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2-Year Anniversary of Benzo Album


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Two years ago today, I released an album about acute benzo withdrawal with the help of another friend that I met on benzo buddies. I did this for several reasons. The first was to provide an inspirational work of art to help others going through withdrawal. The second was to use the album as a way to publicly announce my struggles to the people who actually knew me. And the third was as a distraction from the suffering. I released the album when I was about 23 months off Klonopin cold turkey so all the songs were written from months 0-23. I was still really struggling at the time but now at 47 months off, I'm feeling a lot better. Here are some links to the album today in case anybody is interested who might be struggling (you can stream for free). Maybe this album could provide some hope. It does get better.






Bandcamp: https://comebackk.bandcamp.com/album/get-well

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