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I've been feeling awesome...but now I have to have round 2 of my dental work:(


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I've been seriously feeling awesome...so awesome. Lots of energy, strength, stamina, clarity. My goodness it feels so good to be basically back to normal.


However, tomorrow I have 2 tooth extractions happening, and some of you will remember how I had a setback from the topical meds (carbocaine/epinephrine).

I found only one oral surgeon who would take me with my med sensitivity, and she will be needing to use fentanyl and versed. I asked for propofol but she said she won't use it with her patients...so I have to go with this bc its my only option. And I def need to get this tooth removed!


So I will be hoping for the best but I'm planning for the worst: I've filled out a MOLST form/advanced care directives and my health care proxy. I've had a long talk with my husband explaining how to handle things if i have a severe reaction. I'm honestly more concerned about the fentanyl. My problem is my channels flood super easy now (hmmm benzo damage in regards to regulating the body..). I mean i know in time this will heal but in the meantime this sucks!


I'm trying to not overthink it, but I feel better if I am prepared. If its like last time, I logically know it will take  30 days for the very worst fo the symptoms to ease and to see some light at the end of the tunnel. It will take another 30 days for me to be better functioning and I'll need to pace myself. Then after that it will be good. so basically I'll feel human somewhere in August lol... ::)


So If in the next week or two I post something desperate and I'm out of my mind please remind me how good I was feeling now and that I do recover!

I'm also going to make a video of myself tonight to remind myself in a setback that I will be ok again.


Hugs Friends!!

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Just want to make sure you know versed is a benzo...is it really okay to have a dose? It seems like you researched all options very well so maybe this is the only way. Just want u to have the best chance of a smooth procedure. I hope it goes great for u!
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Hi Trina.  Right off the bat Versed is a benzo, which I was given for surgery, and which set me back into acute for months.  I was basically recovered when I had a reverse colostomy in August of 2019, and here I am now at 25 months, and doing very well also.  I just wanted to give you a heads up on that front and also to wish you good luck!!!!





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Hi trina, good luck tomorrow, I'm predicting smooth sailing for you my dear but I'm glad you've taken all of these precautions just in case.  Please come back to let us know how it went, it will be so good to get this behind you, I know you've been in mental pain anticipating this along with the pain of your tooth. 
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Wishing you the absolute best!  You deserve to sail through this!!!

We will be here for you  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Yes everyone..I know versed is a benzo...i've done a ton of research on everything since this whole thing began. this is why I asked for propofol. I don't have any choice this. I at benzo veteran status now lol...I'm 26 months into this.


I'll let you all know how it goes:)


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So happy to hear that you are doing as well as you are. That is a very good sign. I have been thinking about you and glad that you posted to let us know how you're doing. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow. You are further out now than you were when you had the other procedure. So, let's hope that it all goes smoothly for you. Please let us know how you do. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Hugs!



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Good luck, Trina. You’re a couple months ahead of me, so I read your posts crossing my fingers that I’ll be progressing on a similar timescale. So far, we’re healing in different ways, but both still getting there. I’ll send good vibes to the universe for your healing. Also, sometimes in healing we anticipate that so ething will hit our systems hard and then it’s actually fine. For what that’s worth.
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Good luck Trina! After this you will be relieved the toothwork is done! You will be feeling great again.  :thumbsup:
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Ok so procedure went well. I could feel the versed kick in but I felt "fine"...I just felt relaxed. No paradoxical reaction. somewhere in there came the fentanyl and next thing I knew I was waking up.

Apparently I was just silly/loopy with my comments on the way home. I slept for a good hour at home after.


As I write this the swelling and discomfort is starting to kick in, but for now I feel calm. So I'm so grateful for this. Already this is a better experience than last time. But I know to wait a few days till my body has totally rid itself of the meds to be super sure of how this went.


Interestingly, when discussing this with my neurologist last month, trying to problem solve together, his answer was to have a benzo one time with the other meds bc it would counteract the hyperasthesia from other meds.  I hated the thought of it, but I'm starting to wonder if he was right.

Its kind of like when addicts know that if they've had too much say cocaine, if they have a couple drinks it will counteract it and visa versa.


So for now its apple sauce and ice packs:) Thanks for the support on here! I'll keep you guys posted!!  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thank you for the update. So glad to hear so far so good. Hopefully it will just continue that way for you. Wishing you all the best and looking to hear an update. Rest up and feel better ASAP. Sending warm love and healing hugs your way!



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Trina - you made my day!  So happy to hear the actual experience went well! 


Very interesting perspective from your neurologist.  We are so fearful about ever having a benzo again that perhaps they do have utility in those very few circumstances.  And perhaps you have healed enough to be tolerant of the meds. 


You deserve to have a break from all the hell.  I wish you a peaceful recovery.



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This is wonderful news trina, I'm so happy you got the work done,  I hope your recovery is uneventful.  Good job on working this out, I know you put a lot of effort into finding what would work for you.  Who knows, you may have just supplied a roadmap for others to follow.  :thumbsup:
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Trina:  So glad it went well.  I am sure you are thrilled to have this behind you.  Please keep us posted as to how you are doing.



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Thank you all for the love and support in many forms!


I'm fine. Like no setback stuff - at all. I feel normal.


My gosh though, you should see the bruise on my lower jaw today!!



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This is wonderful news, Trina, and a strong sign that your CNS is much less fragile.  I am noticing also that I am much less sensitive to foods and stress, and am not having any allergic reactions to pollen, mold and mildew and pet dander.  And, blessedly, no more benzo flu for quite a while.  Even my eyes are brighter and whiter!  We are in the same time frame of 25/26 months and I think we are nearing the finish line!


Let's keep on keeping on!


Hugs,  GG

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Thanks for checking in, I'm so glad to hear you're recovering like anyone else would after having a procedure, bruise and all.  ;)
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This is great news! I was thinking and hoping this would happen because you're further out and stronger from the last procedure. So wonderful. I'm sorry though about the bruise it's still miserable to recover, but if you haven't had a setback that is fabulous. You are almost healed I'm sure. Hugs!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Trina,

I just saw this update and am so glad that you are recovering and the procedure was a success. You are so incredibly brave and courageous; so smart as well.


I know you have great support and that the Lord is continuing to heal you. What a blessing and testimony you are for so many.


Bless you with continued healing and restoration.


I hope you little farm chickens are doing well. 💕


Big hugs to you.


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I'm very happy to hear that you did not have a bad reaction to Versed, but I can't advise ppl strongly enough NEVER to be given Versed under any circumstances.  There are always other options.  Versed kicked me into an extremely protracted WD experience.
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Trina, I am so happy that you are well! You are such a nice person and thank you so much for spending hope for so many of us. Wisch you all the best 🍀😘
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