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P-doc Mocked the Ashton Manual & Water Titration


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So in my attempt to find a p-doc to help me through my withdrawal I had an appt with my 3rd one in a month on Monday. I had called him prior to scheduling the appt letting him know my situation and my expectations and he still agreed to meet with me - now I know it was just to take my $320!


During the appt -which my husband came to - he told me that there was no way what I was experiencing was withdrawal and when my husband asked him what he thought it was he said he "wasn't sure, but I know it's not withdrawal". I mentioned the Ashton Manual. He responded by laughing and saying "Oh yes, the Ashton Manual, we all study that in school and talk about it at our Pyschiatry meetings, etc." and dismissed it as crap, was unwilling to even say he'd take a look at it or google it.


He did however say that he would cross me over to valium but that the idea of water titration was "dumb".  He said that if I wanted to titrate he would go along with "my dumb idea". While smiling. I also talked to him about the idea of liquid klonopin in a suspension form and he was open to that as well.


Anyway, he said over and over "I don't like to see people suffer, you are suffering, you've faught the good fight, just go back to your 1mg dose and feel better again. I don't want to see you suffer" :tickedoff:


He also asked me why I wanted to get off it if it caused me so much suffering - I said "why the hell would I want to stay on something that I know does this to my body He didn't get it. Wrote me a script for 1mg pills and told me to take it and stop the suffering.



Well, when push came to shove, I called the next day and said I've decided not to go up in dose, but to stay here (at .5mg) and do the suspension. I told him I spoke to a pharmacist and told him how to write the script, told him I would return his other sctipt and pick up the new one.


He told me he would call me back - he couldn't find any info in all his psych books about a suspension... He calls me back and tells me he spoke to an expert pharmacist who told him that me cutting by small doses daily over 150 days from the suspension would be no different than me 1/4ing my pill over 4 weeks and getting off. I asked him if he was serious!!!! I told him I am living this nightmare and that is in no way true. He kept sayinng over and over that his Expert Pharmacist was the one he had to go with on this one.


Sooo, he mocked the Ashton Manual, Water Titration and is willing to write scripts for pills, but not in another form - he also listens to pharmacists instead of educated professionals.


so, now I am on the hunt yet again for someone to help me. I really want to mail him a copy of the manual with a note attached saying "You may want to read this so the next time a person in my situation comes in you will be educated enough to help them instead of taking their $320 and kicking them to the curb".


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Wow, you didn't tell me he actually said it was a "dumb idea". He sounds asinine to me. Honestly, he makes me so mad and I've never spoken to him. To think he lured you into his office like that.


I don't know what the deal is with writing a script for a suspension. I have a feeling the profits are distributed differently. Somehow the doctors must be losing out when it comes to whatever deal they've made with the pharmaceutical companies.


I'd like for others to weigh in on his remarks. I thought doctors were simply ignorant in putting us on these meds, but according to this idiot, they are FULLY aware of the dangers. They study it in med school and discuss it on a regular basis. Isn't this deliberate wrongdoing and therefore criminal or at least civil negligence??

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An expensive lesson.  He's a crook.


I had a bunch of those also.  I never got to the point where I was even allowed to discuss options. P-Doc just told me to stay on forever.  Yeah. Cause that makes sense.  Since he only wanted my money, I decided to taper off on my own.


That office never once called me back when I needed help. But as soon as I cancelled the appointment after I was done tapering, I got 6 call backs. 


"I'm Never Coming Back and I am Done Giving You My Money for You To Make Me Sick."


Taper without these fools ... it would be easier. I can't imagine going thru that more than once.

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Hence by belief that all psychiatrists are charlatans and shylocks and that psychiatry is a cult of money and greed.


I hope they all burn in hell.


Just my opinion though.

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Hence by belief that all psychiatrists are charlatans and shylocks and that psychiatry is a cult of money and greed.


I hope they all burn in hell.


Just my opinion though.


No need in beating around the bush amano  :laugh: 

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Hence by belief that all psychiatrists are charlatans and shylocks and that psychiatry is a cult of money and greed.


I hope they all burn in hell.


Just my opinion though.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hence by belief that all psychiatrists are charlatans and shylocks and that psychiatry is a cult of money and greed.


I hope they all burn in hell.


Just my opinion though.


It's likely they will.  :thumbsup:

Your wish may come true.


I explained the Ashton Manual to a Pdoc in Massachusetts and she was like "No"... it's all wrong!

She said, "While tapering, tell me your symptoms, and I can tell you if it's withdrawal or not."

I thought, "You're an idiot! Only if you knew!"

LOL, like she could really tell me if it was withdrawal after rejecting the manual. I already knew the answer.

I just wanted her input, which I knew it was going to be crap.




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