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A set back of sorts


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Hey everyone,


been a while since I posted on here, had a very bad time of it two years ago but eventually returned to some sense of normalcy.

Unfortunately I seemed to have slipped back recently. Not nearly as bad as I was but enough to be quite upsetting.


After going on long cycles, runs and hikes a month back, now my legs are feeling like jelly, went out for a short walk yesterday and my muscles ached all last night. I have crazy muscle twitches all over my body, tingles in my face pains in my fingers and hands and sometimes the internal vibration feels like there's some heavy duty drilling going on near by. Because I haven't  thought about benzos in so long I find my hypochondria which I had mostly forgotten about has been overwhelming, can't stop thinking about MS, ALS or Parkinsons or something like that. I had a lot of these things and more two years ago so maybe it's just a return but because it went away it's harder to accept


I really don't know what might have brought this on but I wondered if I had undiagnosed COvid in March, I had to take time off work due to quite bad fatigue and a bit of a fever but I don't know , never got a diagnosis or a cough.

The only other thing I can think of is I started drinking alcohol free beer in August, I read quite a bit and most said it would be fine but I remember getting a bit of a buzz, and I wonder if even the tiny amounts in it triggered something, I know it sounds ridiculous but I guess I'm just looking for some sense in this. 

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I think you overexerted and that's the problem. I'd forget about the non-alcoholic beer being the issue, it would have manifested by now, as you would have had a reaction. I think you should rest, try to distract and stay away from any effort to self diagnose. What you had before was benzo withdrawal and what's happening now is almost certainly related. Nothing to do with MS, ALS or Parkinsons. They don't disappear for long enough that you can do long cycles, runs and hikes. Try and forget about these things if you can and don't go looking for other possibilities. It's amazing that you felt good enough to be so active but I'd encourage you to build up slowly when you get over this setback.


I'm 2 months out and upped my exercise modestly, pushed myself a little and had a reaction, so I held back. That was a couple of days ago and now I am fine, because it was only a modest increase in activity levels. I feel like I can try it again shortly and maybe I have built up some resilience. The key is that what I did had very little chance of flooring me. I was careful about that.


Glad to hear you've been doing so well up to this. You will get back on track.

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Hey gooner,

If it makes you feel better....I’m feeling the exact same.

31 months out. Almost symptom free. I was doing well for months.

Then I tried propranolol, I was on flagyl for severe illness (maybe Covid who knows), but those were over a month ago.

Randomly yesterday it felt like my whole body was dipped in menthol. Nothing specific triggered it. My only thought is the meds from over a month ago are affecting me now (unlikley right?) OR the MASSIVE amount of stress I went through last week is finally hitting me like a ton of bricks. I’ve never been so stressed out in my life....


So the symptoms that randomly hit me are the nerve skin sensations - like cold water is running across my skin, and electric zaps are zinging my skin. I’m trying to convince myself it’s just a wave and that I wasn’t fully healed yet. Because wtf else would cause random cold skin sensations to come and go in different parts of my body. MS? Yeah it’s terrifying.

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I'm 18 months out and exercise intolerance is my worst symptom.

I've been an athlete my whole life and used to working out very intensely and often.

In 2018 a 10 mile bike ride put me over the edge and created very bad symptoms.  I developed pots and became bedridden.

Eventually I recovered but still I cannot do very much exercise

Other than that I often feel normal

Also jelly legs arms

Weird nerve sensations

Like my nerve endings are all firing

Weak muscles


It's not ALS or MS its benzos

Crazy I know

It just takes time.

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