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Our pets


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Wanted to start a thread about our pets.  Do any of you have pets and would like to talk about them?  I had a blue-point Siamese cat named Lily for 16 years.  She was very sweet.  She used to jump up into my arms from the ground when I'd pat my chest.  She really trusted me and loved to be kissed on the top of the head.  I tried to always be kind to her.  She had to be put to sleep last February 26, 2021 because of a bad reaction to an antibiotic shot. 
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Becky. Lily was a very beautiful cat, and you loved each other. Losing a pet hurts so much.


My cat Mimmi:


I was living in the country with a large garden. And I took care of many homeless cats. Mimmi was black, with a white spot on her chest. She was so scared, and very, very skinny. I just wanted to cry. She lived under the woodshed, and I put a plate with cat food and water. And wormer in the food. But she didn’t dare to eat if she wasn’t alone, so I looked through the window. And slowly, slowly, I put the plate closer to my house. I tried to pat her, but she was so scared and run away. I could see and feel the bones, and it made me so sad. I really wanted to help her. 


And four months later it was fall, and it was raining every day. I was so worried about her. And then a miracle happened, she went through the door into my house! Food and a blanket on a bench, and she was no longer scared. She trusted me, and I held her in my arms. She was spinning, and she didn’t want to stop hugging me. A moment that I will never forget.  :-*  I’m almost crying when I’m thinking about it, I loved her so much. And then we visited the vet, and neutering and vaccination. And she wasn’t scared of the vet, she trusted him. The vet said that Mimmi was a very nice cat.


But then she didn’t want to go outside, and probably bad memories. Cats have excellent recall, better than dogs. And they remember the bad things that used to cause them harm. But now her life was about to eat and sleep, and she loved hugs. She always slept on my pillow, and followed me everywhere. And maybe a little too fat … But she turned 18 years old. Mimmi was a wonderful cat, and I miss her so much.




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Anna, can you post pics of your pets on this thread, or put a pic of one of them as your avatar?  That's a pic of my late Lily as my avatar.  Another funny thing happened when Lily was a kitten.  I got her when she was six weeks old and she was so tiny.  Every time she'd crawl up my legs to sit on my lap it felt like needles on my legs.  Her little claws were so sharp.  Anyway, one time when I was making my bed and the covers were on the floor, I didn't realize that baby Lily was rolled up in one of the blankets on the floor.  I was in my bare feet and stepped onto the rolled up blanket and Lily was in the blanket.  I stepped right through her on the floor and it didn't even bother her at all.  I thought that I killed her, but I didn't.  Lily used to be able to jump very high too.  Almost everyday she would jump from the floor to the top of the fridge.  She would always knock all the magnets off the front of the fridge and I'd have to put them all back on.  Then she would get afraid to jump off of the top of the fridge and sometimes I'd have to put a chair by the fridge so she could jump down, or sometimes I would just get her down myself by just grabbing her under her arms.  She had a good memory too.  Back before they had pull off lids for cans of cat food, I used to have to open her cans with an electric can opener.  I started buying pull off cat food cans about 15 years ago, but every time I'd use the can opener for something I was eating, Lily would come running thinking it was one of her cans of cat food I was opening.  That's how good her memory was. 
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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a cat last year!

I didn't really want a cat, or pet it just kind of happen.. I've always been more of a dog person, but my last dog I had for around 19 or 20 so years passed and I was gutted for awhile over it


Someone drop this cat off the side of the road in the mountains. She was about 1 year old. Who does that shit? Anyway my mom snatched her up and brought her home and I hated it..not the cat just having a pet. She of course picked me to bond to and I named her Satchmoe. Now I love her to death and guess I'm stuck with a cat now.


As for the name, I have no clue. weellll... my dad use to make up songs and would throw in "satchmoe" into the lyrics and I always thought it was a funny word.


Turns out satchmoe is the name of a famous trumpet player! He must of heard the name during his childhood and thought it was just as funny as I did.


I can't play with her as much now, but luckily other people in the house give her love and play with her lots.

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I'll never have another pet ever again.  Lily was my last pet.  I'm too sick to deal with a pet anymore. 
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I didn't think I'd ever have another pet either nor did I want one. But I understand where you are coming from.. I'm so glad I have help with taking care of her because there is no way I can in my current state. I hope she understands that I'm not mad or hate her.. No joke, this is a fear I have often in withdrawal. That I'm hurting my cat. I don't know if that is the depression or what.
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  • 3 months later...

A 17-year-old cat named Mercury, who likes to chase mice, jump up on tables and beg for cat treats.


An 11-year-old cat named Titan, who also likes to jump on tables, and also leads me to his food bowl to show me his food.


We also have a dog named Sabrina.  She is light brown and is a mixture of poodle and some other small unknown type of dog.  She'll eat anything she can find, including dried worms -- yuck!  I think she is 7.


We have a female cockatiel who chirps whenever she hears us waking up in the morning and when she hears a family member's car approaching our home.  She enjoys eating sunflower seeds, millet, and apple.

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  • 11 months later...
I got a cat while I was on benzo. She has been with me through thick and thin to present day and we built an inseparable bond. Animals truly have unconditional love. She had to deal with my absolute worst and stayed close to me no matter my temperament. Also had to deal with two moves during those dark days and got through it together. I spoil her and treat her like a princess nowadays.  :thumbsup:
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Sorry about your cat. I bet you really miss her. At 15 months into WD I adopted a long haired rescue ChiWeenie. We were both a mess. Perfect match. He’s my little shadow and goes everywhere I go. We’ve both calmed down so much since then and he goes to doggy day care twice a week to learn socialization skills since he spent 1 1/2 years locked in a bathroom with cats before I got him. He also got thrown out of a car, and that’s how he got rescued. He has a sister, but the owner won’t give her up. Since we were both essentially left by the wayside, we have a lot to offer one another. I think he needs a little friend but I don’t feel strong enough to care for another dog.
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I got a cat after 4 months of withdrawal. A living being to not have to explain anything to. A very very fat ginger 6,5 yo called Stan. He makes me happy when he wiggles down the stairs.
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My 2 dogs-Yorkshire Terrier’s-are better then a weighted blanket! They have not left my side. Sugar stays against me on the couch, Bentley basically lays on top of me while I sleep, regulating my heart beat and putting pressure on my nervous system.

I live alone and without them I do not believe I would have survived this long.

Night terrors? I wake up with 1 of them licking my face. A : a.m. panic attack? I open my dyes as nd they are ‘running’ to get on top of me. I awake just fearful of facing yet another day of hell? They demand to be fed and if I try to get back in bed they jump on me, bark and simply won’t allow it!

I’ve desperately wanted to go to the ER-knowing full well it would do nothing but be hideous, yet shdd Ed n that urge of complete and total panic of seeing no other way out? Them. I ride it out with both oc them ‘hugging’ me, breathing with me….

My dogs are my world! ❤️

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My cat, Lily, had to be put to sleep in 2021.  I'll never own another cat ever again because I'm too sick now.
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Great thread!!


I have a control freak border collie, not the one in my profile but I'll change it later.  Thats Seamus who lived to 14 and was my heart dog.  I have aa 4 year old BC now that wants to take charge of my schedule.  I also have a 11 year old Labrador who is my husbands dog.  We do scent work and herding mostly but lately Ive let. my husband take over the work as I don't feel that great.  Now, our bc has bonded with him and I don't have that close relationship with him even though I feed and walk him.  He jumps in J's lap and ignores me.  I still love em both and can't imagine life without them.


Going to change pics now :)

Thanks for a fun thread.


Alycant who doesn't own a cat lol.

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I had a wonderful “Swiss Mountain Mix” rescue 70 pound dog whose health failed in January. For 10 years she was my walking companion and motivation, and my closest companion. I still have her collar which has traces of her scent.

I also have a persnickety tortie cat who loves only me but scratches me if I pet her one more time than she desires. She is happy to be the only pet! But not exactly a comfort animal.

I have found real pleasure watching a Facebook feed called Bordernerd ; it’s a woman who trains dogs and rescues neonatal kittens with the help of her charming BC.  So much  fun, love and TLC, I recommend it for a smile and happy thought.

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I used to have a tortoise-shell colored cat and she was mean.  She used to attack people all the time and me too.  She lived to be 22 years old and I kept her since she was a kitten.
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Becksblue, that's what I'm afraid will happen! She's 13 now but very spry!


I'd like to get another dog, but my furniture is better off since she's the only pet. We originally got her as a companion to an older male cat, Zeus, but they never got along. He considered himself ruler of our neighborhood and home.

If I could figure out how, I'd post a picture.

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My avatar is a pic of my late Lily.  She was a blue-point Siamese.  I can barely take care of myself now which is why I'll never have another pet ever again.
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I had two beautiful cats. Stanley and Angelo. Both have sad stories but their time with me was beautiful and I loved them with all my heart, still do.
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