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It’s happening


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I just came back to tell you all, I am so much better than even a month ago. I averaged 28 hrs sleep one week there. That’s more than I’ve had in a very long time. Over 2 years probably. I thought of writing a success story but not yet. Im getting there tho.


My heart isn’t palpitating much now. I have runs of it, but it isn’t constant. I put this down to cardio excercise. Getting my heart rate up around 130 bpm. I’ve been running or getting on the bike/elliptical and doing a lot of weights. Even after zero or really low sleep nights I still go. It hurts more but I do every rep.


My eye damage is still there but even that seems like it’s improving. Yesterday after a very rough night I had to drown it with eye drops so it didn’t feel like it had sand in it. But most days it’s fine. Always looks a bit sore tho.


I’ve been taking melatonin and 1/2 a unisom as a bit of support. I got to a point where I thought I need to take some help and I think it’s helped a lot. I’ll eventually stop the unisom in the next month and keep the melatonin .


I feel more and more normal every week. I’m almost a year off.


Staying away from negativity has helped too. I don’t use any social media and don’t watch the news. I get up, go to gym, go to work and look after my family, go to the Beach and read. That’s it.


I hope all my buddies here are doing better. Taking time to focus on myself has definitely helped. I love u guys and send u healing ❤️‍🩹

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Shayna -


So good to hear from you.  Glad you are healing and getting some sleep.  YAY!


I just came back too, just the other day.  I have thought about you, so it’s so good to see your post.  Glad you are working on “you” and focusing on your family and the positive.  I can relate to tuning out the negative and that includes the news and social media.  I don’t hardly ever watch the news either and I don’t spend too much time on social media either (it’s just a lot of the same….) there are too many good books that need to be read on my shelves.  I just started a new series myself  :thumbsup:


Keep keeping on, you are an inspiration to us all  :smitten:



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Great to hear Shanya.  Something that I did that has helped me is to write a letter to myself when I am feeling good.  When I dip back into a wave, I pull out the letter to keep me positive to pull me through.  This was recommended to me and it helped as a wave after a good long window can feel like a punch in the stomach.  I am so happy that you are doing better and reconnecting with a stronger self.
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ThNks everyone x so sweet of u all.


That’s a great idea newbie. I have days where I honestly think, I’m done it’s over now. They are the days I need to write that letter. Yesterday was a hard day but I honestly don’t even think about not having slept I’m so busy. Well yesterday I didn’t realize I hadn’t given it a second thought until I was getting ready for bed again. So it’s nice that it’s just not in my head all day coz I know I’ll get thru it and tomorrow will be better x

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    OMGooooodnesssss.  Shay!!!  I am so happy for you.  I was thinking about you a few days ago,

    But I figured you were giving yourself and the family much needed love. Thanks for checking in.

    I don’t post much lately. I’m 15 months out and still juggling these weird O symptoms.  However some days I do get a tiny window.  I went to the beach for a short walk, was great. Ok my Aussie

  Adopted friend. Hang tuff.  Kudos 2  :-*

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So happy for you, Shayna!!  You have been on quite the journey.  Can't wait to see what the next season of your life brings.  Please keep us updated.


All the best to you!!!

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Naw thanks girls. Definitely not there yet but at least most symptoms have gone. Greatful for that x I hope the sandman comes soon x I’ll keep working on it!


I hope u are doing okay x lots of love

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Well she’s been better since I lost it at her one day and quit. Then I called her the next morning and told her I’d be back if she promised to calm the eff down. She did for a while but today she had a crack at me over nothing so once a pain on the ass always a pain in the ass. I think she’s just a stress head and maybe doesn’t get laid much.  8)
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shayna, it's obvious that that woman is an abusive bitch.  Next time she abuses you punch out her headlights.  I cannot stand abusive people and they should all perish from the earth. 
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I haven’t been on here in months but I popped in and saw your post. I just wanted to say that is fantastic news! It definitely shows that time is a great healer. I ended up staying on .5 indefinitely because I am doing well and don’t want to go back to where I was a year ago but I definitely will taper off the rest eventually. In the meantime I’m enjoying feeling well and stable.  :)
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Hey girls Thanku so much x I have had a rough week I’d say but still nothing like it used to be. The last 2 days have been almost too good.


SRR it will happen when u are ready. Feeling well and stable is fantastic. There’s nothing worse than being completely non functional. I tried the completely med free thing for a long time and was not getting anywhere (or it felt like it) so now I take 1/2 a unisom and some melatonin and the last 2 nights lemon balm tea and I’m getting some better sleep. Seriously there’s so much unnecessary scaring of people that u must get off u mustn’t take anything but when u are doing ok with a bit of help I don’t see the harm.


Ur day will come and I’m so proud of u for deciding ur good and not pushing urself. Good for u honey x I’m so glad ur doing well ❤️

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So happy to learn that sleep is starting to even out for you...it WILL continue to improve although in it's typical nonlinear roller coaster ride fashion!



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