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New Years resolutions while we’re in wd


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I just thought it might be nice to share some plans of resolutions that might help us focus on something other than or to help with withdrawal.


What did you used to enjoy doing before u got sick? What plan can we put in place to help u slowly but surely get back to the things that u enjoy?


I plan to start getting back into excercise, I want to rejoin the gym, start doing some weights again (nothing crazy)  :D Before I got sick I was a half marathon runner and a major gym bunny. So I am going to start working towards getting back there.  8) I also am going to start looking for work. I’ve decided to start with maybe volunteering one day a week, getting my sea legs back, then getting an actual job. I also want to study. I know these plans are big, but I have been sick for 2 years... and I’m finally starting to feel more like myself so I’m really itching to get back to life. Will I be able to do these things? No idea but I’m going to give it a red hot go.  :)


Would love u guys to join me. It might mean sitting on the lounge to watch some tv when u have been bedridden. It might mean working towards talking to people when u have been suffering from agoraphobia for a long time. Reading small amounts when cognitively u have been unable to grasp the plot of a story. Walking to the end of ur street and back when u have been unable to leave the house. I have been there trust me. I know it’s hard. But we need to keep moving towards the light...


Let’s set some small goals to achieve to make us stronger, and get us back to where we want to be, no matter how small... baby steps are still moving forward.  :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great thread Shay! I'm hoping to do more walking. Less time bedridden. Start back drawing and painting. Began driving again. Quit smoking. Have a happier family life. Picnics in the park. Travel somewhere close for a weekend.

I hope you get all the things you listed. After the hell were going through, we need these small rewards to touching if out.  :smitten:

I know better days or months are coming. We just have to keep enduring until we get to the light.

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Unfortunately I used to enjoy drinking!! Was just thinking I need a hobby, but got absolutely 0 interest in anything anymore except obsessing about WD.


So I suppose my resolution would be to stop obsessing and try to move on

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Great thread Shay! I'm hoping to do more walking. Less time bedridden. Start back drawing and painting. Began driving again. Quit smoking. Have a happier family life. Picnics in the park. Travel somewhere close for a weekend.

I hope you get all the things you listed. After the hell were going through, we need these small rewards to touching if out.  :smitten:

I know better days or months are coming. We just have to keep enduring until we get to the light.


Great plans lady! U are well on ur way, u have made huge steps forward lately! All the cooking u did for Xmas! Unbelievable. I know I are gunna pack up a picnic and ur paints and drive to that beautiful park u live with ur little girl and spend the day really soon.


I think going thru this has made us all realise that the little things we take for granted when we’re well really are everything. It’s what life is all about. At least we will really feel that appreciation now. People that haven’t been sick are the ones who will continue to not appreciate the little things. In that way what we’ve be thru can be a gift. X

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Unfortunately I used to enjoy drinking!! Was just thinking I need a hobby, but got absolutely 0 interest in anything anymore except obsessing about WD.


So I suppose my resolution would be to stop obsessing and try to move on


I know exactly what u mean mare. It’s horrible isn’t it. Every waking moment spent thinking about it.


I was walking at the beach yesterday and I was thinking about the constant fixation on wd and sxs must create a feedback loop in our brain that we keep playing out day after day. I was feeling terrible and sad that it was a beautiful day and felt I needed to be present and stop thinking how bad I felt. I looked around me and saw what a great day it was, the sun was shining, the beach was beautiful, people were happily playing with their kids, and I just had a feeling of “it’s ok”. Then I remembered how 2 years ago being on the beach was impossible almost for me. So I decided to try and “act normal” so for the rest of the day I did and I had a great day. Sometimes I worry that the loop will never go away if I don’t try really hard to break it. Our minds are powerful.


So I think ur resolution is a great one. Break that “always wd” loop . Harder to do when u are very unwell but even small distractions from it will get u closer to a strong mindset. Great plan mare!

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I am going on a diet on January 1st.  I'm going to do a low carb, sort of modified keto diet.  Basically cutting out sugar and watching my carbs.  I am hoping to lose some weight, and also to reset my migraine headaches.  Last time I did this for about three months and I lost about 8 pounds and didn't have a headache for about 4 months.  Since then, I slowly got headaches back more frequently, so I have high hopes that this will slow them down again. 
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Yes greencup! I’m so glad u got some improvements last time u did it! I think that’s a great way to start a new year!


I am also starting Keto in the next week. I have read a lot about how it helps with glutamate and I also need to lose a little weight.


Did u find the first week was difficult? I’ve been reading a little about keto flu which scares me a bit.

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I've never been much for resolutions lol.  But, this next year I do have a few things I want and need to get back to.  One is yoga.  As soon as any centres re open, I will take up some classes.  Everything is closed now.  And this hopefully leads me to making some friends,  I've been lonely in this town.  I moved here 1.5 years ago, started to go through withdrawals and then covid hit.  I lost my job.  So, I've been home alone for a long long time now.  So, I want to make a small circle of women friends. 


I'm looking for a job right now.  I have to, so it's not really a resolution.  :)

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Healing I'm in the same boat as you. I moved to where I am and got sick before I can get settled in good or make friends. I'm still sick/ recovering. I'm hoping my healing speeds up soon in this new year because I also want to be in a ladies group. I want to start a benzo support here. And I want to be well enough to welcome my new grand baby by April. I'm praying!!!!!!

Happy New Year to all and may you heal nicely this year.

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I've never been much for resolutions lol.  But, this next year I do have a few things I want and need to get back to.  One is yoga.  As soon as any centres re open, I will take up some classes.  Everything is closed now.  And this hopefully leads me to making some friends,  I've been lonely in this town.  I moved here 1.5 years ago, started to go through withdrawals and then covid hit.  I lost my job.  So, I've been home alone for a long long time now.  So, I want to make a small circle of women friends. 


I'm looking for a job right now.  I have to, so it's not really a resolution.  :)


I feel like this is going to be a great year for you healing. Yoga and making friends will come. It must be very hard with covid going on.


I was hoping to look for a job soon too. Like you I have to. But waiting til I’m a bit more stable first.


Do u like reading healing? We have a book club if u would like to join x nice bunch of ladies on there and it’s a good distraction x

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Healing I'm in the same boat as you. I moved to where I am and got sick before I can get settled in good or make friends. I'm still sick/ recovering. I'm hoping my healing speeds up soon in this new year because I also want to be in a ladies group. I want to start a benzo support here. And I want to be well enough to welcome my new grand baby by April. I'm praying!!!!!!

Happy New Year to all and may you heal nicely this year.


You have something lovely to look forward to with ur new grand baby x ur gunna walk into that hospital and hold him or her I can feel it x

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Shayna - I'm not doing strict keto, so hopefully that will avoid the keto flu.  For example, I am eating applesauce, which I truly feel is a healthy thing and will not make me gain weight and it is unsweetened so all the carbs are from fruit.  I know this is not keto, but I modify it for my own sanity. LOL. 


LadyDen - I moved here two years ago, and was so ill with benzo withdrawal, I too, did not make many local friends here.  I have often thought about how I wish I lived somewhere else, but it's like you say, I just didn't make any local friends yet. 

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