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Intend, I have really good instructions on page 6 of my plog, named stuff, on how to do a Ticker and there is a black cat there.  Now try when you are feeling patient cause it's takes everybody more than a few attempts usually.  It took me a half a day, really.  ;D


OK, you might be interested too.....


Mary, thank you. I’m going to look at it. However, I’m so screwed up with all these switches. Worth reading though. By now I’m sure your stuff blog has much interesting information.

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Mary, I had a ticker once.. then I got to 0 and was so excited but then reinstated and I was so depressed to move my ticker back to 2mg that I got rid of it. Maybe I will get one again.
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Mary- I tried my ticket last night from my phone but couldn’t figure how to do it.  Got to do it on my PC. 


Valley- thank you so much for posting the long hold essay.  I soooooooo needed to read it and even wrote the page number down so I can re-read it.  I do all this from my phone.  I realized reading it My CNS May be currently slammed as a result of no caffeine, sugar and 75% decrease of nicotine gum.  Lightbulb. 


Dinner time! 

Lotsa love ❤️


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This may sound ridiculous, because it probably is, but.....

A while back, maybe two years ago, a buddy named Valley Um, also known as “V” was a major mentor on this LHSG. HE LEFT AFTER JUMPING OFF OF VALIUM. AND I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT HIM SINCE. I SUPPOSE AND I HOPE HE IS LIVING A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH HIS CHICKENS that he spoke of so often.


Well he is one of the buddies that helped to save my life here on this support group.


And just by the very slightest chance that he may pop up and be reading on the forum now and then, I’d just like to say.....

VALLEY UM,  it’s me Heathcliff...I walked off my valium last week and I’m doing fine! I don’t know how to reach you to thank you for all that you did to support and help me through the toughest and scariest time of my life, but in case you are reading this.....



( Do you remember, when I first came to the LHSG, I thought you were a woman!

That was a laugh!

HEATHCLIFF ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Forever grateful!

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This may sound ridiculous, because it probably is, but.....

A while back, maybe two years ago, a buddy named Valley Um, also known as “V” was a major mentor on this LHSG. HE LEFT AFTER JUMPING OFF OF VALIUM. AND I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT HIM SINCE. I SUPPOSE AND I HOPE HE IS LIVING A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH HIS CHICKENS that he spoke of so often.


Well he is one of the buddies that helped to save my life here on this support group.


And just by the very slightest chance that he may pop up and be reading on the forum now and then, I’d just like to say.....

VALLEY UM,  it’s me Heathcliff...I walked off my valium last week and I’m doing fine! I don’t know how to reach you to thank you for all that you did to support and help me through the toughest and scariest time of my life, but in case you are reading this.....



( Do you remember, when I first came to the LHSG, I thought you were a woman!

That was a laugh!

HEATHCLIFF ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Forever grateful!


Hi HeathCliff, congratulations.


It took you three years to taper 1.2 mgs Valium?  :o

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Val- this was just what I needed to hear.  I’ve been so impatient and obsessed with cutting.  My mind says what the hell you feel like shit anyways what difference does it make to feel even MORE like shit.  I’ve been on disability for a year.  Started out as a medical leave from abusive job and in the midst started a Benzo taper.  I get so scared cause I know I have to go back to work eventually so my Benzo brain says “hurry up, hurry up”.  And who knows how long it will all take?  I hear so many people say the healing doesn’t begin until your totally off that a long hold isn’t the way to go.  I get so confused but I know that how can I work if I wake up with horrible intolerable symptoms where I can’t even get going until noon.  So anyways thank you 🙏 do sharing that.  It really spoke to my heart. 




Hi Meems! I'm glad I could help a bit. Some people are on benzos for sixty years till they die at 90 so I really don't see a problem in tapering for seven years. Yes, holding and tapering is horrible, but living being disabled by bwd is worse. We each have to choose what evil we prefer I guess.

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This may sound ridiculous, because it probably is, but.....

A while back, maybe two years ago, a buddy named Valley Um, also known as “V” was a major mentor on this LHSG. HE LEFT AFTER JUMPING OFF OF VALIUM. AND I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT HIM SINCE. I SUPPOSE AND I HOPE HE IS LIVING A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH HIS CHICKENS that he spoke of so often.


Well he is one of the buddies that helped to save my life here on this support group.


And just by the very slightest chance that he may pop up and be reading on the forum now and then, I’d just like to say.....

VALLEY UM,  it’s me Heathcliff...I walked off my valium last week and I’m doing fine! I don’t know how to reach you to thank you for all that you did to support and help me through the toughest and scariest time of my life, but in case you are reading this.....



( Do you remember, when I first came to the LHSG, I thought you were a woman!

That was a laugh!

HEATHCLIFF ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Forever grateful!

  Morning Heath Valley has been back helping here.Came back about a month ago he is being slammed at work so he is dropping in when he can.He will be delighted to see your success story.I have already said it be proud of your achievement.I know you have a week over you so hopefully all will continue smoothly.l have found at low doses the lag time is about the end of the second week.Weird l know however that is my pattern.Stay strong my lovely.love to you.X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice try not to worry about this sadly stress can throw you into a wave l am being hit pretty hard myself at the moment.l know you feel this will never end however it will.lt just takes so bloody long.Sadly it plays out whatever way it feels like and there isn't a thing we can do about it.I really hope your daughter gets sorted out and well done for sorting this out for her.You are an amazing mum.Stay strong sweetheart.

Morning Meems be aware all changes take time to adapt to so please don't change too much at the one time.Practice your breathing honey and try not to let the anxiety run riot.As horrible as this is it is harmless so tell yourself this is withdrawal nothing more.Keep going honey you can and will get through this.love to you.X

Morning Suzy l know you are scared honey but you really haven't been holding very long.It is relentless however given enough time things will ease of for you.Remember this don't expect to be withdrawal free you will get the withdrawal symptoms to a level where they are manageable and that is what you are aiming for.love you.X

Morning Twiny thank God l wasn't able to sit down for a day or two there

😂. Well as long as you promise to take it easy l am happy.l hear there is an outbreak of mice in NY just saying 😁. Just tell your doctor you want to hold longer don't say you are feeling great.I am sure he won't have a problem with that.Enjoy your day honey.love you my lST.X

  Morning Intend how are you my lovely?Have you made another cut yet?l have saw a lot of people here on very high doses so l can't imagine there would be any comments on your dosage.Love to you and Dan X

. Morning Olive that is a big 🐈.Is it your cat?Did you get your cat's back? love to you.X

Morning lady Mary it lifts me when l see your posts.l know you are in excruciating pain honey l really do hope it eases for you.Are you finding any help from the new diet? Keep going honey l believe this will settle down.love you my lady Mary HenX

  Morning Final you really are between a rock and a hard place.Niw these drugs turned on me many many years ago however l still hold.Why?I do it to allow my brain to adjust on the journey off.l also believe we heal as we taper.Now l will never feel good on these drugs however I have tried to push through and ended up in hell so really we must decide which we are prepared to deal with.That is just my viewpoint honey.We will support you no matter what however don't discount a hold.love to you.X

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Well folks no news this end.l am going up to Belfast to talk to the consultant to see where we go from here.Hopefully now the weekend is over things will be moved along at a brisk pace.Thinking of all here.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi Stut,

Good luck in Belfast today.  I hope things move along quickly now that is a weekend. Hope your sister  is feeling better today.  Praying that all goes smoothly for you and sis and you an get eome.much needed rest. Let us kmow how it goes.  Love you Suxy.


Thanks for.the support. You always put things in.perspective and talk about bwd in a wsy that does not trigger fear.  I bet you werebthe best nurse ever!!!















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Did you ever hear of myofascial yoga? I swear that the myofascial release i did on my back.muscle helped. I am going to yry the yoga it is supposed to help with pain. Read about it and you to gp amd all muscle pain ppl. Worth a try.  Hope that diet is starting to help  mm. Fingers crossed.  Love you dd pebbles


Remembet kazoo? Lol

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hi everybody.you can see my history from my sign.Short story, even the worst times of my history, i have never had nausea,diarrhea,palps etc.These feelings are terrible.I am having them for just one week and palps for one month. I am on remeron support group. They always have said that you should stabilize. I have been holding on it app. for 2 months. But while as if the things go worse, holding can't make sense. What a shit crap?  I just wanna be functional for work and not being involved any meds like benzos. I have read Valley Um's post related to holding propaganda. What do you suggest?
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Mary, I had a ticker once.. then I got to 0 and was so excited but then reinstated and I was so depressed to move my ticker back to 2mg that I got rid of it. Maybe I will get one again.


I just brought it up because of the black cat ;)

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I have had the most difficult two months of my life. It looks like I hit tolerance withdrawal and just discovered it yesterday when I almost had to go to the hospital. You can see from my sig that I have taper very slow and taking many holds due to non-related benzo health issues. Two months ago I started having symptoms of crushing fatigue flu like symptoms and never associated it with Valium withdrawal, I’ve been holding at 2mg for 3 months

it started getting worse and worse and last night I almost had a seizure. It dawned on me then and I took 1 mg and symptoms went away. I have never had this happen from holding . Is 2 mg danger zone? Why do you think this happened? My plan is to take a half a milligram more and stabilize for at least a month or more. Do you think this is a good plan and has this happened to anyone?


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Hi Magnolis,  this is just my thoughts after reading your signature a couple of times.  You have tapered slowly but you have been very consistent with it.  Could it be tolerance , maybe but I don't really think so.  A lot of people start having a rough time as they get lower. Your brain and central nervous system are holding on to that last little bit.  If you can hold on, I know you feel awful, it may pass and you can move on forward without having updosed.  If you really feel the need to updose, you can actually kind of back your way into it so you aren't updosing more than you need.  If the 1 mg worked really well , today you could try .75 and see how you feel.  Do you know the amount the last time you felt stable?  What we are trying to do, is get you feeling better on the lowest updose we can so you don't have to taper more than necessary.  :). Mary
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice try not to worry about this sadly stress can throw you into a wave l am being hit pretty hard myself at the moment.l know you feel this will never end however it will.lt just takes so bloody long.Sadly it plays out whatever way it feels like and there isn't a thing we can do about it.I really hope your daughter gets sorted out and well done for sorting this out for her.You are an amazing mum.Stay strong sweetheart.

Morning Meems be aware all changes take time to adapt to so please don't change too much at the one time.Practice your breathing honey and try not to let the anxiety run riot.As horrible as this is it is harmless so tell yourself this is withdrawal nothing more.Keep going honey you can and will get through this.love to you.X

Morning Suzy l know you are scared honey but you really haven't been holding very long.It is relentless however given enough time things will ease of for you.Remember this don't expect to be withdrawal free you will get the withdrawal symptoms to a level where they are manageable and that is what you are aiming for.love you.X

Morning Twiny thank God l wasn't able to sit down for a day or two there

😂. Well as long as you promise to take it easy l am happy.l hear there is an outbreak of mice in NY just saying 😁. Just tell your doctor you want to hold longer don't say you are feeling great.I am sure he won't have a problem with that.Enjoy your day honey.love you my lST.X

  Morning Intend how are you my lovely?Have you made another cut yet?l have saw a lot of people here on very high doses so l can't imagine there would be any comments on your dosage.Love to you and Dan X

. Morning Olive that is a big 🐈.Is it your cat?Did you get your cat's back? love to you.X

Morning lady Mary it lifts me when l see your posts.l know you are in excruciating pain honey l really do hope it eases for you.Are you finding any help from the new diet? Keep going honey l believe this will settle down.love you my lady Mary HenX

  Morning Final you really are between a rock and a hard place.Niw these drugs turned on me many many years ago however l still hold.Why?I do it to allow my brain to adjust on the journey off.l also believe we heal as we taper.Now l will never feel good on these drugs however I have tried to push through and ended up in hell so really we must decide which we are prepared to deal with.That is just my viewpoint honey.We will support you no matter what however don't discount a hold.love to you.X

Hey twin, Dr appt over phew!! Went very well. Actually he said to me" so you're on 2.5 mgs of Xanax?" I said uh no I'm on 1.25 mgs, which is a lie as you know, and he said" oh that's not bad at all"  ;D.. and that was about it, then some talk about my general health and did I get a flu shot blah, blah, blah.. and then he said ok I'll see you in 3 months! I was the happiest woman in the world walking out of there  :yippee: :yippee: I'm very happy he's ok with maintaining me and thinking that 1.25 is a low dose. I may never tell him that I'm tapering so I can go as slow as I need and stock pile for worse case scenario. So all went well and I'm relieved..


I hope things move quickly with sis this week 🙏 , there's nothing worse than waiting for results. I hope you're getting rest and at least eating something everyday. Keep the updates coming. I'm always think of you. Love you much ,LST♥️

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hi everybody.you can see my history from my sign.Short story, even the worst times of my history, i have never had nausea,diarrhea,palps etc.These feelings are terrible.I am having them for just one week and palps for one month. I am on remeron support group. They always have said that you should stabilize. I have been holding on it app. for 2 months. But while as if the things go worse, holding can't make sense. What a shit crap?  I just wanna be functional for work and not being involved any meds like benzos. I have read Valley Um's post related to holding propaganda. What do you suggest?

June I always got worse during a hold. Day by day, week by week and then it all lifts and I feel normal again. That's been my pattern. Ashton I believe says to hold your dose for longer if it gets too awful. I think people confuse tolerance wd with lag time. I have held for 6 months and I have held for 3 both doing me a world of good but I had to go through some hell before things gradually balanced out.

That's my experience and my two cents. 🙂

Good luck to you.


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Hi Mary, how are you doing today? Are things easing up yet?

TT ❤️


I had a few better hours yesterday, brain felt like it was working pretty well, today so so.  Not awful just not exactly good.  Read the Dr went well  ;).  Good for you.  LY, way too many T's  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Mary, how are you doing today? Are things easing up yet?

TT ❤️


I had a few better hours yesterday, brain felt like it was working pretty well, today so so.  Not awful just not exactly good.  Read the Dr went well  ;).  Good for you.  LY, way too many T's  :smitten: :smitten:

Well that's not too terrible thank goodness. Sounds to me like you're healing. It's a slow process as you know.. 🙄 but it seems you're gradually getting there.

Love u ♥️,

Too many T'S .. sounds like an Indian name too many T'S😂😂



but I think you're gradually getting there 🤞

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Me too mm,

That is a good sign. How are the new excercises?


They are different but don't seem to be causing me too much trouble, keep your fingers crossed Pebbles  :smitten: :smitten:

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