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Funny things “normal“ people say/do


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I think going through what we are going through makes you resilient to the most trivial things. (Our silver lining is not sweating the small stuff) So I thought I’d start this thread not to insult but to have a giggle at the little things normal people think are so huge. ::)


Here are a few peaches I’ve heard lately....


-I’ve got really bad insomnia too. I wake up at 5am every morning. Me- what time do u go to sleep? - around 10. Me- oh so ur sleeping 6-7 hrs a night? - yes but the early morning insomnia is so debilitating (wtf) me- insert massive eye roll  ::) You poor thing  :laugh:


- overheard a girl talking about how anxious she was posting a photo on instagram and not getting any comments (honey, u don’t know what anxiety is)


- mindful minutes on the radio where the announcer was saying she was deeply depressed at not being able to get a coffee at her local due to covid restrictions and how she copes without said coffee. For the love of god  :D


Heard any gems lately?


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I'm digging this thread. I can't wait to read the replies. But, I'll be the first.


So, someone visited me about a month ago saying how they're tired of this covid stuff because they're so bored at home. I wanted to say so badly " are you trying to make bored to death a real thing?"  :laugh: How about you go right ahead to as many parties and nightclubs as you want. You think you're bored now, just wait until you're in the hospital with covid. ( not that I wish this to happen).

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Haha 😂 exactly! Usually in the pre covid world we couldn’t wait to get home from work/school. Now we’re complaining about being at home. I must say my house has never been so clean  :thumbsup:


So today I saw girls on the beach taking photos of each other’s bums in thong bikinis (obviously to post on social media) yes... Thanku kardashians Now when I take my kids to the beach all we see are bums. Bums as far as the eye can see.

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That's pathetic! And a disgrace! Selfie obsessed.

My neighbors are real strict with her kids playing with others because of covid. I called her to ask for play date with my daughter. Here's the conversation.

Me: hi girlie. We want to know if the girls can play today outside?

Her: oh I'm sure they'd love to but we are quarantining them. I don't let them out of the house

      except to ride their bikes, play in the yard or go for a walk. I'm scared of covid. Nobody even

      comes in my house except for my relatives, my friends and their kids.

Me: ok, well. Thanks anyway. Maybe you'd consider letting them ride bikes with their masks on. If so,

      please let me know. My daughter really miss you guys.

Me thinking as I hung up phone: what a load of crap!!! Any of those people in & out of her house

      could bring in covid. You either don't allow anyone in or you do.  :laugh: your kids can go

      outside but each kid riding their own bike is a covid possibility????  :laugh:

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Some people are over the top about it! That’s ridiculous. I always laugh when I see people driving their cars on their own with masks on. Hello! There’s no one with u! Plus where we live zero cases, so even more strange!
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Omg. He needs a good slap  :laugh:my hubby complains about not sleeping well too but can nap for like 3 hrs every afternoon. It’s quiet time for husbands  >:(
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Yes my husband can lay down for 1 minute & he's easily asleep. Like a light switch he flipped on! I'm so jealous. I've never been one of those people to fall asleep quickly. But I'm happy to fall asleep at all at this point. When he wakes up, he says " ohhhhh I needed that good nap. Felt so good."

I want to smack him and say stop bragging! Now give me that light switch!

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Yes my husband can lay down for 1 minute & he's easily asleep. Like a light switch he flipped on! I'm so jealous. I've never been one of those people to fall asleep quickly. But I'm happy to fall asleep at all at this point. When he wakes up, he says " ohhhhh I needed that good nap. Felt so good."

I want to smack him and say stop bragging! Now give me that light switch!


Men in general can usually just pass out! (Sorry male buddies That can’t yet) I saw a man asleep in a shopping centre the other day! It made me so jealous. I haven’t been able to nap for years anyway, even before Benzos. I think it’s a Mum thing x

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People on social media practically bragging about having depression, anxiety, and bi polar. Which, we all here know you just can't go about diagnosing yourself with the disorder  :laugh: I want to shake the person and be like, "you have no idea about debilitating depression and anxiety!"
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" I have a neighbor/brother/aunt who was on valium/ativan/klonpin for years and just dropped it with no problems. Are you sure you're not, well, catastrophizing? Being a drama queen for attention? Because they (brother, neighbor, whoever) didn't have the withdrawals you say you're having."


Uh huh.





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oh man...Icy and Katz... thats when a swift throat punch would just end that kind of rubbish talk  :laugh:


just kidding. I think  ::)

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oh man...Icy and Katz... thats when a swift throat punch would just end that kind of rubbish talk  :laugh:


I notice that lately mental illness has become a trend that everyone wants and I want to be like, "here, take it!" Lol


Katz, I have a sister in law who is on like fifty meds and tells my mom that I am being overly dramatic because she has never experienced what I have.


just kidding. I think  ::)

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maybe she hasnt experienced it because she is on 50 meds!  :idiot:


Ive noticed that too, its hip to have "anxiety" ... I wish I had the benign run of the mill anxiety that they are probably dealing with. Our kind is like taking a walk in the park too.... jurrasic park. :o

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Yes. Let them suffer through a half-hour long panic attack where you think your heart is going to burst out of your chest, your head explode, and your body disintegrate while you moan like a nitwit in the supermarket because you realize you've forgotten where you parked your car.



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Omg Katz were u at the shops and in the carpark yesterday when I went?  :laugh:


I know that pain. The carpark gets me every time. Even when I repeat to myself where I parked I still forget

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You guys are hilarious. I'm the one who always remember where we parked. If the parking lot is huge, I wrote it down. This was after learning the lesson while out of town at a mall....spent a long time to find our vehicle.

I hate it when people who know I'm sick say to me " you look good! How are you feeling?"  :boxer:

Me: there's no way in hell I look good laying in bed with my hair all over my head! Stop just stop!  :laugh:

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I know what u mean, I love it when people say, u have sleep state misperception. Which means I sleep more than I actually think. How I wish I had that. I wish I was lying about it.  :tickedoff:
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