, I think that focusing on that is a negative thought pattern and doesn't help with the healing process, I just go by how I'm feeling now compared to how I was feeling before and during my taper. I have been off the benzos since February and while I still very much have anxiety and trouble sleeping, I'm definitely better than I was during or before starting my taper other than the dry eye which is horrendous and seemingly permanent as the glands that produce the lipid layer have atrophied... I mean my agoraphobia has resolved so that already makes my life much better than it was.
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I'm not sure why you want an extensive list of symptoms if you've had so many yourself.  I've had too many to count.
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I ct off of 0.5 ativan after 5 years


Started out with extreme anxiety, many panic attacks, [ tachycardia for hours ]

Vision issues where I felt I was going blind

Pots like bp and hr

Suspended rib cage [ felt like nerves ]

Rubber band around the stomach

Feeling ill like I was going to drop

Heavy weak arms and legs

Burning skin allover

Intermittent burning

Back pain [ excruciating] like ribs

Numb hands

Eye pain

Head pain

Stiff neck and shoulders

Waking up soaked in sweat

Hard to breath and low spo2 in sleep

Flushing of the face with tachycardia

Histamine issues with food

Pain in the limbs and hands and feet

Loss of self


Extreme depression

Feeling as if one side of the body is numb

Stomach burning under the ribs

Side shocks like electricity

Dizziness when laying down

Tearing things just by reaching or bending over

Weird moments where it feels like my brain just shuts down

Detached from self

Extreme tiredness

Always thinking you're dying

Once after exertion I felt really hot then allover muscle pain and weakness and tachycardia

Irritable 80 % of the time

Feeling like I lost everyone I love

Intrusive thoughts that are terrifying

Visual hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations


Spine sensitivity

Tongue Feeling numb

Tiredness of the face and eyes that feels like it isn't attached to my body

Temperature changes

Extreme shivering and teeth chattering

Death of the ego or..whatever

Waking up feeling like I'm not breathing and Sinking into the bed

My muscles feeling like paper just tearing

Nail color changes

Episodes of hyperventilation [ never had before ]




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Hi Mustang,


I only used 1mg Ativan 5 weeks, then tapered 3 weeks.

Here is my list:


1. Full night insomnia (rare), broken sleep (often)

2. Inner agitation/jitters/vibrations (often)

3. Extreme Tinnitus (often)

5. Strong Nausea (rare), Moderate Nausea (often)

6. Dizzy/lightheaded/boatiness (often)

7. Chest tightness (often)

8. Tight throat (often)

9. Shortness of breath (often)

10. Feeling faint (often)

11. Clogged ears, pressure (often)

12. Chemical imbalance brain (often)

13. Palpitations, fast heart rate (often)

14. Increase in blood pressure (often)

15. Tremors in head, chest, abdomen (often)

16. Extreme Anxiety Attacks (often)

17. Chemical terror (often)

18. Extreme Stomach bloating (often)

19. Ears hissing/swishing (often)

20. Slight electric feeling coursing through body (often)

21. Strong Head pressure (often)

22. Heat radiating to feet (often)

23. Body in crisis, feeling the need to stand/walk/escape my tortured body (often)

24. Burning chest (rare)

25. Flushed hot face (rare)

26. PVCs (only lasted 1 week, then gone)

27. Strong Electricity from chest to hands (rare)

28. Toxic breathing or hot air (rare)

29. Stomach spasms/flutters (rare)

30. Chest/abdominal muscle tightness (rare)

31. Headaches (rare)

32. Cortisol surges in abdomen/buttocks (rare)

33. Tingling feet/hands/face (rare)

35. Night sweats (rare)

36. Feeling of blood coursing through chest (rare)

37. Brain zap to heart, causing instant increase in pulse (very rare)


Hope this helps in case you are wondering if what u r experiencing is similar…



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enough to not be able to work or enjoy anything in life. I honestly just want my akathisia to lessen and i think i could somewhat fake it and get by. but untill then im as good as bag of rocks
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  • 1 month later...

I ct off of 0.5 ativan after 5 years


Started out with extreme anxiety, many panic attacks, [ tachycardia for hours ]

Vision issues where I felt I was going blind

Pots like bp and hr

Suspended rib cage [ felt like nerves ]

Rubber band around the stomach

Feeling ill like I was going to drop

Heavy weak arms and legs

Burning skin allover

Intermittent burning

Back pain [ excruciating] like ribs

Numb hands

Eye pain

Head pain

Stiff neck and shoulders

Waking up soaked in sweat

Hard to breath and low spo2 in sleep

Flushing of the face with tachycardia

Histamine issues with food

Pain in the limbs and hands and feet

Loss of self


Extreme depression

Feeling as if one side of the body is numb

Stomach burning under the ribs

Side shocks like electricity

Dizziness when laying down

Tearing things just by reaching or bending over

Weird moments where it feels like my brain just shuts down

Detached from self

Extreme tiredness

Always thinking you're dying

Once after exertion I felt really hot then allover muscle pain and weakness and tachycardia

Irritable 80 % of the time

Feeling like I lost everyone I love

Intrusive thoughts that are terrifying

Visual hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations


Spine sensitivity

Tongue Feeling numb

Tiredness of the face and eyes that feels like it isn't attached to my body

Temperature changes

Extreme shivering and teeth chattering

Death of the ego or..whatever

Waking up feeling like I'm not breathing and Sinking into the bed

My muscles feeling like paper just tearing

Nail color changes

Episodes of hyperventilation [ never had before ]


Thank you for replying, sorry it took so long to reply back. I went a little crazy and retreated from. The world. You've had many symptoms I've had... Detached from self, Dizziness when laying down Stomach burning under the ribs

Feeling as if one side of the body is numb, Heavy weak arms and legs.... These are the symptoms I'm dealing with that I hardly see anyone else going through. Any chance any of them have gone away?


Mine is triggered by food. Sometimes food gets to me and other times I'm fine with a little bit of that food.

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Same as Fox plus the runs, chronic sinuses,  sore throat, burning eyes, occipital neuralgia, hypertension and many more
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I am not having a ton of symptoms right now. It took me 4 years and 3 days to taper though so my landing was a lot less dramatic than many. In fact, I didn't even feel much of an increase in symptoms until more than a month down the line and it hasn't gotten totally unmanageable so far.


- My blood pressure was 138/84 when I went to the doctor for my annual wellness screening and my pulse was 105 but as I had just had an anxiety attack in the bathroom, I'm not surprised about that. The doctor is also not worried, she seems to be pretty versed in benzo withdrawal being in her residency program and she believes this is likely nothing to be concerned about.

- shortness of breath doing even minor activities

- tachycardia with even light activity

- erectile dysfunction

- rosacea and ocular rosacea (which itself has caused problems with dry eye)

- trouble falling asleep (but usually get at least 5 hours a night)

- brain fog


Some symptoms are a lot better though. I was suffering from severe agoraphobia as late as November, jumped in February, and this past week alone I have gone to the doctor in person, gone to my partner's house (and stayed the night), went to the thrift store, went to Best Buy... The agoraphobia doesn't seem to be much of a big deal and I can pull myself back from having panic attacks now but the anxiety lasts many hours, sometimes even a full day, when I get amped that high.


I wish I could exercise. I have a hyperactive boyfriend who is 6 years younger than me and while he's very attentive to my needs, I wish I could give him everything he deserves. It sure does feel like I'm on my death bed sometimes with the anxiety that exercise can induce. :/

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