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friends...what if these things are permanent? the way im feeling? what if im stuck with these thoughts and i have ocd permanently now? i didnt have them until i came off zoloft and then benzos csme in. now ive come off a ton of drugs long story and everything in my brain got worse! along the way soneone told me about a few people who did awful things allegedly bc of meds and now those names are stuck. and its one of those things like you dont notice a blue car until you own one and now you see them everywhere. gosh i hope im making sense.  am i just insane now
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I understand that. I was reluctant to be put on meds. I have always been anxious (without panic attacks) and have some suppressed anger. I thought I was doing something healthy and responsible by going to see a therapist. When I was at the moment of my life of really wanting to try, I was instead destroyed by ADs, anxiety pills, and benzos.
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Think with me it's not really true OCD more severe anxiety that's triggering the intrusive thoughts, mental symptoms are really hard to deal with. Think the feeling you are never going to get better seems par for the course, SSRI's largely responsible for making mine lot worse. We just have try believe others who say will eventually get better, hard I know, and no you aren't going mad.
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yeah over 1100 days now leann. in the beginning i was fine compared. just inteusive rhoughts but could work and hadnt been tortured by my fsmily and drs in psych wards. i dont know. i still loved life. now im not so much
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Sorry you are still bad, I could cope first 8 months sort of, still managed get out, been nightmare since on SSRI's anxiety went off scale. Want to believe it will improve but hard to feel positive when goes on and on. I did think about psych ward but seems very bad idea just seem pump you full more pills. Just have to hope a window is coming😃
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I'm very remorseful because I could've avoided all this easily had I only went with my gut feeling, rather than paying through the nose to clueless physicians for the wrong advice. TBPH coming to this forum didn't really help either. When you're in thick of it and need urgent advice, the forum's useless. Had I registered earlier, I would've found a treasure trove of information and wouldn't be where I'm now. However, I never knew I needed any more info than what is found in Ashton Manual, but it turns out the Ashton Manual is full of errors. I went from almost completely asymptomatic to cold-turkey hell, for no real reason, and now don't know what to do.
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I’m just 3 months into my taper and constantly angry with myself. I think about all the years that I was not on any meds. I had my last child in 2010 and was pushed by my mom, a retired therapist, and family that I’d need to get on Prozac after I gave birth. I’ve been a mess since then. Every year getting worse. When I wasn’t on psych meds, I worked and socialized. I used to think I was the comedian of a group! Now I don’t feel or see humor. I’m not me. It’s terrifying to think that this is the new, permanent me. My mother tells me, that in her professional opinion, I should be on many meds and maybe I should go to a psych ward. I’ve begged her to look into benzodiazepines but she won’t. This woman went to a university! She believes drugs saves everyone!
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They are not clueless in spite of going to the university, they are clueless because they went to the university. They are taught wrong. These drugs only cause problems.
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They are not clueless in spite of going to the university, they are clueless because they went to the university. They are taught wrong. These drugs only cause problems.

.  You’re right. But my mom believes all other studies and new evidence about a lot of other things! She tells me that I’m just depressed and need to be on an antidepressant and antipsychotic. Those things made me so crazy. I wish I had never gone to a psychiatrist. I still feel no improvement but my adult children have really paid attention to what’s going on with me and vow that they will stay away from psych meds.
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You’re right. But my mom believes all other studies and new evidence about a lot of other things! She tells me that I’m just depressed and need to be on an antidepressant and antipsychotic. Those things made me so crazy. I wish I had never gone to a psychiatrist. I still feel no improvement but my adult children have really paid attention to what’s going on with me and vow that they will stay away from psych meds.

The worst thing about those studies is that when they say antidepressant X works, they cherry pick a few studies where they work only marginally better than placebo, and leave out all the studies where they're shown worse than placebo and all the studies that point out the side-effects. Furthermore, the studies last up to two months, and based on that short amount of time they prescribe the stuff to people for years.


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scorpio my 11 yr old son vows to never touch anythingnin the psych drug fam.. when my husband had a seizure a few months back they offered him thorzine for nausea....um no thanks we will take a zofran or phenergan pls. keep your chemical zombie state




Edit: Removed disallowed content

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You’re right. But my mom believes all other studies and new evidence about a lot of other things! She tells me that I’m just depressed and need to be on an antidepressant and antipsychotic. Those things made me so crazy. I wish I had never gone to a psychiatrist. I still feel no improvement but my adult children have really paid attention to what’s going on with me and vow that they will stay away from psych meds.

The worst thing about those studies is that when they say antidepressant X works, they cherry pick a few studies where they work only marginally better than placebo, and leave out all the studies where they're shown worse than placebo and all the studies that point out the side-effects. Furthermore, the studies last up to two months, and based on that short amount of time they prescribe the stuff to people for years.












Anti depressants were a nightmare, they've sent me into this horrible world of thinking I'm going mad because of unrelenting anxiety and intrusive thoughts

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