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Anyone like me here? Zero Sleep, Shortness of breath, Hunger pangs


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Dear Friends,

Please bear my broken english (especially when in dark depression).


It's been almost 40 months I am off from xanax completely. first and half years were pass somehow with positive thoughts and courage but these last four months just dragged my out and stoning me like a rapist caught by a mob.


it's been 2 months I am facing all time constant hunger pains after every 3 to 4 hours. I eat and get relief for next 3 to 4 hours. I faced it bravely for first 15 days but then it started hitting my sleep by converting it into insomnia. Now from last 15 days I am absolutely not able to sleep at night at all... no matter what I do I never sleep and if by chance I get it then after 1 hour wake up with horrible hunger. Tried omeprazole 40 mg cap a day + gaviscon after every meal for 10 days, benadryl syrup (though it always worked before when I need it occasionally) but no use especially I am surprised why benadryl is not working as it was a 100% sleep aid for me as I was taking 1 TB after every 10 to 15 days when sleep was tough to get.


I can only sleep after 12 or 1 PM (noon) till 5 or 6 pm after 2 days when I exhaust myself to the point where fainting is the only option. From last weak I have started having deep dark depression and crying spells first time ever in my life. It seems this symptom of hunger will never go away... I know I have to stay positive but life is fading...All day and night I am just struggling to survive as a sleep deprived shit. All the time trying to catch my breath...from last month all day and night I am living in constant shortness of breath.


My GP says I have ulcers in upper gut and need to take omeprazole for at least 1 month to heal...He recommended endoscopy but here it is too much expensive almost 200USD and I can not afford it though I want that test badly but there is no choice for me to wait for money.


Any hope?

Will I heal ever?

Will this withdrawal ever end really?

I took just 1 xanax o.5 mg every night for sleep for 7 years and it made me this???

My father and mom both are taking daily 0.5mg xanax for sleep since 10 years and they never have a single withdrawal symptoms...??

Does it only happen to sensitive and emotionally broken people?

Do we exist as minority here at benzo buddies???


I remember some doctor telling me "you are prone to take pain" Now I am agree what he said about me was right. I smoke 7 to 8 cigarettes daily...perhaps I am destroying my self but then I think to hell with it...what is left to lose anyway. What a corporate life I was living as leading IT Consultant. Everything has become a dream. My company, car, house all has been destroyed and now look at me...living like a monk not to get nirvana but to get out of the dark night of my soul.... May be I am losing it finally... may be! I wish I could show my tears to you.

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When you say that you have hunger pain, do you mean stomach pain?


Yes Jasmine, It's stomach pain...

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Hello Nasir - I don't have much info on stomach pain but please just hang in there and someone will respond soon with more info. All I know is that everyone gets better it just few takes longer but I promise you life will be back to normal and much better.....all you have to do is just push it few more days...Take care
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Hello Nasir - I don't have much info on stomach pain but please just hang in there and someone will respond soon with more info. All I know is that everyone gets better it just few takes longer but I promise you life will be back to normal and much better.....all you have to do is just push it few more days...Take care


Thanks dear. sometimes when we are broken, a word of hope is like a cool breeze in hell... ❤️

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Google something to do with non diabetic hypoglycemia and how to prevent it..Then do what you are told.....I had that too.
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In fact that's the cause of most of your symptoms. Relative hypoglycemia...Low blood sugar and it happens in benzo withdrawal....It mimics anxiety and panic attacks.
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For the insomnia I can tell you what helps me. I am in no way a profesional but I did rotate through a sleep medicine office and the techniques work for me but take some dedication.


I do sleep restriction. A good starting place would be only allowing yourself 5.5 to 6 hours of lying flat a day in your bedroom trying to sleep. Do not use bedroom for anything other than sleep or sex. Keep bedroom to a colder temp of 65-67 degrees and dark.


Keep the same sleep pattern. Mine is 12 am to 6 am when Im dealing with insomnia bad. once i sleep the majority of that time (85%) I then increase by 30 minutes a day. This program is tough but works.


You wanna only try to sleep for 20 minutes at a time. Dont look at a clock just estimate. WHen you dont sleep leave the room and read a book. I know it is hard to read when you cant sleep so then look at the words do the best you can. Alternatively have a light snack or glass of milk. then once you feel tired or about 30 minutes have passed try to sleep again and repeat as necessary.


Additionally i wear blue light glasses after 7 pm. I do not watch TV or use my phone for 2 hours before bed. No caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine after 3pm.


You can try to nap 30 minutes before 3 pm if you have something important to do but I would go without initially.


Try to estabilish a bedtime routine. For me it is drinking chamomille tea and saying prayers.


Do aerobic exercise everyday until you sleep. I like to ride recumbant bike or walk 4-5 miles outside.


Could even try a tent outside if you have a safe yard. For me camping is when I sleep the best. But I have gone into cycles of no sleep for years now and this technique alone gets me right after 3-4 days at most to finally sleep. And then it takes around a week or two to fill up the time slot to then add an additional 30 minutes each night/or weekly depending on how rested you are. You gotta stick to it, it is not fun, but works.


Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you sleep.


You can sleep. Your body want you to sleep. I believe in you.



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Research keeping blood sugar balanced. That will go along way to help your symptoms. Eating a balanced meal with protein, carb and fat every few hours will help a lot. If you eat in this way and keep your blood sugar stable that will aid in your sleep at night. Low blood sugar keeps your stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol high. If it is spiking during the day often you will have a hard time sleeping. EastWestHealing. Com has some good info on this.
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Google something to do with non diabetic hypoglycemia and how to prevent it..Then do what you are told.....I had that too.


Thanks I have read all about hypoglycemia long ago... It didn't help at all

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You can sleep. Your body want you to sleep. I believe in you.


Thanks Andrew, I don't have any kind of energy in me to get through this... It's too hard even to imagine.

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Research keeping blood sugar balanced. That will go along way to help your symptoms. Eating a balanced meal with protein, carb and fat every few hours will help a lot. If you eat in this way and keep your blood sugar stable that will aid in your sleep at night. Low blood sugar keeps your stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol high. If it is spiking during the day often you will have a hard time sleeping. EastWestHealing. Com has some good info on this.


Thanks but in this wave I don't have any other symptoms of low blood sugar except hunger pangs...even after horrible burining and pain in stomach if I don't eat I never feel lethargic... It's just pain...horrible recurring pain.

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Google something to do with non diabetic hypoglycemia and how to prevent it..Then do what you are told.....I had that too.


Has yours gotten better?

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