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For Those Who Can See The Light At the End of the Tunnel...A Quick Poll


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Just because I like to torture myself by comparing myself to others (LOL), can you tell me at what point you begin to believer you were going to make it and whether you ct'd or tapered?  I'm 56 days today and have heard various stories about when symptoms peaked before folks were able to ride out the roller coaster that followed.  Of course we are all different, but aren't these the kind of questions we all want to know the answers to??  Thanks!


-when you started to believe you were going to get through this

-whether you tapered or cold turkeyed


Thanks for your time.  Love you all,


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I think for me it was when I got down to 2 mgs Valium in my taper.  I knew I would still have long months of healing ahead, but just knowing that I would not be taking a pill every day made a huge difference in my attitude. :)
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I feel i still have a little way to go in my Benzo recovery but a couple of weeks ago it dawned on me that i no longer have

to go to the chemist daily to pick up my prescription and my life does not revolve around taking tablets every day.


For me this is very freeing and i can see that progress is being made. I know i will get better but it is not going

to happen overnight so i need to be patient. Which is hard !


I am positive i can have a good life and one day i will look back on this experience and say, wow it was awhile ago but jeez it

was hard :) 

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I'm still tapering, but as I taper I feel better.

I hope it stays that way.


You will heal. You will get there :)



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I cold turkied at a detox (I do not reccommend this).  I have always felt like I was going to make it, but had my greatest hope that my w/d would not be one of the nightmare stories, you know...3 years out and I am still suffering horribly... when I hit my 4 month anniversary (when my symptoms took an overall positive turn).  The unknown can really haunt you, right?  I found the best thing is to keep the positive stories in the forefront of your mind.
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Just in the past week or so I have really started to feel like I am healing. The waves are much less intense and the huge window I had a couple of weeks ago was amazing. The past 4-5 days have really been the tipping point though. I don't feel 100% but it feels like the real me is really close to breaking through. It's a good feeling.
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I just want to say for me and dont get discourged by this! I think cause I had major shock to my brain it took a bit longer being c/t..But at month 7 was my light being shown thru  :)..I had so many sxs and being stuck in bed to lay there in such pain I had very hard time seeing the light..But in my heart I just knew I was going to fight and keep fighting until I was better and I did at month 7...So no matter how bad ur feeling and thinking you will never heal thats not true!!! You will just hang in there :smitten:


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At 5 1/2 months I had a 2 week window where I was completely symptom free...but then the nervousness and insomnia came back and has been really tough but always doable. I just hit 8 months last Saturday and I feel like the intensity has dialed down finally. It's still there, just not as fierce...so I don't think it's just a window because in windows I'm symptom free.


My husband just told me tonight that he has noticed that we used to celebrate good days, now we mourn bad days, meaning....the bad days are as infrequent now as the good days used to be...does this make sense?

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At 5 1/2 months I had a 2 week window where I was completely symptom free...but then the nervousness and insomnia came back and has been really tough but always doable. I just hit 8 months last Saturday and I feel like the intensity has dialed down finally. It's still there, just not as fierce...so I don't think it's just a window because in windows I'm symptom free.


My husband just told me tonight that he has noticed that we used to celebrate good days, now we mourn bad days, meaning....the bad days are as infrequent now as the good days used to be...does this make sense?


Makes sense to me  ;) I like that outlook. I'm 3 weeks away from finishing the taper and know there is time after that to heal too...but I can see some light  ;)

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