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w/d tapering DOES anyone have gas and bloating?


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Hi everyone.

I am in the process of tapering...I am at 1.625 mg of clonazapam for 1 more week...i've noticed since i dropped I have severe bubbling gas and bloating in my stomach..so much so that it pushes up on my diaphragm which then tickles my vegas nerve and makes me have skipped beats . ( i have a history of benign pVC's or skipped beats)


Does anyone else get this horrible gas and bloating where it just sits in your stomach, right under your ribs?  It also goes all the way through to my mid back as well, which hurts...intermittely ...


PLease help me try to understand this could be a w/d symptom/





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Yes, this is classic hyper-arousal of the autonomic system: we are all fight or flight and NO rest and digest. When I am stressed, I have trouble digesting..but it was rare


Now that I am reducing valium I have constant painful bloating: I look pregnant and sometimes when I am hungry I cannot put food in....


its miserable.


I need to eat less and eat clean clean clean: small meals, fasting, digestive enzymes, probiotics. People her suggest ginger and peppermint to help too though I've not tried the latter


And yeah my pushes on everything including vagus nerve. My heart can feel sore but only when I am bloated...kind of scary but the heart is just a muscle too..


May God Bless you

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I understand. I so sorry you are having to go through this as well.  Yes, the bloating and GAS that bubbles in my intestines/stomach is constant.  Do you suggest anything that helps?  GInger actually is a 'warm' element, and makes me have more problems with inflammation and heat like with sweating...so i avoid it.


THank you for your help, and i wish you the best as well



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perhaps a good probiotic or digestive enzymes


I keep a food diary too. I used to love raw broccoli - it almost kills me now


Peppermint: perhaps? Keifer helps me!


No wheat, dairy, sugar, or sodium for me....a little too much cheese...hurts too


I'm sorry and I hope the best

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Thank you for your suggestions. I am on a great probiotic, as i have a gastroenteroligist due to my IBS and hx of diverticulitis, so i checked with them prior to my starting my taper....i eat very little,as anything at all in my stomach causes the gas to bubble up bad .





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