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Have you been told it’s ADHD?


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My current psychiatrist took me off klonopin when I came to her. She doesn’t know what I was like before that. She tells me that my lack of concentration and memory problems are from being extremely ADHD. I have never heard of anyone becoming ADHD after they were 50 years old. I did not grow up with the concentrate and memory problems I have now.  :-\

I was prescribed klonopin by 2 previous doctors over several years.

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Unbelievable! I'm so sorry that your doctor said that to you. That is completely incorrect. They must be unaware of how benzos affect us, our minds our bodies are organ systems it's unreal. Don't pay any mind to that crazy talk. You need some kindness and understanding not being told something that makes absolutely no sense. Keep On Keepin On! Hugs!



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Can you tell us how long ago your Dr took you off Klonopin and what your dose was?  I hate fact that you were labeled over what are most likely withdrawal symptoms.  :tickedoff:
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It has been suggested to me once or twice during my withdrawal that perhaps I have ADHD. Not doctors, just a family member and as part of a flowing conversation. We didn't dwell on it. I kind of relate to the diagnostic criteria to be perfectly honest, however, it is clear that withdrawal has amplified traits in me that might be somewhat ADHDish.


Don't worry about it. Benzo withdrawal can manifest in plenty worse ways e.g. psychosis, mania. A psychiatrist will look at you now and diagnose you on the basis of the symptoms you present with. It would be harder to justify prescribing medication if they were to look to deep into your case to cast doubt on the diagnosis.


How long since you quit Klonopin? How are you feeling, apart from the ADHDish part you've already told? Seems like your instinct is that this diagnosis is preposterous and based on what you're telling us, I tend to agree. Benzo withdrawal syndrome can mimic a variety of psychiatric conditions and personality disorders. Come to think of it, exposure to stress can bring out symptoms of psychiatric conditions too, e.g. as in situational depression. Frankly, I think a lot of it is pure bullshit. The game seems to be "what label may fit to justify prescribing drugs in order to get paid?". It seems to me that there's always a label that can be found to match.

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